“Squatter’s Rights”

| March 21, 2024

Was planning on going a different direction today until I saw this. Took 20 minutes to calm my blood pressure to a reasonable level.

Adele Andaloro inherited her family’s home in Flushing, Queens after her parents passed away. As she was preparing to sell the property, squatters took over, installing a new front door and changing the locks, effectively locking her out of her childhood home.

During an interview with reporter Dan Krauth, an unidentified woman approached and unlocked the front door of the house, promptly leaving upon noticing the camera crew.

The camera kept filming while Andaloro, alongside her daughter and armed with her property deed, entered the home and found two men inside.

The men called the police on Andaloro.

“They’ve called the police on me and I’ve called the locksmith,” Andaloro said. “We didn’t come in illegally, the door was open.”

Police arrived and interviewed the men, who could not provide documentation to show that they had been there for more than 30 days. One man was taken away in handcuffs and the other was escorted off the property.

So far, so good, right? The cops did tell her to not change the locks – a quirk of NY law against illegal eviction. She did, though.

Shortly thereafter, another man, accompanied by the previously escorted squatter, forced entry into the house.

“Do you see this? This guy just literally broke down my door, broke through myself and my daughter,” a distraught Andaloro said.

Police showed up again, arresting Andaloro for unlawful eviction.

One officer told Andaloro, “He can’t be kicked out, you need to go to court.”

ABC7 highlighted that in New York, it is illegal to disconnect the utilities, change the locks, or remove the possessions of people claiming tenant status.

The NYPD told the New York Post that Andalaro was charged with unlawful eviction and slapped with a criminal court summons. They said no other arrests or summonses were issued.  MoneyWise

All due to “squatter’s rights.”  Just what are squatter’s rights? Like the government with civil asset forfeiture, it seems to be a way for someone to steal what you have – legally. What’s next – someone steals your car, puts on their bumper sticker, and it’s theirs?  Or maybe robs you at the ATM – if they spend it there’s no crime?

What the heck is New York (or California) thinking?

Now, as many here have gathered, I live in Texas. I am pretty sure it is not a problem here.  We have our share of thieves and ne’er-do-wells – Houston alone gives Ed a full-time job with feel-good stories. But we don’t seem to have a problem like this one.

Too, this is Texas. We have the right to defend ourselves, gators, large stretches of open land, a largeish body of water just southeast of the state and lots of man-made lakes throughout.

Some assembly required.

Category: Crime

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A Proud Infidel®™

Unfortunately, a lot of States have “Squatter’s Rights” Laws like that. Ain’t politicians wonderful?


Yep. Slowly, then all at once (article from Summer ‘23):


Apparently there is a TicTox out there with an illegal individual educating others to come try it for themselves.

Seems like this could be a problem /s


Mark Dice just released a video about this, that includes the illegal’s video about taking homes: They’re Coming To a Neighborhood Near You (youtube.com)


My state doesn’t have these stupid laws. No paperwork showing some kind of rights to the property and you are getting arrested. Every once in a while some grifter from out of state will try and it never ends well for them.


At least the law will protect you. Here is a DA’s office in New York’s springing into action. Amazing job, back slaps all around.


Anna Puma

“Squatter Rights” – another way to destroy the concept of owning private property.


All part of the communist left’s plans. You’re seeing it happen slowly, with gathering momentum each year.

Squatters ain’t tenants — that’s why they’re two different words. Unless you have a lease/rental agreement, that “I’ve been here 30 days” argument is utter horseshit.

The day folks finally have enough and start un-aliving these useless fucks will be like a million Christmases rubbing up against my balls. You won’t be able to erase the smile from my face for all the whiskey in Ireland.


But who would call for such a thing?

Health and safety warning:

If your blood pressure was already up from reading that article do not click on the below link cuz you might stroke out.


Last edited 6 months ago by 5JC

Oh but wait, there is more. This guy is just a a fountain of information for people looking to emigrate to the United States from Venezuela.


Remember how the media said Trump is a liar for saying that we are being invaded by an army of people looking to steal and take government handouts? It just seems like yesterday. And today.


comment image

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Such a punchable throat and shootable forehead.
Someone needs to find him, doxx his address, so he can be…..”dealt” with. Quietly. At midnight.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I can see this as a burgeoning booming business, House Sitting. Maybe a pair of sitters (college students on different schedules, married couple, whatever), so that someone is always at the house, it’s never left unoccupied.
Anytime a house is going to sit empty (vacation, moving, death, etc), hire a House Sitter(s) to occupy the dwelling and chase squatters away.
However much the owner of the house is paying the Sitter(s), it’s still cheaper then dealing with evicting squatters and the subsequent cleanup and repair.

