R & D Considerations of TAH-VG

| May 6, 2024

At the risk of appearing to be clickbait, I’ll say upfront that this post may not be what you think.

Even though it may imply Research and Development, I choose “R and D” because “D & R” may conjure up another image.

Let me scorpion dance a little more… and have a little fun with speaking non-politically:


R indicates a radial tire — D indicates a Bias ply tire… D is for diagonal. The sidewalls will flex differently. The radial tire should run a little cooler. Also, a radial tire the same size as a bias ply tire should have a larger contact area where the tire meets the pavement because of the design. In the long run, the radial should have a couple of small advantages over the bias ply tire because the sides flex, and that should make the ride a little smoother, and under a nonperfect condition, having a larger point of contact with the ground could help control.


Although D relationships and R relationships are basically the same thing, they are often graphed, analyzed, and discussed in ways that seem very different. For example, although both D and R describe relationships between variables, D focuses on differences between groups, while R relationships are more concerned with correlation between quantitative variables.


From Scientific American: The volume of gray matter, or neural cell bodies, making up the anterior cingulate cortex, an area that helps detect errors and resolve conflicts, tends to be larger in liberals. And the amygdala, which is important for regulating emotions and evaluating threats, is larger in conservatives.


And now we get to it…

Although I don’t share his outlook on many things, politician Dennis Kucinich once said, “It takes two wings to fly,” and that spoke to me. I do think that the balance between views is important, and when one side is not available to keep the other in check, things tend to get out of hand quickly.

TAH-VG strives to be apolitical in its stolen valor investigations, although admittedly, the majority of the readership tends to lean conservative.

I was talking to Dave Hardin about a trend that seems to be developing, and he felt it warranted a post.

We are getting a lot of submissions on politicians lately, and those submissions tend to be about Republicans. One can make the point that this is because:

* Journalists tend to be liberal
* Republicans tend to serve in the military
* Heavy pressure to sway upcoming elections

Our friends at Military Phony recently complimented a journalist for vetting a political candidate and exposing him. The politician happened to be of the Republican variety.  MP told the journalist that they would support her in any way they can because she is doing it the correct way rather than many who report on embellished claims after they benefit from the claims and get into elected office.

She then immediately asked to have others vetted and submitted five more names. It was quite striking that all five were Republicans. MP stated that they do not do opposition research because they noticed all five were Republicans. One single Democrat was then submitted with service over 50 years ago, but only that he had served—no combat or other claims.

Then, the recent controversy surrounding Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas): https://www.yahoo.com/news/military-documents-contradict-rep-nehls-195833422.html

Also, the recent controversy surrounding Rep. Cory Mills (R-Florida), which TAH-VG published on: https://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=128709

The above are getting several submissions asking to investigate further.


The trend we are seeing is perhaps an effort to affect many political races heading into this November. While our mission is to investigate stolen valor, no matter the political party, this poses a challenge.

The challenge is that if we are flooded by journalists who may or may not be left-leaning and ask us to vet Republican candidates, it is difficult to appear apolitical. On the one hand, it is our mission. On the other hand, we don’t want to become a mere tool for opposition research.

We try to substantiate that claims were made before spending a lot of time gathering records and researching them. We also like to support journalists who do the right thing and vet people’s military claims before they get into office.

We suspect this balance will become a greater challenge as we get closer to the November elections.

*SIGH* Our burden to bear.


Category: Media, Stolen Valor

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USMC Steve

Another point to be made is that when a socialist democrat fucks up, it is kind of expected, as they are fucked up people. More is expected of conservatives/republicans, so when they fuck up, we notice it and object to it.


That’s pretty much the gist of it.

John Kerry and Dick Blumenthal (D) exaggerate or outright lie about their service in Vietnam and it’s swept under the rug by most mainstream news outlets.

Some overweight idiot town council member in New Jersey (R) claims to be a Navy SEAL, and you can expect it to be sung from the rooftops.


