Thursday… shooting and a favorite resurfaces.

| February 15, 2024


The big news is that at the Kansas City Chief’s Super Bowl celebration parade Wednesday, three were arrested presumably as the perps who shot 22 , 8 of them kids, and killed a local Tejano DJ, Lisa Lopez-Galvan. Given that DJs are not typically targeted, I would assume she was collateral damage.

The shooting outside Union Station happened despite more than 800 police officers who were in the building and around the area, including on top of nearby buildings, said Mayor Quinton Lucas, who attended with his wife and mother and had to run for cover when gunfire broke out. AP

I remember the old days when cop-killers had an unusually high rate of dying resisting arrest. Makes you wish that some of these ‘fire into any crowd’ types would do the same, or maybe get a mandatory (and QUICK) death penalty…say, a few weeks after sentencing.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is calling – again – for an assault weapon ban.

While the motivation of the suspects is still unclear, Biden urged Congress to ban assault weapons, limit high-capacity magazines and strengthen background checks — three policies his administration has pushed for but been unable to convince Congress to pass. AOL

No details on the kind of gun(s) used, no descriptions of the arrested, no details or if there is a search for other participants (much less their descriptions, which nowadays typically means something) – but Joe jumped right in, doing the same thing he always does. No surprises there…could be he thinks he’s reacting to Columbine.

Anyone remember the person pictured/ she has graced our pages multiple times. Nowadays she goes by Nkechi Diallo.  She got let go by the Catalina Foothills School District in Arizona when they found out she has an OnlyFans page.

“We only learned of Ms. Nkechi Diallo’s OnlyFans social media posts yesterday afternoon,” Farbarik added. “She is no longer employed by the Catalina Foothills School District.”

Diallo was allegedly making $19 an hour in her teaching gig and sold content on OnlyFans for $9.99 a month, The Post reports.    Vibe

I know, nothing shows decay in society  better than that this ‘lady’ pictured has subscribers? Man, there is a serious dearth of taste in some folks.

Still not ringing any bells? Well, maybe you remember the name Rachel Dolezal? The blue-eyed blonde (per her parents) who ‘passed’ as black for enough years to become the Spokane, Wa. President of the NAACP? Yep, that’s her.

$9.99 a month….maybe she’s a contortionist, a swordswallower, or EXTREMELY adventurous between the sheets. . Otherwise, thirty some cents a day looks like a real ripoff.











Category: Guns, Past Posers

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Stay classy!

A Proud Infidel®™

AS USUAL, the politicians are dancing in the blood of the victims ASAP, and NO names or descriptions of the perps? It appears that they weren’t MAGA types.


Seen the pictures of the shooters, they don’t match the narrative, the story will be buried.


Yep. They have the wrong level of melanin. So no pics in the MSM.

Skivvy Stacker

I’ve hardly heard a peep about it. I did hear that two “juveniles” had been arrested. So, that just screams GANGSTA related shooting. So, naturally that doesn’t come up to the proper definition of
Mass Shooting. However, even if these young gentlemen used the standard firearm of urban youth–the handgun—we can always count on Cotton Eye Joe to demand we ban “Assault Rifles”, and “High Capacity Shotguns”, and “Bayonet Studs that hold more than 10 bullet clips in their thing on the back that goes up”, and “chainsaw grenade launchers.”


There was apparently an AR-15 carbine or pistol involved, according to the pic below. One of the shooters had a bag full of guns. The police say they recovered three firearms and that the shooting had something to do with a conflict between two groups.


Absolute bullshit, and your racist shit talking is yet another datapoint about the kind of person you are.


Well, your communist hate America bullshit shows the kind of person and agitpropagandist you are.


How is this story buried?

It has been on the news constantly for two days. Including faces of the shooters. Even the face of the black adult arrested but had nothing to do with the shooting was used as the lead image of the story on CNN, and the continued to run his face as the face of the story AFTER it was revealed he was just a bystander.

There is nobody trying to hide or protect the identities of these shooters other than basic police protocols involving withholding the identities of minors being followed by the police themselves.

These “doesn’t fit the narrative”:posts are bullshit. Every time. They are absolutely bullshit.

And it says a lot about the people that post them.

The only time the faces of black mass shooters don’t make national news is exclusively black on black violence because it doesn’t resonate as a concern for broader mainstream national audiences because they don’t see it as happening to them.

But a mass shooting at a broad audience public event, regardless of the the skin color of the perpetrators, will stay in the news for days, including the names and faces of perpetrators when they become known to the media.