Peter the Bubblehead

That doesn’t always work out the way you want either. I had a co-worker in the early 90’s who inherited his deceased parent’s home in (a nicer section of) the Bronx. He could not live there himself (location was not logistically feasible to either of his jobs) and he didn’t want to leave the house unoccupied for fear it would either be taken over or damaged irreparably, so he hired a couple he knew as “house-sitters” under the agreement they could live there rent-free until such time as he could get the house fixed up for sale.
After roughly a year, he was ready to put the house on the market and informed the ‘tenants’ their occupancy would end when the house was sold. They dug in their heels and claimed residence of the property. He had to go to NY Civil Court and file a formal eviction and it still took close to 2 years to get them out of the house. In that time they broke holes in the walls, broke all the windows, and as a final farewell just prior to the sheriff coming to escort them out poured cement into all the drains.
Tried to do something nice for people he knew were down on their luck and thought he knew well enough to trust and paid back with a wrecked and uninhabitable house.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I agree, I’ve seen it too many times, mixing business with friends and relatives….doesn’t usually end well.
I was thinking more as a BUSINESS, with a contract, signed, stipulating this, that, and the other; not as a casual handshake & an oral he-said-she-said.
I don’t know if there’s already such out there (House Sitting as a business), if not, obviously there’ll be a rocky start until details get straightened out & precedents set.


You literally voted for this.

But no more mean tweets.


Thank God we have no more mean tweets to rile us up.


When there is no justice in the justice system, people will look elsewhere.

Out of curiosity, how do you think squatters would be treated in a democrat marxist politician’s house? In a Hollywood actor’s NYC condo? In a democrat marxist big donor billionaire house? In the Clinton Chappaqua house?


This whole “squatter’s rights” issue (and illegals taking advantage of it) when paired with an Obama appointed judge’s recent ruling that all illegals can own guns too under the 2A should frighten everyone.

Lefties still gonna vote left. Morons.

USMC Steve

Judge does not have that authority either. Federal law is very specific on who can buy guns, at least legally. Criminals of course have lots of them.


Off topic of the “squatters rights”, but speaking of judges, the Supremes recently ruled Texas had a right to arrest/detain and deport anybody they caught illegally entering the country, but a district Court said “Not so fast, Supremes”, and blocked their ruling.

I thought they were called the Supreme Court for a reason. Or, is this some lawfare crap meant to tie up the courts with minutiae lawsuits, distracting with this hand so you pay no attention to the other.

I say, pay attention to both hands.


Actually what the SCOTUS said was; we will allow this until the lower district court rules on this issue because it is still pending.

Then magically the case got moved to the top of the docket. It could still go back to the supreme Court.


Key word.. could. No guarantee they will hear it and may let lower court ruling stand. And if they do decide to hear it again, how long before a ruling comes down one way or the other.


Keep this in mind, and remind those who want to take our guns, that illegals can own guns.

And, how are they going to check or enforce the background check.


That is just so no one questions the forward based PLA that are moving in to that Farm Land they recently purchased in your state. I’m sure it has nothing to do with all the Haitian immigrants you just moved in next door!

Peter the Bubblehead

If you read the ruling, it does not say illegals can own guns. They would still have to undergo the same check every other gun buyer is required to go through and most probably would be turned down.
What the judge ruled was that the 2nd Amendment applied to non-citizens the same way every other Amendment in the Bill of Rights does, because the Supreme Court has already ruled illegal aliens have the same rights under the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments as any citizen of the United States has – so if you cannot deny an illegal the right to due process or against self-incrimination, you cannot deny them a right to keep and bear arms (if they are otherwise legally able to do so) because the 2nd Amendment does not state it only applied to US Citizens.


Next, they will apply the constitution to allow illegal immigrants to vote.

Peter the Bubblehead

But the Constitution states only legal citizens can vote, and several jurisdictions that have tried to make local voting legal for non-citizens have already been slapped down on that basis.


According to FOID law, one cannot own or possess a firearm or ammunition without a FOID card which one cannot obtain without being eligible. What does that look like… “ I am not an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States.” (under the Am I Eligible” tab). So there is that issue as well.



