Sycophantic Media

| April 6, 2024


I know, nothing new (for those unfamiliar with the term, substitute blowing their master ass kissing sucking up to the Party.

Was once a lady named Catherine Herridge. She worked for CBS News, and did much of the leg-work on the Hunter Biden story.

Catherine Herridge, the ex-CBS News correspondent who saw her files seized by the network after her controversial firing in February, is set to break her silence before the House Judiciary Committee, The Post has learned.

The acclaimed investigative journalist, known for her reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, will testify next week before the powerful panel on the still-murky circumstances surrounding her exit from CBS News, according to a source close to the situation.

In addition to Herridge, SAG-AFTRA chief news and broadcast officer Mary Cavallaro will speak about the union’s negotiations with CBS to return Herridge’s confidential materials after she was let go, according to the source.

She won’t be alone:

The House Judiciary Committee also will hear testimony from former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who quit the network in 2014 over claims that CBS killed stories that put then-President Barack Obama in a bad light, according to the source.

At the time of her exit, Attkisson claimed she was spied on by a “government-related entity” that planted classified documents on her computer.NY Post

Might also recognize Herridge’s name from when she was ruled in contempt for not releasing the name of her source to the government for a piece she wrote in 2017 on an investigation of a Chinese-American scientist. The judge, an Obama appointee, basically ruled that the government could override the confidentiality of a reporter’s source if it felt like it. CNN

And in further news, Sage Steele (sounds like a male porn star’s name, doesn’t it?) formerly of Sports Center on ESPN did an interview with President Biden back in March of 2021. She says now that ESPN execs insisted that she not deviate AT ALL from the script that they had drawn up.

“It was very much ‘This is what you will ask. This is how you will say it. No follow-ups, no follow-ups. Next,’” Steele told Fox, adding that each question was “gone over dozens of times by many editors and executives.”

Steele said she wasn’t certain whether ESPN had sent the questions to the White House in advance of the interview.

However, she was confident that is “what happened” as her bosses at the time were so adamant that she stick to the script.

“I was told, ‘You will say every word that we write out, you will not deviate from the script,’” she said. NY Post II

Nothing like good old fashioned spontaneity and hardball reporting, huh. But she did say Biden sounded clueless in the interview.

“So I can hear him and he goes, ‘What is this for? Wait — what’s her name?’” Steele recounted as Maher (Bill Maher – ed.)started laughing.

And so he started to tell football stories of his greatness,” Steele recounted, noting she still could not see him.

“He goes, ‘I have the best hands.’ What do you say to that?” Steele asked.

“And here’s the saddest thing his voice just trailed off. He said, ‘I was good,’ and then he went silent, and he goes …, ‘Uh, never mind.’  Hindustan Times

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Biden

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It’s hard to feel sorry for the useful idiots of the fake legacy news media who suddenly figure out they are useful idiots.

They are literally nothing more than the propaganda arm of the democrat marxist party.

Prior Service

Biden: ”uh, never mind.”
Staffer: “Cue, ‘Hail to the Chief’ and let’s get this guy outta here, stat!”

Old tanker

Thou shalt not say anything against the dem hierarchy or their meat puppets.


“You WILL toe the Party Line, Comrade…or else!”

Quit investigating these despotic destroyers of our Republic and start prosecuting them for crimes against We, The People.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

As the old adage goes, “everything is everything but nothing is where it’s at”

As the old adage goes, “any bird can build a nest but not everyone can lay an egg”

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

You DO know where your local print and b’cast offices and HQ are, don’t you? That information will be useful in the near future.

Green Thumb




Green Thumb

Sage Steele is pretty bad ass.

Better than a lot her male counterparts, for sure.

Forest Bondurant

More testimony to serve what end?

Regardless what is said during testimony, Republicans won’t do shit about it and the media certainly won’t report on it.

Political theater.