Someone used their “Jump to Conclusions” mat

| November 5, 2009

Austin Statesman:

“I’m very upset. I’m at the point of tears,” said Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense, who lives in Austin.

“We warned the military about this. We warned the military about the need to increase the number of mental health care providers. We warned the military about lowering recruiting standards, about the medical exams for soldiers coming back from the war and needing mental health care and brain injury exams.”

“We have been working tirelessly to try to prevent this from happening,” he said. “This is so horrible. This is a tragedy.”

Never let a tragedy go to waste….

Category: Politics

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Jeezuz H Christ!!! Will these fucking morons just shut their fucking pieholes????

This goddam idiot is the one “jumping to conclusions” with this BS!! Maybe if he would have waited about 30 minutes before opening his yapper, he would have found out that the good major WAS a mental health care provider!!!

I had better just stay the fuck away from this tonight or I’m gonna have a fucking stroke from blood pressure spikes.


Beat me to it, OldTrooper. I was poised to type the same thought.
But, when did facts ever get in the way of someone trying to use a tragedy for their own purposes?


Veterans For Common Sense….. In Austin. Nothing else needs to be said.


Hassan. Isn’t that a Methodist name?


Im with old trooper on this.

A Heros Friend

Chuck…down South,Hassan is a term of endearment for the Grand Dragon of the KKK…but Only if he was a veteran…sarc\off

Dave Thul

So Paul Sullivan is ‘iserved’?


I just mentioned on the other thread that the word is out that the hospital is in need of blood. Anyone in the area, if you could please go and donate; do so. I am looking into seeing if we can get an emergency blood drive put together from here to back fill the supply chain. I don’ know how quickly we can get it done, but I’m gonna get on the horn and find out.

AW1 Tim

This is nothing new. Remember that tragic shooting at a McDonalds in California about 25 years ago or so? Some assmaggot went in and killed a bunch of kids and adults. I remember as plain as day watching the coverage on CNN. The idiot female anchor was going on about guns and availability, and then asked the reporter on scene if the shooter was a Vietnam veteran. I nearly came unglued when I heard that.

I called CNN and complained about that comment, and, surprisingly, they issued an apology in about 20 minutes or so. Still, the damage was done and reporters from all the news networks were suddenly demanding to know if the shooter was another crazed Vietnam Veteran.

Oliver Stone can go eff himself.


Fuck ’em!!!



[…] an angry lone nut upset about being deployed to Iraq. The Austin Statesman has the meme (via This Ain’t Hell But You Can See It From Here): “I’m very upset. I’m at the point of tears,” said Paul Sullivan, executive director of […]


We warned the military about the need to increase the number of mental health care providers. We warned the military about lowering recruiting standards, about the medical exams for soldiers coming back from the war and needing mental health care and brain injury exams.

1. Dead shooter was a “mental health care provider” — psychiatrist.

2. According to his cousin, he was never in Iraq (only Walter Reed Hospital).

3. He joined the Army after ROTC at VaTech (not exactly lowered standards).

4. Oh, and according to the cousin, he’s always been a Muslim, not a recent conversion.


Is he dead, yet and seeing his virgins? Geesus effing Christ.


If number 12 armadillo is correct. Atlas Shrugs blog is correct. This is a test to see what can be gotten away with. How many people can be slaughtered by the “”peace and light religion of islam””. Stress is not the cause of this since THREE 3 people did this. It is US being infidels, and being alive, this is the cause. All infidels will die, they are an offense to islam, this is why they were slaughtered. Watch your six people, it is in danger.


The Press conference with General Cone just ended and it seems the POS survived, as well as the female cop that he exchanged gunfire with.

I don’t want to say anymore about the fuckstain.


[…] “We have been working tirelessly to try to prevent this from happening,” he said. “This is so horrible. This is a tragedy.”  [via This Ain’t Hell] […]


This had nothing to do with increasing the number of mental health professionals.

This had everything to do with ignoring poor reviews, an earlier attempt by him to get out, followed by more lackluster reviews and an obvious sign that he was unfit.


[…] better yet take a look at what the group’s leader Paul Sullivan had to say immediately after the Ft. Hood shootings.  Is this guy a tool or what? Tags: Agent Orange, US Military, VA SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: […]