“FOID law”? Arizona says no to that horseshit.

Peter the Bubblehead

26 states already have Constitutional Carry in their laws. No FOID required. As long as you are otherwise legally able to carry (no felonies, legal citizen, etc.) you can go buy a firearm and carry it around all day without notifying any local government or law enforcement authority.
What it comes down to is filling out ATF Form 4473 at the FFL you are buying a legal firearm from. Most law-abiding citizens fill them out truthfully (which you are swearing to under penalties of perjury) and the background check confirms if you are legally allowed to own a firearm. And then you also get Hunter Biden who lies on the form, but that doesn’t make what they have done legal.

USMC Steve

Rational people will, but socialist democrats are not rational, because the brainwashing and the agenda are strong within them.


So I guess it’s true….you don’t own squat.


And you’ll be happy owning nothing. Eat zee bugs, peasant.


If the law can’t be changed then this calls for imagination.

This is a great time to get your crazy alcoholic cousin Nelson involved. You get Nelson to move into the house when the people are out. They want to stay they can stay. Nelson walks around the house all day naked, drunk and belligerent. Don’t need to use the toilet he can shit anywhere. You may also want to have him rehome several cats and maybe a possum.

Prior Service

Won’t that squatter be surprised when he swings open my front door and it pulls the tripwire connected to the body of the M67 fragmentation grenade nestling under the porch railing with the pin already pulled?
Squatter: “I’m claiming my…”
Grenade: “no you’re not.”


And the squatter, should he survive, will sue you and end up owning the house. Booby-trapping your own home is illegal and homeowners have actually been successfully sued by alleged burglars for doing so.

Prior Service

Thanks for talking me off the ledge. Guess I’d better go recover the frag. Or I guess I should have put a sarc tag on it. Full disclosure I haven’t stolen any frags, nor have I put them on my porch. And if I actually did something it would be a claymore facing outwards through a doggy door so as to not wreck my front door.


Apparently they left after being confronted. Are more arrests coming for violating squatters “rights”?




Scumbags. NOW change the locks again, and let them TRY to come back.

Maybe they can squat with their understanding, helpful lawyer?!


P*ssies– they know they were wrong.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
Hack Stone

There are some gentlemen in the waste management disposal business that would be able to “take out the trash” for a modest sum.


Sometimes I wish the Italian mafia was still in its heyday. They’d have squashed the Mickey Mouse shit you see going on in NYC in no time.


I’ve been worried about this for years. My wife’s on her third investment property (this time it’s just two lots of bayou-front land; we’re making the final payment today). The first was in rural GA, and she agreed to let a lifelong friend stay there in exchange for doing some work. I don’t know the friend as well as she does, and worried that the friend might decide to claim the house as her own. That fear was assuaged when the friend decided to move back to VA, but then somehow thought the wife would pay her for the little work that was done…while she (the friend) had lived rent-free for a couple of years with me driving from Fort Benning regularly to do work and help haul stuff. The second property was in rural VA and had a similar arrangement, this time my brother, who unbeknownst to me has a severe meth addiction. It was easier than I’d thought getting him and his “friends” off the property since they all had warrants, and the “friends” were storing stolen property there.

Homeowners have different perspectives and can do what they want with their property. If it sits abandoned for a while awaiting repairs/renovations, so be it, so long as it isn’t completely blighted. If we decide to be charitable and offer the property as a temporary residence for family and friends, that’s our prerogative. After my wife’s parents passed, she maintained that property while essentially moving to the house I rented in NOVA. She let another friend, who was essentially homeless and on disability, stay at the Richmond house to watch over it, in exchange for paying utilities. That friend could have claimed rights, but when it was time to sell, the friend simply left and went back to her dealer’s garage.


They try that in one of my houses, they get a free ride in a mortician’s hearse to the morgue.

God bless Texas.


This all seems odd to me, and maybe it is because I don’t deal with contract law. If New Yawk is worried about landlords kicking tenants out (or changing the locks or turning off the utilities), why don’t they just make the law only apply to people under a contract (currently enforce or not), why are we giving rights to people without even trying to fake a contract? Now I have heard of people creating fake contracts, and even selling a property that does not belong to them (I recall a case in Florida, and also a Doctor up in the northeast that someone built a house on a vacant property he owned). Sides, now the gov’ment can get their piece of the action, require a certification on that peice of paper and an amount paid to the gov’ment or it ain’t official!

