Sunday FGS

| April 7, 2024

Model of 1911 .45 ACP Pistols

Naked man breaks through apartment wall in St. Louis, threatens family, is shot

By Pat Pratt
ST. LOUIS, Mo. (First Alert 4) – The shooting of a man who allegedly broke through an apartment wall while naked and threatened to kill a man and his family will be investigated as an act of self-defense, police said.

According to St. Louis Police incident reports, officers were dispatched around 2 p.m. Friday to a report of a shooting in the 900 block of Park Avenue. There, officers found a man with a gunshot wound to his left hand. He was taken to a hospital for treatment.

Police said an initial investigation showed the suspect, described as a 32-year-old man, broke through the wall of the victim’s apartment. The suspect was naked and threatening to kill the victim and his family, according to the report.

Fearing for his family’s safety, the victim shot at the suspect, striking the suspect’s left hand, police said.

0 / 1 / 0
First Alert 4

They’re coming through the walls now?

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Raise your kids on Sergeant Rock, not Doctor Spock.


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Chicoms agree:
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Nice photo. I wanna give it a sweet kiss.

The girl photo looks nice also.

Last edited 5 months ago by 26Limabeans

[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week. […]

The Pirates Cove


“Nekkid and stoopid is no way to go thru life, son!” (Apologies to Dean Wormer) “You can’t park in this place, you can go directly to jail.”

“…the legendary John M. Browning…” All Hail His Most Saintly, John Moses Browning, (Howitzer Be His Name) ALL HAIL!

Solid evidence that our Beloved AW1Ed loves his Gun Bunny and wants him to be happy. In depth article on THE Finest Side Arm, EVAH!…and a drop dead gorgeous, leggy, well constructed, Sister Golden Hair Surprise Ms Thang. How sweet it is!

Now…why do I have a foreboding of upcoming plasticized abominations and or downright fugly gun pr0n? Who knows what evil lurks in men’s hearts?

Bubblehead Ray

Mo Range Time needed.


Yeah, that called for a crotch shot, but if the defender does not have adequate experience at swinging targets that is difficult.
With the noise of busting through the wall, he had enough time to set up the shot, IMHO.


Busting through the wall? Was this the perp:
