Illegal aliens moving into Soldiers’ Home in Chelsea, Massachusetts

| April 20, 2024

Veterans earning more than $300 a month pay $30 daily to live at the Soldiers’ Home. The state of Massachusetts is apparently paying for the illegal aliens to stay here. As a result, Massachusetts Republicans and grassroots organization allies are campaigning to change that shelter’s law. This change, if implemented, would involve a residency requirement. People living near the shelter are also not happy about their opinions not being considered by the state government prior to choosing this location to house illegal aliens.

From the Epoch Times:

Rick Silva, who lives next to the Soldiers’ Home complex in Chelsea, is among neighbors who recently told The Epoch Times they are angry that the Healey administration never discussed her plans with them.

“We should know. I feel like they try and keep it quiet,” Mr. Silva, who works as a grocery store manager, said. “It’s like a sneaky move to me.”

Mr. Silva and other neighbors said they are concerned about criminal activity and other problems that have been reported at illegal immigrant encampments in the state and around the country.

In New York state, residents have complained of loud parties, prostitution, and drug use at places where illegal immigrants are housed.

In Massachusetts, the state was housing illegal immigrants at a hotel in Rockland, including a 15-year-old girl from Haiti. A man who was also living there allegedly raped the girl in March.

Mr. Silva, a former U.S. Marine, said he is also appalled that the state is housing illegal immigrants when Boston officials have idly stood by for decades doing nothing about homeless veterans. “We have all seen them for years wondering around Boston, why did Healey bring them here?” he said.

Under state policy, veterans who earn more than $300 a month are charged $30 a day for housing at the Chelsea complex.

Other neighbors, who asked not to be identified, said that veterans have to pay to stay at the Soldiers’ Home while illegal immigrants are being sheltered for free on top of being provided daily meals at the expense of taxpayers.

The Epoch Times provides additional information here.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Democrats, Illegal Immigrants, Society, Veterans in the news

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Hack Stone

Wife: What are you thinking about?

Husband: Nothing really, just the fall of the Roman Empire.

Wife: Why would you be thinking about the fall of the Roman Empire?

Husband: No reason. I think I’ll buy a gun and some ammo today.


Now Hack, I’m saying this out of love and with a tinge of concern, Reb and I have been more than just lightly suggesting for the better part of 3 years now (maybe more) that we all need to “Prepare” and you go ‘head and pull this shit?!:

I think I’ll buy a gun and some ammo today

My wife and I were in the bunker yesterday and ran into 1,300+ rounds of various 556 I’d forgotten about. (Could hear her roll her eyes because I was confused about how it got there)

It’s up at least 25-30% from when I bought it.

She likes money. Ammo is a commodity that ain’t getting cheaper. Ergo, she likes ammo.

Plan accordingly:


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Hack Stone

How do you say “No thank you for your service” in Spanish?


I’m sure Democrats will know; this is their whole idea.
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Amateur Historian

No, gracias por su servicio.

Soy una maldita gilipollos will suffice a whole lot better.

Old tanker

If you are a liberal demokrat and are referring to people who honorably served their country they use something like “chinga tu madre”.

If the liberal demokrat is referring to an illegal alien entering your state / community it is , “beinvanido amigo”.


This would mean there are veterans being turned away so that illegals can use resources meant for veterans. Really disgusting. I think we should repatriate this illegals to their home countries, using the same method they arrived at our border. Walking is cheap transportation.


Freight trains go in both directions. Load em up.


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Change it to “Vete a la Chingada” and you might have something…


Cesar Chavez wasn’t too fond of illegal aliens– he and his UFW men said as much while beating them (usually punctuated by “putos!” or so) I’m told.

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

And the madness…continues.



Open season, no bag limit


What the actual flying fuck?


“Veterans who earn more than $300 a month are charged $30 a day…” Am I the only one who’s done the math? Veterans earning $300 per month pay $900 per month to live there? How does that work?


