Stolen Valor Posts and FOIA Results

| February 3, 2024

I have some good news and some bad news depending on your point of view. We are finally getting FOIA results back with increased frequency. I’d say about 4-5 weeks is the average time from filing to getting results. I’m speaking of the NPRC. The Navy and the Army have been consistent throughout the COVID period with 30-45 days turnaround.

As I mentioned, only about one out of 4 or 5 is actionable. We have received two this past week that are actionable and worth posting. I don’t know if that is good news, or bad news. Disappointing to see people embellishing, but on the other hand, this is TAH’s roots – to run them up the flagpole (metaphorically speaking, of course) and get your opinions and comments.

So, on the “on deck circle” we currently have a fake SEAL and a fake Marine sniper claiming to have been wounded in the Marine Barracks Bombing in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983. We’ll try and get them up this coming week.

Any votes for which one you would like to see first? I’m thinking one on Monday bright and early and the other on Wednesday, just to space it out.

Category: FOIA, Stolen Valor

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Like to see the National Defense Ribbon fakes at the top of the list. They stopped giving those out a few years ago!


The Brotherhood must be protected. Yes, the Sisterhood too.


Think about those of us with TWO NDSMs…LOL


I think our timing really sucked! Lol


I have 2! I’m gonna ride those 2 MFers as far as the VA let’s me!!😆😆😂😂


I can name two of them (they both claimed three NDSM’s) right off the top of my head and they were both SEAC’s. / s

Last edited 8 months ago by Claw

Marine barracks bombing first.


FIRST SECOND! Can we get an AYE? Chimpy, dust off the As(s)teroid of Insults and standby.

“…this is TAH’s roots…” Jonn seemed to always follow the words of David Crockett on his postings of phonies…”Be sure you’re right, then go ahead.” Ironclad proof of their nefarious activities and blatant lies. It’s what brought most of us here.


AYE! Comms are up and ready, call that fire mission, KoB!


These are the guys that get under Dave Hardin’s skin.

Link to VG search for “beirut”.


Agreed. Claiming the barracks is always a good way to get outed as a fake.And icing up the turd with a sniper claim too? Can’t wait.


Out of all the stolen valor claims to make, Beirut survivor and POW are the easiest to debunk. Phonies just aren’t putting in the work anymore. Sock puppets are scarce. Perhaps the efforts to expose false claims are working?


Viet of the Nam phonies are dying off which saddens me.
I would rather see them live a long tormented life.
TAH has done a fine job ensuring they are “not forgotten”.


Yeah: now we are going to be entering the spring of fake OIF/OEF vets.

Amateur Historian



Sniper. No one would fake being a SEAL.


“The Hair” sees all.


I miss the Salad Days of fake Barracks Bombing survivors. Nothing like the SEAL/F-14 Jock combo that went straight to BUDS without boot camp, but somehow did the 2 plus years in aviator pipeline at the same time.

I tired creating a channel like Senior Chief Shipley to expose all the phony REMFs trying to get free loans, free drinks, and free pussy. The sad thing is no phony ever says he was supply clerk, or a maintainer. Nope, they’re all ‘cool guys’ saving lives, and killing baddies.

It sucks that these guys do that shit, but I look forward to them being exposed and ridiculed.


No such thing as free pussy. In fact, the most expensive pussy is free at first…

Hack Stone

Kind of like the Columbia House Record & Tape Club, you get the first 13 for a penny, then you are locked in the relationship for the next two or three years, there’s not much variety, and you are paying way more than you should be to be getting it.


God I remember those commercials. Does this mean I am officially old now?


Remember? Hell, I got sucked into it.

Daisy Cutter

Seinfeld: “You know, I don’t think I have a knife that can cut through a shoe.”

Last edited 8 months ago by Daisy Cutter

Don’t forget the “free” tape player.

Hack Stone


“Free crack”

Slow Joe

Words of wisdom!


Welllll there’s that one “maintainer” that used to hang out here that was pretty sketchy if not downright phony. I’m not gonna name names, but JRM might ring a bell.


Bring him up again and I’ll repost one of his guitar solos. Brrrrr……


We haven’t seen guy claim to be both a Beruit barracks bombing survivor and Grenada veteran. Tell me I’m only encouraging the fraudsters out there, but (given the ludicrous claims heard already) there has to be one w/ a story how he did both. I’ll laugh my ass off– no, really, they checked you out at the hospital then you just went from one plane to another on the ramp at Pope AFB and jumped into sh*t, eh?

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous
Daisy Cutter

Daniel Wall claimed to be both in the Grenada invasion (10/25/83) and then in the Marine Barracks bombing (10/23/83).

The teleportation was strong with this one.

Hack Stone

Is Grenada big enough to land and launch a C5 from? That is the only thing that may, emphasis on may, be able to get his fatass airborne.


Okay, we got one– being two days apart in a radically different AOR is a tough nut to crack in the BS department though.