Were Kerry and Blumenthal swept under?
I remember both being significant national news.
That said, the idiot voters in CT still elected Blumenthal.
Kerry, not quite so lucky.

the recent uptick of Republican veterans running for office,
or already in office,
getting questioned, investigated, and/or exposed,
is MORE to do with the 2020 election.

Since 2020, all kinds of Republican veterans are coming out of the woodwork to run for offices everywhere.
This includes honest veterans.
This includes dishonest veterans.

IF Trump retakes the White House for 2025,
angry woke Democrat veterans (a growing populace)
will be running for offices everywhere
due to their anger of Biden losing to Trump in 2024.

With all these new hats in the ring(s),
with both honest AND dishonest Democrat veterans
making themselves highly public, and open for suspicion,
I predict the recent partisan trend will equalize itself,
if not reverse itself, as a whole new crew of junior Kerry and Blumenthal wannabes emerge, and some of them will get pinched for being embellishing lying assholes.

Last edited 5 months ago by MarineDad61

Kerry should have stayed in Viet of the Nam.
Blumenthal should have actually gone there.
Then stayed. Forever.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

kerry joined Navy Reserve in 1966 the year I was separated and went on the Swift Boats in 1968 or 1969 for 4 months. I decided not to Volunteer after putting in for a transfer to the boats after Gunners Mate GM1 got ahold of me and told me that he didn’t think that the transfer to the boats wouldn’t be for me. Maybe the low pressure air commpressor that broke down because I didn’t check it down in the Hole (boiler room) because it wasn’t logged in the cold iron watch log, so maybe the Navy thought at the time that I might have sunk a Swift Boat instead of the VC. I got AJ Phukin squared away and was asked if I wanted to ship over when I was getting short, so to make a short story long, If I had of went, Maybe I would have seen kerry or under his command with an extension of my service. Only the Shadow knows.


Looks like you really missed out on service in combat with a real war hero. As ordered by President Nixon, you coulda been motoring up the Mekong into Cambodia on Xmas eve of 1968 to drop off that CIA agent that gave Kerry his hat.


Let’s not forget all the war crimes the winter soldier committed that he felt so guilty about, that he had to throw somebody else’s medals over the White House fence. Because that made total and complete sense.


Yeah, when I went to the Vietnam Orientation Course for infantry officers, they taught us how to rape, murder and plunder just like the hordes of Ghengis Khan.


Was it seared into your memory?


Absolutely! Just like the memory of those VC skulls we used as coffee mugs.


On Nehls, They failed to mention that he should have had been awarded The combat action badge when his CIB was revoked. Also, normally you don’t put yourself in for that somebody else puts you in for it. So if somebody else screwed it up, not seeing this as his fault.

Last edited 5 months ago by 5JC
Green Thumb

It is his fault.

Any Non-fucking Infantry Officer (or otherwise) knows better.

Give me a break.

The clown knew better or he is a complete fucking idiot, regardless of political affiliation.


Well he was a sheriff so maybe there is something to the idiot part, But it looks like he was awarded a CAB in 2006 retroactive to 2004. He was enlisted as infantry.

So there are two questions here.

First how did he get a CIB since he already had a CAB?

Secondly why/ how did The CIB come under review and get revoked?

Green Thumb

He was enlisted in the Wisconsin NG. Got it. But that would make this easier to support or come clean if in battle. Actually, on secound thought, when does he claim he was awarded it? And where?

No clue about the CAB. He might and probably does rate it after the fact. But the CIB, no.

My best guess is PAC clerk error occurred. As to whether he knew or not or he he overlooked it or not, unknown.

But him wearing it? Even if he did see it was on there (ORD – or maybe ERB?), he knew better as he was a non-IN Officer. Even if he got it as an EM, an Officer (Congressional Rep) should be able to come forward and set the matter straight. Let’s see if he still wears it. I rated mine and I will be damned if I take it off.

Inexcusable and intentional mistake. He probably just though he would not get caught.

Other IN dudes on here feel free to chime in.


