Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| March 12, 2024

Sssshhhh, don’t tell Mom or Dad

Where are the adults at these schools?

Sssshhhh, I said not to tell the parents!

Coming for the kids

Teacher of gay little children


Sounds like a great school

If I like a medium-rare, do I automatically owe reparations?

Walt would be rolling in his grave if he weren’t preserved in a freezer

Is there a reverse option so I can explicitly avoid women and non-binary drivers?

Must be on their way to bible study

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Oh, it’s just diversity– love is love! (Ask a left/libtard who doesn’t have kids or “trans”-es them for virtue-signaling.)
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Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

Not only can they see the flames, they set the fire!


The last video, the girl lying on the ground, is still in the hospital after last Friday’s (4-8-24) beat down suffering seizures. The outstanding member of the community was finally arrested Sunday, yet she is 15 and so far, she will be in the Juvie system.
Had this been the other way around, the streets would be full of protesters and buildings left as smoldering heaps.

Hate crime charges at a minimum, attempted murder to be tacked on as well, IMHO.


Hearing that childs head hit the ground fucking broke me…


Black on white crime is fine. White on black crimes, well, they’re being singled out.

I hate to sound like I’m picking one race over the other, as I’m not. Just pointing out what seems to me to be obvious.


Not anymore. The attorney general of Missouri says, she’s going to be going to big girl prison.



Thanks 5JC, I had not heard that yet.

Now the protests, looting and burnings may begin.


The bright spot in the picture is this. The school is a DEI success story. They wom an award for that. Only 5% of their students are proficient in math, make that 4% now, But they have tolerance down to an art form.


With the school being 98.5% black, she might have been the only white student there.

Last edited 5 months ago by 5JC

The school is in Hazelwood, which borders Florissant. To some here, Florissant may ring a bell.

2 more upstanding citizens made the news today as well.
1. 2 people killed riding a metro bus, because somebody in a passing car (stolen), thought someone looked at him funny. He blocked the busses progress, got out and fired twice at the passenger. Not sure if he hit “offender” or just 2 other passengers.

2. The other stand up guy hit a women with his car and drug her several blocks before she was ejected from under the car.

St. Louis fired Kim Gardner who was busy taking nursing classes instead of being a prosecutor she was elected to be, is to blame partly because so many people walked on serious crimes, and she would not accept evidence from certain cops (read white).

As has been said before, blue cities are shitholes.


In all fairness he might not have known the woman was there. She was hiding from the gunfire he was fleeing from. Plus, if you move to St. Louis from the UK you have to kind of expect to end up dead. You lack all the survival skills for one of the deadliest cities in the world. Lastly, damn she was a straight up dime. I hope the car didn’t mess her up.


According to tonight’s news, she has been released from ICU, and while I don’t recall all her injuries, but they were extensive and horrendous.

Old tanker

RE Disney corpsicle, Disney’s body was not frozen. His death certificate says he was cremated, the Los Angeles Times reported in 2003. His ashes were interred at a family mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, California, per PBS.


That’s what you’re supposed to believe… Walt is on a freezer shelf right next to ol’ Marlin Perkins.

RGR 4-78

Holy Mutual of Omaha Batman, say it ain’t so.


Gentlemen, set your chippers to idle!

This way it lasts longer.


And remember…feet FIRST (ht2 CW)!


Today’s lesson plan…

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Major Tuddy

Till Lindemann brought the Flammenwerfer to barbecue them like Freddy Krueger.

Feuer Frei!

RGR 4-78

Bottom right corner, that has to be the next Elvira.


I don’t know the whole story obviously, but just based on the video, It looked to me like it was the little white girl who started throwing fists first.

Granted, slamming her head against the concrete escalated things from “fistfight” to “attempted murder”, but based on the appearance that the black girl was initially defending against an attack, I’d say charging her as a juvenile is warranted. She should be charged for escalating things like that, but throwing the book at someone who was defending against an attack seems a bit excessive to me.

Self defense is a thing, even if you’re black and the person who attacks you is white.

[flame on]


Self-defense is worse than pedo-ism for left/libtards. A passive victim is a good citizen, comrade! (Approved nomenklatura “favorites” excepted, of course– they get a pass or their own armed security.)


Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

Nobody knows the whole story yet as we are just basing on what the video shows.

What led up to the white girl throwing down before she got slammed down. Who threw the first punch and when?

Maybe the white girl was just responding in kind, but the video doesn’t show that.


Well, we know the Black girl is in custody, not in the hospital ICU with likely irreversible brain damage and skull fractures.


I’m thinking she got called out by fat-booty ‘ho and it was either stand up or get jumped by her posse.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

It looked to me like two people squaring off. That could make it mutual combat. However you cannot consent to be killed Even if you agree to the fight. I don’t know what Missouri code says, but it seems unlikely that she would be charged with anything other than manslaughter or reckless homicide or whatever the code allows for. Obviously there’s a lot more to the story.


Re the steak chick: Because black people several generations ago had to overcook their beef to ensure any harmful pathogens were cooked out of it, somehow it became genetically imprinted so that you have to continue overcooking your beef to this day several generations down the line?

I’m pretty sure that poor white people had to worry about the same issues, considering that food preservation technology at the time left a lot to be desired.

Even so, you aren’t capable of making your own decisions and determinations based on your own personal tastes?