Maybe it’s a typo and it’s supposed to be $3,000? That would make more sense and would be in line with someone drawing Social Security and/or a pension…


Googled it and this is straight from their website:

Veteran without spouse – $30.00 per day with a $300.00 personal exemption from monthly income. Income shall not include VA Aid and Attendance and/or VA Housebound, which shall be retained by the Home.

That’s for long term nursing/memory care. For straight residential it’s $10.00 per day with that same $300.00 “personal exemption from monthly income.” In addition:

Veterans are required to open a personal account with $300, and maintain a monthly balance of $300.

Last edited 4 months ago by MustangCPT

Gotta love when illegal immigrants, who continually flaunt their disdain for law and order, take priority of care from the government over veterans and American citizens. The great experiment truly is over.


When I was a kid my dad would point to the Old Soldiers Home
off to the right as we drove into Boston over the Mystic River
You could clearly see it because of the giant red and white
water tower next to it.
My dad would always say “don’t let them put me in there”.
We thought he was just being sarcastic and laughed.


Care of Veterans has always been spotty, at best. Which in itself is a damned shame. My GGrand Pappy was in The Confederate Soldiers Home in Atlanta when he passed in 1926 and had, as far as we can tell, good care. After the death of the last Vet, the home was used for the care of widows of Vets. The building was demolished in 1964/65. With the destruction of All Things Confederate, the street’s name was recently changed from Confederate Ave to Union Avenue.

Interesting brief history of the home and some stories are at this link. Well worth the coupla of minutes it will take to read.


Whatever happened to the semi-regular commenter who used to frequent TAH years ago? I forget his screen name, but from what I recall, he lived at the Old Soldiers Home in Biloxi, was a Commo guy in Vietnam, and was a musician.

As for this case, what do we expect? Those who served and who no longer have someone able to care for them or to take care of themselves obviously take a backseat to the waves of incoming Dem voters.


Anyone wanna take this one?🤣🍿


Anyone wanna tag in? 😜🍺


He got kicked out of the Biloxi home for being a racist asshole, if my memory serves. Radio repair guy with a fraudulent air assault badge. I see him on other forums from time to time.


Kind of a teetotaling Witgenfeld with a guitar. 🤣🍺🥃🎸


Yep, that’s the guy. I wanted to refrain from saying too much, just in case I misremembered, but I do recall him making some questionable comments here.


Yeah, the radio wrencher aka Bullwinkle Bozo got the boot and went back to Utah.

Forest Bondurant

Are you referring to John Robert Mallarnee?

I think this is him: John Elbert Mallernee Obituary – The Tennessean


Different guy. The guy in the funeral liked to smoke Winstons whereas our boy was a Mormon. As I recall, their religion forbids alcohol and stimulants, so coffee and cigarettes are forbidden as well. Plus, there’s no mention of Utah and it seems like this guy spent the majority of his life in Tennessee.


It’s a good thing they killed off so many vets at the home in April 2020, in the worst outbreak at a long term care facility during COVID. 84 veterans died in a few weeks after they crammed the sick and healthy ones together for no reason.

That really cleared up some bed space for the illegals.


The directors only got 3 months for killing 84 veterans, maybe they are still available?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Hopefully the nys gov. won’t try and do the same thing in having illegal aliens move into the FASNY Volunteer Fire Fighters home in Hudson ny even though it’s not state owned…Will wait and see. Been there now for 134 years and hope it stays that way.

A Proud Infidel®™

Likely because the D-rats in charge see the ILLEGAL ALIENS as future D-rat VOTES regardless of whether said votes are legal or not.

GOD help the USA.


This is a language alert……..
If you are easily offended, do not read.


Those fucking cocksuckers.
They fuck the poor, they fuck the homeless, they fuck the disabled, they fuck veterans and they fuck the elderly.

Most of all they fuck the American taxpayer.

A pox upon their home and their families.
May they rot in eternel hell for what they are doing to the citizens of this country.