The CAB was approved in 2005 and retroactively awarded for actions dating back to 2001. While I wasn’t as steadfastly against the badge as many other 11Bs at the time, I did think of it as being another ticket punch for senior officers and NCOs. Where the CIB requires engagement in direct ground combat and is limited to 11 and 18-series serving at the brigade level and below, there’s no rank or exact action requirement for the CAB. In 2009, I loved seeing the chain-of-command board with the numerous GOs sporting their shiny CABs. Many were already GOs when the wars kicked off and would never have rated the CIB. An 11-series earning both the CIB and CAB is rare. Anyone outside of CMF 11 and 18 claiming a CIB is outright lying. It doesn’t matter if I just reclassed to 42A last year and still hold 11B as a secondary MOS. If we take fire, or if a rocket hits the building next to me, that’s CAB territory. On the other hand, it doesn’t matter if I’m an 11B assigned to BDE S3 and a rocket impacts five feet from me, I rate neither a CIB (no direct ground combat) or a CAB (being 11-series and thus unqualified). Heck, if I’m an 11B assigned to division staff on the CG’s security detail, I’m technically not qualified for the CIB. PAC clerks make mistakes, but we have individual responsibility for claiming what we’ve rightfully earned and can substantiate. I have an AAM that was pinned on me by my COL in front of PM-IVAS a few months before I retired. Only I don’t…I never received the certificate or the DA638, so that award never happened. On the other hand, I have an ARCOM I never formally received, but the DA638 popped up in my records six months after I left the Army. If I ever wore a uniform again, I’d wear that. The Joint Meritorious Unit Awards that JTF-NCR earned in 2020 and 2021, on the other hand, would be nice to display, but despite writing the joint orders I… Read more »


I always served in infantry officer slots until I became SF. The CIB was awarded to everyone with an infantry MOS who didn’t already have one after they experienced their first firefight. It was automatic. As the Company CO, I never even had to sign anything to approve it.

Green Thumb

Lets ask the Wisconson NG if homeboy was in a firefight.


So how much does opposition research cost? Because if it isn’t that expensive, I’m more than willing to pay for the other team to get theirs. If the media isn’t willing to do the job, I will do it for them.


Summary of media coverage of “Stolen Valor” politicians:

fm2176(R) – Bio reads “decorated combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan.” Media: “false narrative, fm2176 served in Iraq and Afghanistan but saw no combat in the latter and received no decorations for engaging with the enemy.”

fm2176(D) – Bio reads “recipient of three Bronze Stars for combat service, served with Delta Force and won our nation’s highest military honors.” Media: fm2176 did not embellish his career, he earned three bronze campaign stars, drove a HMMWV during a cordon for a mission involving Delta, and his unit earned the Presidential Unit Citation, the highest decoration awarded to military units.”

Republican me should be hung out to dry for having vague, if true, verbiage in my bio. Recall, impeach, do whatever you have to get me out of office. Democrat me should be hailed as a hero being persecuted for mistakes made by my campaign team, who simply “didn’t understand” military service. Solid victim status for my upcoming reelection campaign, and I should be a shoo-in for another term or twelve.

Daisy Cutter

Spot on!


Yup. Here ended the lesson.


I’m conflicted here….as all shitbags need to be outed but I do uinderstand your point of the needle for requests swinging more towards a particular bent but the other bigger question which also comes to mind, and in my opinion is the greater threat here….(to coin a well used phrase…) What difference, at this point, does it make?‘ (*fuck you bitch* face!) …my poiint being…
WHEN we do find shenanigans happening and then we VERIFY that shenanigans have happened by multiple sources (solid vetting) and then we announce and publish said shenanigans….what is the end result? What consequences ensue from our good works??
My disgust and frustration with the whole process is that it’s horribly skewed towards conservatism and the right…BURN THEM, JAIL THEM!! OFF WITH THIR HEADS INDICT THEM IMPEACH THEM!!! (*ahem*, Señor Drumpf) while others walk around completely unscathed by justice…or equal application of laws, rules and without any repercussions of any kind.
Until that is adjusted or fixed or reset, then in my humble opinion, the prior works are pretty much useless.
(rant off)

Green Thumb

“all shitbags need to be outed.”

