Team Biden to Israel – Secure Egypt-Gaza border

| March 21, 2024

Israel sees a ground assault in Rafah as crucial to achieving long-term security. However, Team Biden intends to present alternative solutions to Israel. One of their suggestions? Securing the Egypt-Gaza border. Joe Biden proposed to Benjamin Netanyahu to send an interagency team to Washington D.C. to hear U.S. concerns about Rafah. The U.S. side is not suggesting that Israel not do what it intends to do. Instead, they want Israel to know that the U.S. is willing to work with them on alternative solutions that will help with their security.

From The Times of Israel:

Elaborating on the alternative approach the Biden administration has in mind, a second senior US official said Washington envisions Israel focusing instead on preventing the smuggling of weapons from Egypt into Gaza through the Philadelphi Corridor.

The official avoided blaming the Egyptian government for the smuggling that was partially responsible for Hamas’s re-armament amid successive rounds of conflict with Israel over the past 15 years. However, they said reaching a new arrangement with Cairo and building the necessary infrastructure to cut off the smuggling route would be more critical to the dismantlement of Hamas than a major ground offensive in Rafah.

“If Israel smashes into Rafah with all the civilian casualties that doing so would entail, cooperation from Egypt on locking down the [Philadelphi] Corridor will be much more difficult,” the second senior official said.

The first official clarified that US opposition to a major Rafah ground invasion doesn’t mean it opposes more targeted operations against Hamas’s leadership in Rafah or elsewhere, and said that the alternative plans the Biden administration intends to present to the visiting Israeli delegation will focus on this goal as well.

The US also envisions Israel using the coming period to implement a massive humanitarian surge, the US official said, speaking two days after the publication of a UN-backed report warning that famine is imminent in northern Gaza.

The senior US official said this will require Israel to open additional ground routes within Gaza to deliver aid to the north, where some 300,000 Palestinians have been practically cut off from aid after bucking IDF directives to evacuate at the beginning of the war. Israel and Hamas are almost six months into a war sparked by Hamas’s October 7 massacre, when thousands of terrorists killed some 1,200 people and took 253 hostages during a murderous rampage across southern Israel.

The Times of Israel provides additional information here.

Category: Biden, GWOT, International Affairs, Israel

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Hamas is not interested in a negotiated settlement. They’re fixated on “all or nothing”. So let it be written.


F*ck ’em!

Amateur Historian

I’ll just leave this here:


We’ll all sleep better knowing that sniffy creepy prezzy joe is doing everything he can to secure their border. Now…if he could do something about OUR border…that would be great. Maybe he should appoint some kinda “Border Czar”?

Again…ad naseum…Prepare


They should send the American Border Patrol. They can show them how to stand there and do absolutely nothing while people run past them and across the border into the country. It isn’t easy to get that pose just right.


If we had some semblance of news media that even feigned objectivity, I wouldn’t laugh so much at the daily idiocy that no one seems to blink an eye at on a day to day basis.


Imma just drop this here.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

“From the river to the sea” leaves no doubt as to what one side has determined to be the only acceptable outcome….

The fact that so many Americans are glad to identify as anti-semitic bigots is a sad testament to our current reality.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck things up.” – B. Hussein 0bama


With that opinion in mind, one has to wonder what the Lightbringer was thinking when he endorsed him.


It’s kinda like Jim Henson endorsing his favorite muppet. He has complete control.


He was thinking he’d he easy enough to control.


Well , we HAVE been bitching at Joe to control the border. He just can’t remember WHICH border.


Gosh, don’t say “invasion” because that would be “racist” /sarc… but it sure is an invasion.

AW1 Rod

This is fucking insanity. Weapons free, TNG!


Here’s a suggestion, maybe biden and his minions should STFU and let Israel handle their own damn affairs without interference…

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I can imagine Herr biden as president back in 1944 telling the Military that he didn’t want the Normandy invasion because the civilians could be killed or injured.


Uh-oh, though it’s Gateway Pundit… Army’s doing “retiree recall” with the world situation and sh*tty recruiting picture to keep things up:

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous

Netanyahu should drop kick the dogshit out of Biden, in front of his family and Congress.

Draft dodging communist sonofabitch should never have been born. It is one hell of generous moment of diplomacy that Israel has not “spoken truth to the abject degradation of power”.

Expunge palestine from the ledgers of existence and then take out islam, wherever you find it.

Haha, ah heck, that is not what prophecy describes. The U.S. will be irrelevant when armageddon gets underway. So will islam.

There is a coming day of ecumenism and it will be VERY appealing. That’s the way Satan works.

W says “Islam is a religion of peace”.

He was supposed to be the lesser of evils, compared with Al-Gore. What a bargain!


Well, you know those goat-f*ckers…


Commissars girlfriend needs some loving.


Is not this the guy who fucked up the AFGANISTAN PULLOUT, telling another country how to run their military, you cannot make this shit up.

Forest Bondurant

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. If I were Netenyahu, I’d tell Biden and Blinken that the Israeli government has no interest in hearing the advice from anyone as inept as the two of them, and close by saying they (and the UN) can fuck right off.


Don’t forget to add Schumer in there as well. He’s calling for an election to remove Netanyahu. Talk about interference in another country’s affairs, the irony is rich.

Old tanker

WTF good is a wall or fence going to do when hamas tunnels like gophers, uses ultralights and parachutes as well as sending missiles into Israel?

I love my country but I am deeply ashamed of my government.


Russkies and Chicoms vote against UN resolution calling for Gaza ceasefire– even they think helping Hamas is a bad idea:

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous

The Russians are likely reconsidering their position.