Satan’s barbed cock awaits all of them.

Last edited 4 months ago by STSC(SW/SS)

Don’t hold back, Senior…tell us how you REALLY feel. You’re among friends here…we won’t judge you.

Green Thumb



The real problem is a lot of people don’t care about anyone else. They care more about abortion or getting a check and everyone else be damned.

We are headed toward a reckoning and not even Trump can stop it now.


Yeah, don’t sugar coat it.


That was pretty tame…where’s this offensive language that we were warned about?😂

Last edited 4 months ago by MustangCPT

I thought better of it.


Just looked like the regular military vernacular to me!


That’s what I’m saying. There’s no creative questioning of someone’s antecedents or any of the foul language I was expecting. Discretion is a good thing, taken in moderation!🤣


Nobody’s parent’s marriage was questioned, nor was the possibility of maternal canine DNA.


Hey, now…I’m not a bastard. My parents were married 4 months before I was born!🤣


And you were there!


In a manner of speaking…

Anna Puma

Shaitan’s rusty razor wire encrusted flaming c0ck of DOOM. And shove the pineapple in sideways.

Green Thumb

Fucking nonsense.

Curious as to who will justify this on camera.


I’m sure there’ll be someone, perhaps even a vet, who they will trot out to stand in front of the cameras and talk about how it’s a good thing. Maybe some of those clowns at IVAW or VoteVets.

Anna Puma

Beau Biden unavailable for comment


You forgot about Ensign Robert Hunter Biden. He probably needs a new gig since his Burisma no-show job went away and the market for his blow-and-go artworks seems to have dried up.

Last edited 4 months ago by MustangCPT

Wilson needs a jockstrap model…
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Since we are not allowed to know who buys his “artwork” and for how much, there is continuing opportunity for the wealthy to buy influence from Gropey’s criminal enterprise.

Green Thumb

IVAW and VoteVets = Losers.

Green Thumb


Get an older dude, get them good and liquored up, add a veiled threat and few extra meds and roll them out!


Truth be told, I worked for the USSAH in Washington, DC, circa mid-80s. Loved the place and knew EVERY soldier who lived there, by name. I was also the guy who collected the “User Fee” aka rent.

It was a VERY good deal and almost everyone knew it. There were some peculiar folks, in the broad spectrum, which included a guy who was in his late 70s and loved skiing, He was in fantastic condition and in the off season he hiked a lot.

Then… there were some guys hiding out from ex-wives and one very personable and funny guy died in the bed of his mistress, in a different state, and really screwed things up before he went down.

In any case, the Governor at the time was George McKee, a retired AF Lt. General, one of those private to general officer stories.

William Bainbridge was in “command” of the domiciliaries. He had been Sgt Major of the Army while I was still active duty and with the 4th Infantry Division.

We ran a tight ship, it was a great opportunity for me to talk with guys who went back as far as the Spanish American War, lots of WWI guys but mostly WWII and Korean vets.

There were some Vietnam Vets but most of them were “passing thru” and needed a place to be while adapting, improvising and overcoming”

Diabetics and alcoholics? Nah, they was “good people” just looking for the right path.

FWIW, I know where the Chelsea “Soldiers’ Home” is but it never regarded it as beyond Massachusetts.

The Biloxi facility was real, I used to there and just shoot the bull with anybody willing to tell stories!

Goddamn the Governor of Massachusetts.


Goddamn the Governor of Massachusetts

…and the rest of the assholes in their legislature who pretend to be our countrymen!


The birthplace of our revolution is now inhabited by spineless cowards, hellbent on sacrificing anyone and everything for what?

I’m not advocating it, but what is stopping some hard-charging Agent Orange suffering dude with everything cancer getting his LCE out of storage and using the last months of his life stalking each one of these assholes down LRRP-style?

The Burke/Mills Dilemma warns us that a good man’s inaction is required for tyranny’s triumph, if that Old Soldier graces this doorstep I will in fact do nothing.


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