Clear, concise, succinct and straight to the point.

pookysgirl, WC wife

R & D means “Research & Development” to me because that was the department I worked in. So I was immediately curious what sort of research TAH was publishing. Old habits die hard!


In the last half hour,
Nehls just put up a large photo of 2 Bronze Star certificates.
Blow these up, take a look, and compare to any DD-214 and FOIA.



Seems legit to me. I have definitely been awarded minor stuff and it didn’t show up on my DD-214. Or it had been there and they lost it and it dropped off.

Seriously, who’s going to fake a Bronze Star for Merit? It is the combat zone MSM.

Last edited 5 months ago by 5JC

Seems legit, at face value.
Often does. That’s the trap.

We already know who is capable of faking a Bronze Star.
VG has over a decade of tons of articles and stories of veterans
(and a few complete phonies) doing this very thing.

A Phony Bronze Star is hard(er) to catch than higher medals,
due to a lack of lists, and (now)
failing to fall under the Federal Stolen Valor Act of 2013.

And, in the event that Congressman Nehls created a fake certificate for himself, he certainly did a much better job than Teddy Daniels tried last year, with his stunt of posting 4 medals certificates, including 3 unverified medals certificates (for low fruit Achievement and Commendation Medals), that clearly reak of poor quality, with multiple errors in punctuation, inconsistency, orders dates, and signature authenticity.


My DD214 doesn’t list the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry that was awarded to my entire battalion. I know it happened because I was in formation at the award ceremony. The orders apparently never made it into my file.


DD-214 does NOT list FOREIGN MEDALS.


Mine list one foreign medal RVN Gallentry Cross.


Interesting. Thanks.


I had some trouble getting my awards, my congressman’s assistant tracked my records down at my last base. Records never got forwarded to national Archives. They sat in a file cabinet for 40 years. As they say oops!. I hope electronic records in use to day are better….


If there’s something bogus, I can’t see it. I’d rather see the actual orders, not the certificate.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Yep. Certificates are pretty, but let’s see the orders.

On mine, the orders are tucked in behind the certificates, along with the original recommendation, at least they used to be, the ex-wife put the certificates into frames. I would have to hunt down the original presentation folder.

The weird one was the CAB. It didn’t come with a presentation folder so I have no idea where the orders are. I did see them though, But it was just one sentence which I thought was strangely concise. Either way All of it is on my DD214.

Eric (formerly the OC Tanker)

In the Army of old, if any records still exists, a copy of the persons DA Form 2-1 PQR. I have mine converted to PDF format and will review it when I need to refresh a brain cell or two. The only thing not on my 2-1 is the MSM I was awarded as a 20 year parting gift (although, the award was forwarded to me afterwords because as per my 1SGT said 2AD ‘lost the paperwork’, he hand carried the packet thought) Got the cert and the approved award docs in a file somewhere.

Green Thumb

Infantry/SF (LTC or below) = CIB.


You’re right it would be better with those.



And the other


Handwritten “BSM” in Block 29 on this one
is less than convincing,
especially since Nehls didn’t bother to put up
PAGE 1 of either of these DA Form 638.

Last edited 5 months ago by MarineDad61

See my comment with DA Form 638 PAGE 1 sample below.
Nehls only put up (2x) DA Form 638 PAGE 2.

This is not good.
This is not good!


He has posted his 638 Forms. As a non-Army guy, I’ll leave it to those here with the SME to dissect it. Only thing I immediately notice as odd is a signature in blue ink.


If it is signed it is allowed. If stamped then, no.


Blue ink is officially allowed on Army documents, it’s just extremely frowned upon.


Troy Nehls only put up (2x) PAGE 2.
NO DA Form 638 PAGE 1.

PAGE 1 shows the details of the award recommendation,
and includes BLOCK 8,
that lists cumulative “previous awards”.

