Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| February 6, 2024

Governor is shocked at the result of his own policies, then goes total Karen on poor cashier

Bright colors are used in nature to indicate a creature’s poisonous nature

Talking to her at all is racist

“Do no harm” doesn’t apply to chemical castrations

“Milk cricket?” What the fuck is that?

Those poor kids

No shocks here

It’s long past time she go back to her real home

State-sanctioned child abuse

I guess I’m not an ally #NoFaceTalisman

Being late is part of the culture?

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Question: how do Transgenders catch COVID more easily, often and have it worse than anyone else? Are their immune systems compromised due to the medications they take? If so, I hate to inform them that that is self inflicted.

As for DR. Pink hair, if I’m in an examination room , and that walks in, I walk out! No questions asked.


These nut-jobs are sick way beyond our commonsense ability to understand. They are all FUBAR.


They take it anally, duh.


It’d be nice if anyone accusing someone of racism in a public forum was mandated to get a DNA test for a potentially humbling experience.

Obviously this is ridiculous, but the Fruit de la Lolz emanating from existential crises could be both bountiful and beauteous.

And the mask thing, this has been disproven so many times it’s getting ultra annoying. Unless you’re; symptomatic, changing the thing out every 20-or-so minutes, and it’s of proper fit, it’s theatre at best

The world can keep pretending, I’ll keep my wits about me.

Fuck you, you ‘biological cull-de-sacks’ (hudge sic, feel free to spread t’round).


Recently saw on you tube where levar burton was informed his great great grandfather was white. Kunta kinte had a shit fit. Funny to watch.


Cartier brothers is the channel on the tube of you.


No he didn’t.

You must have seen the short out of context video being trolled around by race baiters and white supremacists. Wishing you were better than that.

Here is the whole unedited video. S10E3


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Will find it when I get home and post the one I saw. Wasn’t aware cartier brothers were white. They certainly looked black to me.



Here ya go. This is the one I was talking about.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I watched that episode.
Levar freaked out, but he didn’t have a “shit fit”.
By the end of the episode, he kind of accepted that he had a white ancestor.
I figure that even amateur students of history would figure there are no pure, straight races of anything. Somewhere in the past, there’s a flier, an outlier, to mix the races and make a mutt out of yours (and mine) ancestry.

Maybe shit fit was too strong a term but he for sure wasn’t happy to hear it.

Green Thumb

I need to puke.


Rope is cheaper than wood chippers, but worm beds create fish bait. I’m good with using all three (3)…you know…for diversity.


Silly me, I assumed that the reason they changed the law was that the government employees could get the five fingered discount for free.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Sooooo…..if I compliment you, it’s racism and a microaggression.
If I ignore you, it’s racism and a microaggression.

What if I say, “HEY! B!TCH!”? Is that acceptable?
Just asking.

It may be depending on whether the term is used as a Proper Noun, a Descriptive Adjective, or a Working Verb. Graybeard may be our resident English/Grammer Expert these days, he could possibly expand. Either way, use of the term in the presence of Sister Mary Grace would get you a rap on the knuckles from her ruler.

I think most of them identify as bitches so that would be acceptable.


Can we spay or neuter liberals en masse and call it “gender nullification”?


Absolutely no need.

They’re totally doing it to themselves and their children so this is a self-resolving problem. I do feel bad for the kids because they are relatively innocent and don’t deserve to be sterilized. They’re paying the price for their parents being an evolutionary dead end.

Amateur Historian

Well, I got a story out of Montana of all places. This is scary:

Prior Service

If my wife manages to bring like seven different foods, cooked in twelve different ways, to the Thanksgiving table while they are still warm and you aren’t there on time? First, we are eating without you, and second, I don’t care what color you are or what your culture thinks; it’s rude.


“Just so you know, this switch absolutely must be turned off, precisely at 0800 and 0 seconds, or the whole assembly will fall into the molten pool, explode, and make Iowa disappear forever. So, be here no later than 0730 to prepare!”…

“Yeah, about that 0800 thing this morning? I was really tired, so I had another cup of coffee, and then stopped at McD’s for breakfast. So yeah, I know it’s like 0930 and stuff, but I’m ready now…hello?…..HELLO?…..anybody here….”


The ABSOLUTE best answer to the trans contagion: AWFL Affluent White Female Liberals)