Isn’t that why the utility company makes you provide a lease before they turn on the power? Or does New Yawk just let anyone turn on the power, water, and gas (as long as they pay)?

Last edited 6 months ago by MIRanger

Try that in my small town…I gots some feral hawgs that need feeding…and some buzzards…and a worm bed.


My dog is a pretty good judge of character.
He wouldn’t let me stay here if he weren’t.


Squatters have the right to remain motionless at room temperature on my porch.

Peter the Bubblehead

Homeowner needs to befriend a large biker gang and tell them they have as much right to squat in her home as the illegals do.
Make the situation so uncomfortable (while the gang also makes sure the home is not damaged beyond repair) that the squatters decide to leave all on their own.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Excellent thinking.
The threat (or promise, your pick) of violence without law accountability. Yeah, I’d want to pack up and move out pronto.

Green Thumb

Fuck yeah!


Only thing that would make that story better is if the squatters refused and were put down, then and there. Of course, then I’d hope the story never got told and everyone went about their lives quietly confident that there were two fewer skells out there in the world.


Reason 49,508 why I left that fucking state when I had the chance!


Your honor, I briefly left the house to go get some groceries. I came back to my house and when I went in these unknown persons advanced on me. I feared for my life and defended myself accordingly.

Peter the Bubblehead

Only trouble in this case was it takes place in New York F-ing City.
My father, a WWII era veteran and lifelong firearms owner, decided in the 90’s it was easier to sell all the firearms our family had than jump through the hoops, obstacle course, and veritable torture it would take to retain his firearms license which they had deliberately made so expensive to renew annually that as a retiree on a fixed budget he could never afford anymore.
The likelihood this victim of home theft was licensed – no less actually carrying – in Flushing, Queens was as near to infinitesimal as is possible. And even if she were licensed and claimed self defense, you KNOW the NYC penal system would run her through the ringer! Just look at Daniel Penny.

John Seabee

Memo to potential squatters: If you come to my place, please BYOBB.


It’s out there now to all of the “newcomers.”


Come to the US however you can and get your free house today!

*Offer not available free of bodily harm in NC, SC, GA, FL, TN, TX, AL, OK, AR, ID, WY, UT, MS, KS, NB, MO, KY, MT, ND, SD, or any other Castle Law and 2A upholding state.

Amateur Historian

Hope to move to Texas sometime soon. I’ve had it with Colorado.


Got four more years till retirement allows me to do the same. This once great state is a shithole that’d make California jealous.


Californians were jealous. So they moved there en masse, to turn it into the same craphole they just left.

Kinda like what we’re dealing with here in NC with everyone from the Northeast.


California is the envy of the world — just ask Commissar Charlie Brown.


Reference what Odie commented.

The name of the Dude who refuses to leave is Kevin Balletsy.

When you scroll thru the article, you will find a 44 second video of him stating he has a lease for the basement…and will leave when he gets his deposit back (Dude with a red hoodie, gray cap, smoking a cigarette).

Based on his accent, he sounds as if he is from the Queens:

“Queens ‘Squatters’ Flee In Disgrace After Being Confronted At House Where Homeowner Was arrested – But One ‘Legal’ Tenant Is Staying (And Wants His Deposit Back!)”





“Suspected Squatter In $1M NYC Home Is Subletting Space In Bizarre Twist, Conned Co-Resident Says”


“A suspected squatter who allegedly took over a $1 million Queens home is now subletting space in the house, one of the illegal sub-squatters…”

“Kevin Ballasty said he was conned into paying $1,500 a month to live in the basement of the Flushing home, with the deal made with “Jay,” who he identified as the squatter…”

“Ballasty said he brokered the deal through a “realtor” he identified as David Dubon.”

“There’s nothing in my right mind that could lead me to believe there was going to be a problem like this,” Ballasty said outside the 160th Street property. “David, the real estate guy, who just kind of spoke and is not in the neighborhood, OK? Whether he’s involved in this I don’t have no idea what’s going on.”

“But this is my proof to cover my ass,” he said, flashing a written receipt for $1,000. “I was brought in through a real estate. This is a great find, thank you very much. And I love the place. I love the neighborhood. But I guess. I paid $3,500 to the landlord Jay.”

“You know and that’s what that says,” Ballasty added. “Cover my ass. I’m out of this venture. OK, I paid rent and I’m not a squatter.”

“The Post spoke briefly on the phone with Jay, who claimed he was “scammed” into taking over the house.”