Hack Stone

What happened was that when Daniel Wall was sent into the teleport booth, he was a lean mean 180 pounds of killing machine, but somehow a sperm whale got into the machine at the same time, and their DNA combined. And right now there is a whale swimming around the Atlantic with Daniel Wall’s body.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe we can end up scoring another Giduck or “Blobfish” one day?

Army-Air Force Guy

I can see that happening. After all, he did work at Area 51.

Green Thumb

“What happened when Daniel Wall was sent into the teleport booth?”

He got stuck.


Phony tridents are still a dime a dozen unless the wearer is someone juicy. Fake Beirut survivors are getting more rare. You pretty much have to be over 60 to even try to pull that off.


Drunk town blowhard claiming SEAL isn’t worth it. Now if it’s some politician or business owner claiming SEAL, then I want their face all over the the front page.

Daisy Cutter

Yeah, that’s SOOOOoooo been done before! 😉


Remember the NHL on ice presentation for this holy clown?
He was BOTH.

Well, he has since croaked,
and got a holy send off (put up on YouTube, too).

Daryl Edwards – Phony SEAL and Fake Marine Barracks Survivor IAS | March 5, 2020


But Fake Seals are so much fun..
the fake hero Marine should probably go first
I have a feeling that one is going to be more interesting

Hack Stone

We are finally getting FOIA results back with increased frequency.

Skivvy Stacker

Neither one was “the last man pulled out of the rubble after five days”??? like so many before them??

Army-Air Force Guy

That dude that weighed like 600 lbs that claimed he was in the rubble for a few days? Not to be mean, but he can’t still be alive.

Daisy Cutter

Daniel Wall

600 lbs was when he was slim. He achived a weight of over 900 lbs. Still kickin’.

One half ton of pure fighting devil dog spirit.

Hack Stone

Hack remembers that guy. From a town called Berlin, which led to Hack Stone bestowing the title of The Berlin Wall upon that beached whale.

Daisy Cutter

“You want me on that wall,
you need me on that wall.”


“I AM that wall”.

Hack Stone

Son, we live in a world that has bullshitters, and those bullshitters have to be exposed by men with access to military records. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Dave Harding? I have a greater imagination than you could possibly fathom. You laugh for Bernath and you curse Wittgenfeld. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know; that Bernath’s death, while comical, probably inspired dozens of TAH threads. And my body odor, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, *saves lives*. You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that thread. You need me on that thread. We use words like Sniper, SEAL, records fire. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending our lies. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the integrity to explain myself to a man who researches and posts under the blanket of the very freedom of speech, and then questions the forged DD-214 which I eventually provide! I would rather you just said “thank you for your service” and give me my free Applebee’s Veteran’s Day meal. Otherwise, I suggest you review my actual records and start a thread. Either way, I don’t give a *damn* what you think you are entitled to!

Army-Air Force Guy

“That Bernath’s death, while comical” 😂😂😂😂😂

Hack Stone

This shit writes itself. Hack is just the Oracle.

Daisy Cutter

OMG! I split my sides reading that. Bravo! Well done.

We tend to wait for them to provide their DD-214s, and in some cases, we’re still waiting.

Last edited 8 months ago by Daisy Cutter

Alaska Bob is still lost in Kelly’s “Canyon”.

Daisy Cutter

It’s hard to run a sled dog team through a dry canyon. Assuming it’s dry, anyway.

Hence, the expression: “Grease the skids.”

Last edited 8 months ago by Daisy Cutter

I hope the dogs are ok.

Hack Stone

A lot of brave men ventured into Kelly’s Canyon, not all of them made it back.

A Proud Infidel®™

Next he’ll probably say that his records were lost at Macho Grande!

I’ll never get over Macho Grande.

Green Thumb

More likely at some roadside bar drinking up the donation money.

Daisy Cutter

This is my lie. There are many like it but this one is mine. My lie is my best friend. It is my imaginary life. I must master it as I must master my imaginary life. My lie, without me, is useless. Without my lie, I am useless. I must tell my lie falsely. I must tell it more crooked than my enemy who is trying to corner me with the truth. I will…

Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.

Green Thumb

You ripped that off!

Its on the wall in the foyer at All-Points Logistics!

Green Thumb

Bad ass minus the mention of Phil Monkress.

Bubblehead Ray

You FEED me on that wall!


At that weight he’s not just famine resistant, he’s famineproof.

Army-Air Force Guy

Whoever said “No man is an island” never met him.


sigh…posers these days just are not what they used to be…no sock puppets, fake family members, fake Sergeants Major vouching for them….



I know a retired E9 that’s a fraud, would she count as a fake Sergeant Major?


Would that be Gretchen Evans? That broad took her act to the next level, acting as a spokesperson/veteran’s ambassador at Excelsior University.


No, this one just got herself a spot on the local veteran’s wall of fame. She’s the epitome of diversity promoting. Checked all the right boxes but couldn’t lead a turd down the bowl.


Holy crap.
Bronze Star,
and a whole bunch of public affiliations.
If she’s not legit ….. this is big fish for MP/VG.