My mother likes burned (i.e. well done) beef and always cooked it that way. a) she was white and b) I always hated it that way. I never really learned to enjoy steak until I became an adult and was able to cook it medium rare as God intended.

The first time I ever ate a roast prepared by someone other than my mother, I was shocked at how good it was when it wasn’t broiled down to shoe leather.

Don’t get me wrong, my mother was a great cook, it was just that that’s the way she preferred her beef.

At any rate, based on that admittedly limited dataset, I’d say that tastes in beef preparation are not genetic nor even necessarily learned from your parents, let alone passed down from several generations ago.


I get it, my mothe was an awesome cook with two exceptions. I grew up thinking meatloaf was a ketchup covered meat brick, and roast beef was a tough, stringy mess.


Show of hands, or thumbs, but did anybody else have a mom who liked to make liver and onions like she was introducing you to fine cuisine? Maybe it was just overcooked like you say, but I can’t eat it or stand to smell it all these years later.


Odie, I gave a thumbs down, not a criticism to your question, but to indicate negative for my answer.


Liver was a rarity. Mom did some awesome liver and onions (with fresh elk or venison) but couldn’t stand the stuff. Dad and I could live on it.


My father was a butcher as in a kill floor butcher. Our fridge quite often contained a case of beer and a cow liver. I ate a lot of liver and still like it if cooked carefully. Think like cooking venison. I also love onions. Other than that I grew up on squirles , partridges and fish. My grandmother was a wonderful cook. I would shoot pidgins out of the barn and she would cook them to perfection.


I was diagnosed as “anemic” when I was a kid. I had to drink a teaspoon of a vile concoction called “Iron tonic” every night before bed and liver and onions was a regular on the menu. Either I outgrew the malady or the diagnosis was BS to begin with, but it was a big production when I was young.

As with steak, my mother cooked it into submission and eating it was generally something like trying to eat a catcher’s mitt.

Interestingly, I got used to the flavor and now as an adult I actually enjoy eating it, as long as it’s not overcooked. My wife hates even the smell of it so we don’t have it at home, but occasionally I’ll order it at a restaurant.


At the risk of sounding like the evil “Wraycist I’m sure that I’m labeled as by some, my personal experience is that there is a big difference in culture between poor White and “underprivileged” Black youths, especially when it comes to physical altercations.

I grew up in a trailer park that was almost entirely comprised of NASCAR watching, Busch (or other cheap beer) swilling, blue collar fathers, their barefoot wives, and dirty faced kids. Well, them and old people. Being one of the few kids that had a working mom, and a grandmother across the street, I was a little better off than many. I tried to avoid fights, but the few I got into never devolved into big brawls or saw other kids jump in to fight. It was mano e mano (or snot-faced little boy to snot-faced little boy), and when it was over, it was over. If things were looking too bad for one party, other kids would step in to break it up. Usually, we’d be playing together again a few days later.

Much like in the video, it’s only over when the victor wants it to be. Once that big girl dominated the smaller one, she should have stepped away. Instead, she went full Donkey Kong mode, smashing the kids like a scrawny flesh and bone barrel. Noticed how auxiliary fights broke out all around, because the mob mentality runs strong in those communities.


After moving to the city, I continued playing baseball in my last year of middle school. I played first base and was naturally the source of many “Outs” for opposing teams, and one day, after playing a winning game near Gilpin Court, I was caught by myself at the team van by the opposing all-Black team. Think it might have been a “good game” moment, I didn’t think much until the first punch was thrown, at which point my instincts kicked in and I went to the ground, dragging two kids down with me. Fortunately, I didn’t get more than a few bruises thanks to my human shields and my team running to the rescue, but it showed me the difference between the culture I’d previously know, where a disagreement might lead to violence, but that violence was usually mutually agreed upon, and the culture I was dealing with in the city, where being a “White Boy” made me the target of a mob assault. Seriously, at least 10 kids jumping one scrawny 14-year-old over a baseball game?

This was only a year or two before this incident: 20 years ago: Gilpin Court Massacre in Richmond (wtvr.com)

Life molds us. Hopefully the victim of the assault survives and has learned a life lesson. The smaller girl might have squared off, but did she have much choice, given all of the bystanders who were looking to instigate and even join in? I walked away from many fights in the trailer park, with only my pride injured. I tried walking away in Gilpin Court only to get sucker punched and stomped into the ground by some Baseball Furies cosplayers.

Oh, and as an aside, I went to a very selective public high school in Richmond that only accepted 50 students a year. I was one of maybe 12 White kids there (out of 200). None of us had any issues with other students, as our intelligent and college-bound peers had a lot of familial and community support, quite unlike the thugs at Gilpin Court and those in the video above.


Same story.

I grew up in the same shitty town in PG County. My middle school was 91% black. The fights started day 1. I never started any of them so I never got in any trouble. By the middle of the next semester I had kind of a rep. Then I got jumped by nine guys on the basketball court. Even back then I was a pretty decent sized guy but 9:1 forget it.

I told my parents I wasn’t going back, because I didn’t want to die, so they scraped the money together to send me to private school and that worked out fine till we moved out of PG.


I like my steaks well done. Does that mean I have some Black ancestors in my family tree?

RGR 4-78

No, it just means that is how you like your steaks.


The freak dude in the car was just flat out scary – nothing much else to say except what in the world makes him think he looks like a woman?