So, “Only occasionally and accidentally blacks get it right” is what you’re tacking towards?

Based take, £@®5.

I’m shocked… Good on ya!

Last edited 11 months ago by Roh-Dog

The KC shooters much to disappointment of the Media Industrial Complex were not “white supremacists” but gang bangers out causing mayhem. Ya know, Bangers gotta Bang, and they had handguns not whatever they hell they call “assault rifles”. KC ranked inside the top 10 in violence in 2023, and here’s a shocker its another deep blue city. All mayors except for 1 have been Democrats since 1930, and the one Republican last served in 1991.


Nope, looked like an AR-15.


Here ya go.


That appears to be a 40 round mag.


Thank God the mayor sued the state to cut the police budget by 20%. Now that the department is short 300 officers there is no telling how many black people were saved from being shot by the police yesterday. The murder rate in KC is now barely double what it used to be which is a small price to pay for racial justice.

USMC Steve

A few observations or thoughts on this. First, socialist democrat run city. second, if the FBI was there, no one will ever convince me this was not an orchestrated event.


Wondering why I haven’t seen this around here yet? It is “troubling”. The lack of media interest is nothing short of astonishing. The POTUS sics foreign intelligence services on his political enemies? Must be Tuesday.


Yes, they identified 26 people, all US citizens, they wanted the five eyes foreign intel agencies to surveil.


Thugs be keepin’ it real, yo! Criticism is “racist” and not allowed:
comment image


The FBI could screw up making dry toast. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s incompetence.


Meanwhile, BZ to this couple as dad tackled him and punched him the ribs as mama went for the gun. Their quotes are nothing short of awesome.

Hack Stone

Saw a recap of an interview of one of the bystanders who detained the “suspect”. News interviewer asked him if the police arrested the guy. Given that it is Democrat run city, that is a fair question.


Probably arrest. Then no cash signature bond, release with 24 hours.

There is a pic of one of the suspects over at NYP along with a pic of one of the weapons which appears to be an AR-15 with an extended 40 round magazine.

Last edited 11 months ago by 5JC

It’s always the same thing. They will wonder what kind of crazy they were. They want to understand them. They will interview their 8th grade classmates and they’ll describe how they made a snowman out of clay and smashed it, but they didn’t think anything of it at the time. So forth and so on…

Last edited 11 months ago by bmorgan
Hack Stone

$19 an hour? Hack is surprised her skill set could pull in that much coin. She would be better off setting up a proud but humble woman owned business that sells overpriced and outdated software to the Federal Government. Speaking of which, for those keeping score at home, as well as his 2025 lawsuit from a website developer and Bank of America suing him, would anyone like to guess who filed for bankruptcy, again?

Forest Bondurant

Psul of the Ballsack?

Hack Stone

That would be correct. Hack knows a few people who declared bankruptcy due to some self inflicted financial problems, but not twice. Must be that lucky sperm he was telling us about.


She’s underpaid because she’s black.

Hack Stone

That would be the 2015 lawsuit, though Hack is more than confident that if he has not succumbed to autoerotic asphyxiation by then, he will probably be sued a few more times.

Hack Stone

We’ll know that Joe Biden is serious about getting guns out of the hands of people who should not have them when we see Hunter Biden shackled and and walked into a prison. I’m not joking, folks.


For the love of God, I heard the people on Only Fans were sick puppies but this is crazy. Nobody in their right mind wants to see that.


Who the hell would hire her??

Tucson – “Hold my Tecate”


Garret had a field day with this.


It’s Catalina Foothills School District
Left of left and oddly rich as hell too


Even farther left than 4th Avenue.


Here is a photo of her from a year ago


The one on the left or the right?


Both Lmao…


Beat me to it.


Dog has more common sense
Then she does


Happier times with her boyfriend.

Last edited 11 months ago by SFC D



That pic with the dog is when she still identified as Caucasian. It matches her look when she was a blond teen, living with her white parents.


Another comparison photo


She is what I would call bright white


Or a not bright white.


She could straighten her hair, dye it black, and shift her identity to Pascua Yacqui or Tohono O’odham. Hey, if it worked for Elizabeth Warren…


Sacheen Littlefeather…
comment image


No, she identified as Cherokee, the tribes that more commonly interbred with other races, since so many of them readily assimilated into white culture. What screwed up her grift in addition to the DNA test was a couple of Cherokee ancestry/genealogy researchers that proved she had only white ancestors, one of whom was a military guard of the Indians forced onto the Trail of Tears.


