Army’s Best Warrior is a Navy Corpsman

| May 6, 2024

Friendly, light-hearted First Class Petty Officer

Navy hospital corpsman beats Army for Best Warrior title

Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Michael O’Connell and his mustache beat seven Army soldiers for the title in the noncommissioned officer field.

Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Michael O’Connell might be under the command of the Navy Medicine Operational Training Command but he can also call himself the Best Warrior. O’Connell took first place in the noncommissioned officer category in this year’s U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School Best Warrior Competition, in a big win for the Navy.

The annual competition took place last month at Camp Mackall, North Carolina, April 2024. The only sailor to participate in the competition, O’Connell went up against seven contenders from the Army in his category, beating them all despite the event usually being for the Army.

The mustachioed hospital corpsman is not any medical clinician. He’s a special operations independent duty corpsman and instructor with the Naval Special Operations Medical Institute at the Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center.

Task and Purpose

Rangers lead the way! Right behind HM1 O’Connell.

Category: Bravo Zulu, Navy

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Hmmmm …. are we certain he is not our own IDC/SARC???

Green Thumb

I wonder of Michael O’Connell got bored?


Ha! That’s funny. I can’t wait for the memes.


This warms the cockles of me black Irish heart. That mustache has Tom Selleck and Sam Elliot weeping with envy.


I’m pretty sure that’s Jack Nicholson from the movie “The Last Detail.”


Last edited 8 months ago by MustangCPT

Looks like a porn star mustache, or one straight out of the 70s.


Well he did fuck the competition.


Not even…
comment image


More like:


It most definitely is. That ain’t the mustache I was referring to.



Skivvy Stacker

As far as the mustache goes, that one is known in the field of us Epic Mustache Growers of America as the “Tom Selleck #1 [Magnum Level]”.


Ooragh, Doc! BZ!

Navy Corpsman:

“Usually a young, long haired, bearded, Marine-hatin’ Sailor with certain medical skills, who will go through the very gates of Hell to get to a wounded Marine.”

— Major Gene Duncan USMC(Ret) —

Semper Fi, Doc. Well done.

USMC Steve

I cannot say i agree with the marine hating part though. The docs I palled around with loved us, and hated the thought of going back to the Navy.


The Last Detail. Fucking greatest squid flick EVAH. I was shocked to hear Nicholson was not ex Navy. He was pitch perfect as a Fleet Sailor.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

He looks like Ernie Kovacs (which is a goodness thing)


You squids should not get too excited about this win over Army. The 75th Ranger Regiment and its battalions just fielded teams that won first place in the Best Ranger competition, the best mortar crew, best combat medic competition, and the international best sniper competition. 75th Ranger Regiment wins 2024 Best Ranger competition – Task & Purpose ( RTLW

Hack Stone

How many of them have the highly coveted and rarely awarded Precious Metals Recovery Expert Badge?


None. Even the inveterate Army badge hunters don’t have that one.

Green Thumb

And the Army goes rolling along….


SM1 Budzinski, in the movie “The Last Detail”, is one “bad ass” and comes in as the number three best USN movie of all time.. That white hat Mr. Nicholson wore in the movie was legendary. GM1 Mulhall had a nice pencil roll on his white hat. McQueen’s white hat in Sand Pebbles had those two little dog ears on the sides – all styles a lost art perfected in the tin can navy. Budzinsky has some awesome “liberty cuffs” on those blues too.

The greatest USN movie ever made was “Midway” (number one) and “The Sand Pebbles” (number two). That’s my opinion anyway.


Hmmm… let me check the DA6, I’m not sure who’s up on the roster today…

Skivvy Stacker

I only like layin’ ’em when they make noise.


That’s one Devil Dog Doctorer that ain’t skeered of no danger zone. He puts the competition on ice, man. He will never lose that lovin’ feelin’ for Uncle Sam’s Misguided Chil’ren.


Shovel pass to the King, he runs it in… touchdown!


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