“Pretty much we’re just waiting for the lawyer. That’s pretty much it. Like, I was scammed into living there. You know, I’m looking to leave myself,” he said. “That’s what happened.”

“He then asked to speak with Ballasty, and was overheard telling him, “Tell them to suck a d–k,” referring to reporters gathered outside the home.”


“Walk away from them Kev,” he said. “I don’t know why you talk to these people, bro.”

“Ballasty, who said he is one of four tenants who now rent space inside the house, also placed a call to Dubon with The Post listening in. He claimed he paid $4,500 in all, $3,500 to Jay and $1,00 to the broker.”

“You in trouble again man?” Dubon answered.”

“They want to know who the real estate company is because I’m going to be locked up because it’s trespassing,” Ballasty told him. “It’s not fair to me I paid the real estate and I was brought into this you know.”

“I’m not here,” Dubon replied. “I’m in Boston. I’m going to Connecticut later today man. How come you don’t call the owner? You always calling me with problems?”

“Call Jay right now. I don’t know what is going on,” Dubon added, then hung up.”


“What You Need To Know About Squatters In New York:”

“What are squatter’s rights in New York?

“Squatters in New York state can claim a legal right to remain on a property without the owner’s permission after 10 years of living there. However, in New York City a person only needs to be on the property for 30 days to claim squatter’s rights.”

“Why is it so hard to get rid of a squatter?

“Squatters are allowed a wide range of rights once they have established legal occupancy, making it difficult to evict them.”

“How does someone become a squatter?”

“Some of the scenarios in which a person becomes a squatter include: a tenant refusing to pay rent, a relative of a former owner refusing to leave the property or even a stranger who entered the property and never left.”

“According to Manhattan-based law firm Nadel & Ciarlo, squatters must have a reasonable basis for claiming the property belongs to them and must treat the home as if they were an owner — such as doing yard work or making repairs.”

“How can a property owner get rid of a squatter?”

“A property owner must first send a 10-day eviction notice and then file a court complaint if the order is ignored. If approved by a judge, the owner can get a summons and have a sheriff evict the squatter.”

“Why does the law provide squatters with rights?”

“The law was designed to help prevent long-term tenants from getting evicted. New York City’s law was partially made in response to vacant and abandoned buildings that were becoming a blight on the city.”

“How can property owners protect themselves from squatters?”

“Owners should avoid keeping any properties vacant for an extended period of time. They should also make sure the building is secure, has adequate lighting and has surveillance cameras installed.”

“If a squatter does appear, owners should notify the police quickly before squatter’s rights are established.”


Kinda hard to get a court order going if the squatters murder the person who found them and split.

Herbert J Messkit

I heard of a guy who squatted the squatters. He watched until they left for the day, then changed locks and had a crew put their stuff outside. It worked. I think this happens mostly to homes paid off with no mortgage company involved. If I ever pay off my mortgage I would get someone I trust to put a lien on the property.


I did some skin-deep research and apparently squatters’ rights (adverse possession) are based on old matters of settling property disputes.

One of those laws that may have made sense in 1623 but is badly misused now.


When I was still a street cop we handled complaints like this easily. We’d respond to the complaints and ask the complainant for their state issued ID, which they’d produce. Making sure the ID/driver’s license was up to date as far as to current address, we’d ask the “current occupant” for his ID. They rarely had any ID, if they did, it was usually about 3 or 4 addresses out of date.
Then the squatters were given 10 minutes to remove their belongings and themselves
from the property or go to jail. Lots of them went to jail.


ANOTHER Queens, NY Squatter story from 29 February 2024:

“Queens Couple Buys $2M Dream Home To Care For Disabled Son, Only To Find Squatter Living Inside”


“A New York City couple’s plan to move into a $2 million dream home to retire in with their disabled son has become a “nightmare” as they battle a squatter who claims he had an agreement with the previous owner.”

“Susana and Joseph Landa, both 68, purchased the home next to family members in the quiet New York City residential neighborhood of Douglaston, Queens, in October 2023.”

“Close to relatives, the location was perfect for their son Alex, who has Down syndrome and could be easily looked after if something was ever to happen to the couple.”

“The couple, however, has yet to move into the multimillion-dollar home four months after signing the deed as they try to get rid of squatter Brett Flores.”

“Flores, 32, was hired on a $3,000-a-week salary by the former homeowner as his caretaker until the man died in January 2023, court documents obtained by the outlet show.”

