Odds and sods part I

| February 22, 2024

Remember we mentioned the government suit against DPE, the folks who are the sole source for a key component of neoprene January 12 and February 2nd? The key to the government case was a letter, purportedly from Michael Morton, an EPA Science Liaison, calling off an investigation – except Morton said he never wrote the letter. I guess if you don’t have evidence, fabricate it, right?  Seems a judge was NOT in agreement.

In a ruling late Friday, Judge Carl Barbier of the U.S. District of Eastern Louisiana abruptly canceled oral arguments in the case scheduled for this week and the subsequent trial which had been set for mid-March.

“EPA’s request to delay the trial indefinitely belies the ‘emergency’ that the government claims in this unprecedented action,” DPE counsel Jason Hutt said in a statement shared with Fox News Digital. “EPA’s lawsuit has come at great expense to both this country’s only Neoprene facility and its dedicated employees.”

The company also characterized the Biden administration’s efforts against it as politically driven, unsupported by real-world science, and outside its legal authority under the Clean Air Act.


The claim is that the plant emits high levels of a carcinogen…interesting since that parish has one of the lowest rates of cancer in the state.

And arrests have been made in the Kansas City parade shooting, so four have been arrested so far (no word and who will be given no-cash bail to date.) The reasons for the brawl are as always deep and complex.

According to court documents in the case, the altercation started with a remark about whether one person was looking at another.  NBC News

You lookin’ at me? If that is the best we can produce for ‘civilized’ citizens, we are indeed doomed. Makes you think that instead of needing Travis Bickle, we should need another movie character. My choice would be Snake Plissken.  Lock ’em all up an an island and let God sort ’em out.

And in California last Monday, a Senate candidate floated a novel idea for minimum wage: $50, that five-oh, fifty bucks an hour for minimum wage statewide. A familiar name, too – Barbara Lee (already a Congresswoman. No wonder our spending is out of control.)

Her rationale? That’s ‘only’ $104,000 a year.  Can’t live and support a family on that there.

Paraphrasing Jim Carrey in “Liar, Liar” – if the area you live in is too expensive, “Don’t live there, stupid!” (However, if you truly love the California way, please stay the hell out of Texas – thank you.)


Oh, and Happy the REAL Washington’s birthday!



Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Dumbass Bullshit

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Anna Puma

Remember this is the EPA that polluted a river in Colorado while some of their employees polluted hallways with human feces.

So yes they are experts in pollution.


LaPlace. I need to get back out that way, though admittedly the town is just a drive-by on the way to NOLA. I-10 or I-55 (I prefer the latter), it’s only a couple of hours away.

The wife and I had an interesting conversation about California yesterday. I was listening to Styxhexenhammer talk about the Wong Election Commission choice. Seriously, SF elected a non-citizen Chinese immigrant: Non-citizen Chinese immigrant is sworn in on SF’s Election Commission (nypost.com)

She (the wife) started reminiscing of her trip to SF years ago. She really wants to go back, but I think she’s lost grip on reality, as she was telling me she was looking at rent prices. Let’s see… I owe $100k on my 2k sq/ft property sitting on an acre. We’ve been talking about getting some acreage in the Appalachians somewhere, eventually at least. I looked up rent in SF. For $5k a month I can rent a condo way too small for my family. That’s my disability and retirement if you count utilities. As the sole working person, I’d have to find a job that enables me to buy air mattresses for the kids and keep ramen on the table, so $50/hour sounds about right. Only, isn’t there some kind of weirdness going on? If I make 2.5 times what I make now (rough wage being my combined income as of this writing), do air mattresses go from $30 to $75? Will ramen be $2/pkg instead of $0.70?

Oh, and if I take most of my “toys”, will I be heavily fined and a convicted felon? That Bad Boy mower probably isn’t CA compliant, and most of my guns are evil high-capacity sentient beings. I might bet Brownie points for my EGO OPE, but I’m going to need new batteries soon, and might get in trouble if I decided to burn the old ones for a show. 🤨


Colorado has jumped that shark as well. As of 2025, all govt and businesses have to use non-gas powered lawn equipment.. no word on who’s going to pay to replace everything..


It worked with cocaine in CO too!

Anyone wanna join an enterprise smuggling gas-powered equipment?


It’ll be pushed back to 2030, then to 2035, then repealed when none of it works out.

Commissioner Wretched

Isn’t it odd how mandates come up against a hard reality, and reality always wins in the end?