IMHO – Nehls is playing duck, dodge, and hide.
This is now smelling like a game of JR Majewski
and Teddy Daniels (who ALSO has DA Form 638 troubles) .

When we see 2 of THESE… then we can dissect.

Last edited 5 months ago by MarineDad61

And that’s why I don’t assume anything and leave it to the SME. Now, if it was a USAF document, I could help.


someone on X / Twitter caught this discrepancy with dates,
on the 2nd BSM certificate on the right.


It could be a clerk’s typo or error. I have a file full of my orders. About a third of them have my name misspelled.


Ok, that’s reasonable enough.
However, this is still not resolved.

Can ANYONE explain WHY Congressman Nehls is
HIDING Page 1 of his DA Form 638?

Showing a couple of DA Form 638 Page 2 signature pages is NOT PROOF of anything.

This part makes NO SENSE,
IF he really has 2 Bronze Stars.
However, if he does not,
he’s now in full on phony mode.


R’s are generally much better at “outing” their own SV types or embellishers and send them packing. D’s, on the other hand, make excuses, defend, and continue to re-elect their frauds.

RGR 4-78

Da Nang Dick approves of your message.


You bring up a good point, Democrats expect their politicians to be liars and thieves. So it isn’t any kind of surprise when they get outed. The only thing that really matters is keeping the poll Numbers high enough to stay in office.


Exhibits A and B. LBJ (Pres. Johnson) and Lurch Kerry.

Forest Bondurant

All politicians should be vetted, regardless of what party they belong to. Politicians (and those who aspire to be one) all have the propensity to lie, so their lies should be exposed to the light of day and exposed for what they are.

If you can’t trust a person with a small thing, you can’t trust them with big things.

Lying is a character flaw because it leads to more character flaws – and anyone with integrity and who believes a person should be held accountable for their actions finds liars to be reprehensible.

Green Thumb



^This^ I also agree that TAH/VG/MP shouldn’t have to do the heavy lifting for what may just be a political attack.

DaHell happened to all of the true “Investigative Reporters”?


If someone claims “x” and it seems unlikely, it is the duty of watchdogs like MP and TAH to expose them, regardless of political leaning. However, since most military claims can be easily verified by regular citizens/the press, MP/TAH should only get involved when there is conflicting information that can only be resolved by the military community/experts.


Sometimes there is no way to show combat duty. Such as when I was active duty 50 years ago. There was no Air Force combat medal/badge. That was a more recent development for the Air Force to issue CAB. It was not issued retroactive to those who saw combat in Vietnam. So in some cases you can condemn someone for saying they saw action with no way to prove or disprove it.


The opposite is also true. I saw people awarded combat badges for being on a fob that got hit with mortars even though they weren’t anywhere close to being in danger.


If they claim to be “journalists,” you can bet they overwhelmingly will be progressives. With few exceptions, there are no conservatives with any newspaper or local TV station. That is because they are mostly a product of university schools of journalism.


Like from Ivy League schools, USC, UCLA, GWU and others?

Green Thumb

I do not know. To me, if you are a turd, your a turd. Turds come in all shapes and sizes, levels of ooziness to include beliefs. In my mind, it should not matter. They all stink.

My issue is how some folks overlook the stink based upon political affiliation. Hypocrisy.

I get some cases are pretty tight (Batt Ranger versus Tabbed Ranger, lack of clarity based upon someone’s age, etc.), and we (TAH) do a pretty good job IMO of sorting that out, but see comments about political affiliation and hypocrisy above.

My two cents.

And to the post’s point: it will get worse.


The Hair Over There
just exposed a nut Phony Navy SEAL
running for County Sheriff in West Virginia (May 10),
only 4 days before the WV GOP primaries (today, May 14).

Phony Purple Heart,
Phony Bronze Star,
Lots of “classified” BS on the horn with Don.

See election results here…



Results of the election for Sheriff of Upshur County, WV.
Phony Navy SEAL Chester Zickefoose finished 3rd out of 3.


“Doug Bush”

I got a chortle outta that name.