“The squatter claims to have a “license” from the dead former owner to stay in the house.”

“Flores has also been living in the home since the former owner died, which has caused a major headache while they try to get him out.”

“It is unlawful for any person to evict or attempt to evict an occupant of a dwelling unit who has lawfully occupied the dwelling unit for thirty consecutive days or longer,” according to New York squatters’ rights.”

“The homeowners gave Flores a 10-day notice to leave and then tried to enter the property alongside an insurance inspector, but he called the cops on them.”

“Even though the Landas never had an agreement with Flores as a tenant, police could not evict the squatter.”

“Flores has also listed rooms for rent at the property for other people.”


“An online listing shows Flores advertising “The Prince Room” for $50 a night to males, females, couples, families, or students looking for a place to stay at the couple’s home.”

“The Landas have also been left footing all the bills for the property, including thousands of dollars in utilities.”

“Most recently, Flores filed for bankruptcy, which automatically allowed him to stay in the home.”

“When a residential tenant files a bankruptcy petition, an automatic stay prevents the landlord from bringing or continuing a case to obtain possession and from enforcing a judgment obtained before the commencement of the bankruptcy case,” according to New York City law.”

“The purpose is to allow “the debtor a breathing spell from his creditors.”


“How Queens Squatter Brett Fisher-Flores Wormed His Way Into $2M House — And Never Left After Ailing Homeowner Died”


“The squatter who allegedly refuses to leave a $2 million Queens mansion wormed his way into the estate by cozying up to its former owner — an ailing wristwatch exec whom he used to live a glamourous city lifestyle and then left to die alone, a source close to the late landlord claimed.”

Brett Flores first moved to New York City from Los Angeles in 2019 to work as a caretaker for Bernard Fernandez, a one-time executive VP for watch giant E. Gluck Corporation, who was suffering from brain bleeding and was in the early stages of dementia.”

“The ailments made him an easy target for Flores, who soon forced other people out of the elderly man’s life as he got himself a $3,000-a-week salary and started being seen at wild parties around New York when he was supposed to be acting as caregiver.”

“I started seeing in various social media posts of him wearing really high-end watches that I know belong in the house,” said the source, who said he had known Fernandez for some 20 years and was in a relationship with him when Flores came into the picture.”

“He said the 20-something newcomer, a male model, even wound up with a job posing for a trendy menswear brand.”

“He gets a huge ad campaign with Parke & Ronen. He’s all over social media, hanging out with gay celebrities at nightclubs. That’s not what he was hired for.”


I hope this down vote is targeted on this scumbbag, not against our ninja.



As previously mentioned by 5JC:

“Migrant ‘Influencer’ Calls For All Venezuelans To Beg For Money, ‘Unite’ To Support Teen Times Square Shooter”

Same Douchebag.


His name is LEONEL MORENO and he currently lives in COLUMBUS, OHIO with his “partner” and 3 month old daughter.

He has been living in the US since September 2023.

In another video, he brags that he made $275 from “three hours [of] asking for money at traffic lights.”

He also said “doesn’t like to work because it gives him allergies..”


This Scumbag goes by @leitooficial_25 on TikTok and Instagram.

Piece Of Feces.
Waste of Sperm and Ova.
Spoiled Brat Who Needs To Change His Diapers.

Feel Free To Add Other Adjectives/Nouns That Describes This Useless, Worthless Piece Of Trash and Wad Of Phlegm…😉😎




Mincing c*cksucker


Like we need more of them.


Oh, c’mon, he is not a n’er do well, he has “that spark of humanity.” Pelousi says so. Note: Never give money to pan handlers, most are scammers/fraudsters.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Back in the late sixties and early seventies I used to drive over to the movie theater on Northen Blvd and Main street in Flushing Queens. Later on the demographics changed with Asians moving in and giving life to the area. We had a number of jewelery stores on Main street that we used to deliver material to.

Peter the Bubblehead

I went to see movies at the RKO Keith’s several times. Grew up in Bayside and spent lots of time in Flushing in the 70’s and 80’s – even working in Flushing in the early 90’s – until enlisting in the Navy in the mid-90’s. Witnessed the changeover in the late-80’s as the older residents died or moved on and it became an almost exclusively Asian neighborhood.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

We used to have lunch on the south LIE service road and Springfield Blvd, getting lunch at the deli or the bagel place and around the corner the pizza place or fish and chips across the street at the fish place.