Sunday FGS

| April 21, 2024

Mossy Maverick 88

Muncie police: Man shot during disturbance in pawn shop

Douglas Walker
MUNCIE, Ind. — A man was shot Friday morning after allegedly attacking two employees at a Muncie pawn shop.

City police were sent to KT Pawn, 424 E. 13th St., after dispatchers received a related call at 9:17 a.m. Friday.

According to Deputy Police Chief Melissa Criswell, the caller reported a man entered the business “armed with a blunt instrument and attacked the two employees, injuring both.”

One of the employees then shot the alleged intruder, Criswell said.

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The Star Press

The alleged intruder is hospitalized in a seriously perforated condition.

South Hadley man fatally shot in attempted robbery

CHICOPEE — A South Hadley man is dead following a shooting during an attempted robbery of a smoke shop and convenience store in Chicopee Thursday night, according to the Hampden district attorney’s office.

Robert Papalardo, 53, died after being taken to Baystate Medical Center in Springfield following the shooting. Chicopee police officers responded at around 6:30 p.m. to a report of an attempted armed robbery and shots fired on the 1200 block of Montgomery Street

Once at the scene, officers discovered two adult men, one of whom was suffering from a gunshot wound. Initial reports found Papalardo was believed to have attempted to rob the store when the gun shots were fired, according to the DA’s office. He was taken to the hospital.

The incident remains under investigation by members of the Chicopee Police Department, Massachusetts State Police Detective Unit assigned to the Hampden district attorney’s office, and the Hampden district attorney’s office’s Murder Unit.

In a statement, Hampden District Attorney Anthony Gulluni extended his sympathies to Papalardo’s family.

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Gazette Net

The store owner is fooked.


Thanks once again to our own Gun Bunny and Old Tanker for today’s links.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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The Massachusetts DA extending his sympathies to the criminal’s family?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Yeah, the store owner is seriously screwed. A good attorney might be able to use that fact in the defense. (Not sure about the commie environment there, it may be the poor guy is already condemned.)

Luvz my Mossie Mav88. It’ll put a good QED to any argument about whose house this is.


Self-defense in a left/libtard area is a crime against humanity, so he’s screwed.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Mebbe time to learn/use The Four Esses:
Shut Up

(to po-po) “shooting? what shooting? yeah, there was a loud BANG out front, a car went by, mebbe a backfire, mebbe a driveby? but no shooting here”
(meantime, the perp’s body is dragged out back by the employees, to be disposed of later)


“…a blunt instrument…”?!? A Black and Mild? Hav-a-Tampa? Backwoods Smokie? Check the 3 ring binder, Tox, for “blunt instrument 2 a gunfight.”

I gots something to extend to the DRT perp’s family. See image below.*

One (1) less child molester. Sadly, there’s more where that one came from. See, tictoc, libs of. A target rich environment of those scum.

Obvious that our Beloved AW1Ed has NOT lost that lovin’ feelin’ for us when he posts gun pr0n of our favorite type Maverick…one that you can take into a danger zone and put bad guys on ice, man. Unlike that Maverick featured in a series of Naval Aviation Documentaries.

Not sure if that Sister Frosty Hair Ms Thang is giving me a “come hither” or a frosty look. I do know that her Blue Line shirt does Fit her.

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[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week. […]

The Pirates Cove

Old tanker

Consider it a definite public service. First the Officers needed to rotate their duty ammo for fresh shells anyhow. Second they got practice for qualifications. Third they fully reformed a pedophile. I call it a win win win.


That old perv was ready to draw when they opened the door – his last mistake.
I’m sure the LEOs are getting some paid time off while the investigation happens, but I hope someone’s buying their steaks and drinks while they relax.


That Maverick 88 write-up is funny. Granted, I’ve never owned a Maverick, but I’ve owned 500s and 590s, and the author claims the Maverick is just a dressed-down 500, which I’ve always heard. Then he goes on to write about the difficultly in breaking the gun down.

It’s a boring day at work. We have a used Maverick 88 that I think I’ll bring into the Vault to tear down. When I ran the M500/M9 EIB station five years ago, disassembly standards were 1 minute, with reassembly in 2 minutes.


I like my 88. My only problem with disassembly is I don’t do it enough and forget the procedure. The stock was way too long, so mine sports a collapsible AR-style stock. It’s not fancy, but it goes bang every time it’s asked.


Disassembly isn’t bad if you practice. It’s been a few years since I stripped my 590, but earlier today, the 88 almost fell apart. Clear the weapon, remove the barrel, remove the trigger housing (held in place by a pin), remove the cartridge interrupter and stop, remove the bolt slide, then the forearm and bolt, and finally the elevator. I’m pretty certain I passed EIB standards for that, though reassembly took a little longer.

I have to admit, though, that prior to my EIB duties, I was a bit rusty and took quite some time performing the task. I’d taken apart the M500s my company had in Iraq for cleaning, and of course my M590, but it had been so long, I found myself confused as I familiarized myself with the M500s for EIB testing. By train-up, though, I’d gotten my grader as proficient as I was, found all the “secrets” to cut time, and ensured that we had very few No-Goes on either shotgun or pistol. As for my own EIB, I don’t think we did shotgun, though that was the only time I played with the Mk19.

When test day came around back in 2019, I had the tent well-lit with my Milwaukee Rocket lights, a cordless Ridgid propane jet heater keeping things warm (complete with marshmallows to toast), and even provided magnets for the takedown pin and small parts to avoid lost time for Candidates. Knowing I was heading to higher HQ, not really giving a crap about what the company leadership thought, made my station one of the preferred ones. Candidates (and observers) knew they had a nice warm spot to spend a few minutes in. The Regimental CSM and the validation NCOIC from Benning both took pictures of my setup. Of course, when it came time for awards, my grader was overlooked in favor of a couple of 1LTs and some senior NCOs.