My neighbor got his years ago. He replaced a 15+-year-old Murray that was missing its hood and had countless repairs, but still cut fine. Did his research and found a pro-grade Bad Boy in MS, drove out there, and he’s been using it since.

My EGO push mower sufficed for NOVA. When I lived down here before I had a Craftsman self-propelled and then bought a 42″ Craftsman riding mower. Got a hell of a deal on the latter, about half off original price, then added a bagger and bumper for about $1k total investment. The self-propelled got taken and turned into coke money, while the rider was “borrowed” by my brother and never seen again. So, when my neighbor told me he had an acquaintance looking to sell an MZ Magnum with low hours for $3k about the same time I moved back, I jumped on it.

As for non-gas OPE, it works, but it’s going to get expensive for high-usage equipment. I bought into EGO in 2018 and have the 21″ mower, hedge trimmer, backpack blower, and string trimmer. Of those four, the string trimmer is the only thing that sees much use these days, and it holds up against any gas trimmer I’ve used. But… my batteries are all five-plus years old, and anything less than a 5Ah is barely worth putting on the trimmer, unless I have a spare nearby. Of the two 5Ah batteries I have, one started acting up nearly four years ago. It’s nice not having to pull start equipment, but it’s also nice adding some fresh 50:1 mix and being able to get some uninterrupted work in.


“…politically driven, unsupported by real-world science, and outside its legal authority…” That pretty much describes EVERYTHING that the prezzy sniffy creepy admin has done. Miss Thang does fill out her neoprene suit very nicely so there is that.

The KC story will disappear since the principles don’t fit the narrative of an ebill whyte RAYCISTS doing a mass shooting.

Sadly, this dumbass bitch will prolly get (s)elected to the Senate Seat. What’s worse, these kinda idiots being (s)elected to office, or the idiots that are (((voting))) for them?


I think they should make minimum wage $500 an hour. Then I can buy whatever I want. I could even get a $300 hamburger, at McDonald’s.


I wonder how much of this minimum wage farce is an attempt to increase sales tax ‘revenue’, with an added benefit of ‘cheap vote’ wrangling.

7.25 to 10.75 percent regressive extortion sales tax in the PRoCalifornah.

Laughing at the Laffer Curve has the consequences.

Their ‘government’ cut all those bonds and promised well-padded pensions with no structural possibility to deliver.

(warning: war noises, wojak, hippie ‘music’)


No, the intention is to create inflation. If they can increase inflation enough they can create high enough installation the debt becomes worthless. They have already mortgaged 12 over 100% of the gdp, they will never, ever be repaid.

But don’t forget they have a lot of mandatory spending and they control the official rate of inflation. So effectively they can reduce their bills while at the same time increasing their income. I wish I could do that.


the intention is to create inflation

I don’t disagree! The effect of which make these longterm debt obligations appear lessened, on paper.

They’re missing a component in their calculations: currency velocity.

When, not if, these policies cause fewer transactions (in inflated dollar terms) the positive attributes of forced higher earnings is lessened to a greater degree than before. Any residual and excess assets (read: retained savings) held by people that can be allocated to beat inflation will be utilized as such.

It’ll leave the rabble to make up any difference.


Can’t truly have odds and sods without The Who.

Old tanker

Once I heard the news about the shooting and that juvies were arrested for the shooting, I figured it was gang related. The “what chu looking at?” is par for the course in gang “interactions”. Gangs bring such a vibrance and benefit to society dontcha know.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

WOW, Jumpin Jehossaphat and I’ll be a monkey’s Uncle over that 50 buck’s minimum wage. I started in 1970 at around 10 bucks an hour and when I retired in 2007, I was making 18-20 bucks an hour.


My first job in 1977 (I was 14) paid $2.75 an hour, minimum wage was $3.35. I was exempt because I was seasonal.


My first civilian job after I left AD in 1974 was as an armed security guard. I was armed with my Browning HighPower, and I was the only employee who was actually trained with my weapon (in an SAS close quarter battle course). I was paid $2.00 per hour.


The piece and training are impressive.


The lookin that leads to killin is called “mean muggin.” Their term, not mine (on pain of being called a “racist” by the Marxist mollusk previously known as Cthulhu).


Din do nuffin’.

Make minimum wage $1,000 an hour or quit wasting our time on these petty increases.

How the fuck is a single mother of 10 supposed to raise a family on $25/hr?


Sell a kid?


Better idea than selling a kid-ney. Plus, Big Mamma can just spawn another.