Pour one out for the revitiligo ‘sufferers’:

(If you don’t know The Boondocks show, you’re missing out imho)


Feral pavement apes, gun grabbers, and skanks. Just another day at the news feeds…or as we say…Thursday.


More than willing to break bread with my enemies, but also standing by to stand by for more animated breakings.

The Republic weeps.



Excellent info here, I was listening on the way to work this morning. They couldn’t even read her facebook posts on the air, nearly pissed myself laughing. Looking good, Tucson!


Catalina Foothills Schools showed poor judgment hiring Ray-Ray D to begin with. I’m personally thrilled that they received unwanted attention.

Last edited 11 months ago by Wilson

One of the leftwing nut admins let her in the door knowing who she was
My wife went through hell doing background checks her in Arizona to get her teacher certificate her. This nut case walked right in
And was given a job


Democrats scream “Gun control!” and local authorities say “motive unclear,” but it was just a ghetto “dispute” (someone packin’ heat felt disrespected) and that’s it.

Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous

Just sayin’. Guy shot dead while apologizing for fender-bender in parking lot:

Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous
Prior Service

$9.99 a month would be better spent on an insurance policy on my eyeballs to cover loss of vision subsequent to looking at her. All the options and someone is going to pick her? Seriously?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

No names, pics, or descriptions of the shooters yells volumes all by itself.
My only critique of the KC Chiefs perp tackler is that he shouldn’t have had his pic taken or spoken to the DeMSM.
Otherwise, good job there!
Posting a sniper on top of a building, weapon aimed into a crowd of friendlies?! WTF were TPTB thinking!

As for Rachael….based on her most current pic, she is WELL past her “sell by” date. Probably couldn’t even give it away by now. And people are willing to fork over $10/month to see her do…..what? Not only no, but HELL NO! (pass the barf bag, stat!)

Dennis - not chevy

Hmm, snipers on the roof. Puts me in mind of the time President Clinton was at a local USAF base. The local media was going wild, “Oh boy, oh boy the President coming to town!” I thought little of it until one of the talking heads was telling how his father took him to see the President years ago when he was a kid. I thought my daughter might want to see the President, so we went. She was underwhelmed and quite bored. We walked through metal detectors and smiled at the federal agent who was thumbing through the picture book of known threatening people. My situational awareness spiked so I looked and saw the sniper on the roof looking at me through his spotter scope. I laughed when the federal agent, dressed in a borrowed USAF uniform, stood by friend’s family while we were chatting.

Sometime later VP Gore was giving a speech at another local USAF base. I decided to go by myself; I thought it would be of no use to sign the kid out of school just to be bored. I prepared myself for the metal detectors, the threat book, and the snipers. Nope, didn’t need to. None of them were there. I just sat down in the bleachers and when he finished, I left.


I’m not saying that she is a One or a Two, the crazy IS extra strong in this one, but I think I’d rather just keep my $9.99/month!


Deployment 2.

Hack Stone

America demands that Sarah McLaughlin do a PSA Voiceover saying “For the small donation of $9.99 a month, your donation will help Rachel with regular scheduled butt enhancement surgery, tanning booth sessions and hair extensions.”


Rachel must be putting some time in at the gym with those abs, or it could have been hours spent learning how to photoshop.


The deadliest sniper in Marine history moves on to Valhalla.
Chuck Mawhinney, the Deadliest Sniper in Marine Corps History, Dies at 75 |


I doubt that carpet matches the drapes. Nonetheless, it may be interesting to know who has “serviced” that account and what they discovered.

That she has disowned her family also gives wonder to whether they had any part in the implied polarization.

Firing her for having a side business seems, to me, to be beyond judgmental.

This story requires the expertise of Yale’s legendary Dr. Bandy Lee, famed psychiatrist and gyno-chiatrist from the Trump I era.

Green Thumb

I am surprised the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) has not reached out to the newly, seemly unemployed Nkechi Diallo (aka Rachel Dolezal).

A solid hire to run the Cultural Appropriation Department at the All-Points Logistics School of Executive Management.

She might even be able to double as a VP in Media Relations with that snatch whacking account. Definitely seems to have the potential to reach out and “touch” a whole new batch of potential Philo Supporters. Who knows? Sky is the limit here.

Phildo should get Lori Benton spun up ASAP to make the offer.

Phil Monkress cannot let this type of talent fall by the wayside.