Easy to pin down. She’s all over the Fu of Google.


how the hell can a SGM only have one award of the NCOPD ribbon? Or do I need to get my eyes checked?


Service dog… Check.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ooh, ooh, OOH, does she have a Harley that she rides wearing a blinged-up leather vest as well?


A Proud Infidel***,
And speedo / speedon’t.

I’ll spare everyone the photo.
It’s out there on the Fu of Google.


Thank you.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have an old Battle Buddy who actually WOULD hate-fuck her just for shits and giggles!


I found a LARGE photo of the ribbon rack.
Dark bronze 5 on the NCOPD ribbon.
But the NDSM ribbon is barren of a star.

ADMINS – Here you go. For near future scrutiny.


Yes, that’s
5 MSMs,
5 AAMs,
and a cherry topping of
Bronze Star and Defense MSM.


I can read the top and bottom
rungs of the qual ladder as
M-16 and Grenade but what’s
the middle one?


She’s also a PISTOL.


Nice freefall parachutist (HALO) badge– in MarineDad61’s post– didn’t know women could get one when she was young enough to do so! /sarc


She’s got 4 overseas reserve tng ribbons, but only one ARCAM and only the 10-year bronze hourglass on her AFRM? Some attention to detail there… /sarc

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

That’s gold, Jerry. Gold!
AARP story.

[ After basic training, Evans became a counterintelligence agent and learned to speak German and Italian fluently.
Her small stature helped her to go unnoticed as a spy in counterterrorism operations throughout Italy, Central America and the Middle East.
She also undertook leadership roles in multiple combat engagements and was deployed in many capacities,
including as a paratrooper. ​

By the end of her career, Evans had worked her way up to command sergeant major, the highest rank an enlisted soldier in the Army can achieve.
In 2006, during her final deployment, she oversaw security and personnel for all U.S. military bases in Afghanistan, which included 30,000 ground troops. ]

The story begins with this….

[ Under heavy mortar fire in Afghanistan,
Gretchen Evans was thrown headfirst into a bunker while trying to get her troops to safety.
Days later she woke up with a traumatic brain injury and permanent hearing loss, ending her 27-year military career as one of the most decorated women veterans in U.S. history. ]

A Proud Infidel®™

WHAT, no claims of Valor at Macho Grande as well?

I’ll never get over Macho Grande.


Hooah! 😉
comment image

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

I gotta get me one of those shirts. Then I can throw a shot of whisky in my ear and the picture will be complete!🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃


She was featured here before…

Green Thumb

If Maggoty DeSanti only had a daughter….


Rachel Evans, porn star… Gretchen her Mom?
comment image

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous
Hack Stone

Just like the old time Marines complaining/bragging about using iron sights, the kids today committing Stolen Valor are just half-assing it. Back in the day, posers would go all in, with thousands of dollars invested in uniforms, medals and forged certificates; tattoos and biker vests; doctored photos; threats of violence and lawsuits against TAH; and of course, the sock puppets. God, how miss those sock puppets. Where have you gone, Will Chamberlain? If it wasn’t for you saving The Round Ranger’s life, our lives would be so empty. It’s a good thing you used that condom as you and The Round Ranger reenacted the love scene from Deliverance.


I’ve got another Phony Desert Storm Veteran in my crosshairs.
Doing it on my own.

FOIA date line entry, only 1.
Active duty Air Force less than 2½ years, between 1986-1989.
But he claims 193rd Special Ops.

Worse, he likes to parade around with his VFW member cap.

When the full FOIA comes in,
someone’s going to have some home based business,
political organization, and VFW explaining to do.


The biz.

“VETERAN” all over the

  • business name – check
  • van(s) – check
  • t-shirts – check
  • DSV ballcap – check

This 4 year 1980s Air Force veteran
is now curious how and why
he couldn’t make it 2½ years
into his 4 year Air Force enlistment.

But decades later, he’s all about riding on “veteran”.
And yes, there IS a past criminal history in these parts.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s definitely more than kind of interesting. AWOL? Perpetual UCMJ issues? can’t wait to hear about that “interesting” chap!

Green Thumb

A loser this clown is…


A Proud Infidel*^*^*,
BONUS – Verified.
Not only is he a VFW Post Jr. Vice Commander,
he is a member of the SAME VFW POST
as the (state) Department HQ ADJUTANT.

This just got juicier,
what with the adherence to by laws and all that.


Early discharge for bad contact with child/animal?


Is it possible he went Palace Chase at 2 yrs and over to PA Air Guard (193rd)? I worked with a few people who did that from AF AD to Reserves/ART.

Green Thumb

Probably a substandard discharge.

Honorable dudes are hard to find these days…


Definitely the barracks bombing first. Fuck those dudes.

Slow Joe


Did you get one for Louis Elizondo, the guy that claims we have UFOs and alien bodies?

Hack Stone

Obviously Slow Joe did not receive the Presidential Directive that they are to be referred to as Undocumented Interstellar Tourists.

Mike B

Ran into a High School Classmate of mine, on a flight when I was heading back to the US on leave from Germany in either 87, 89 or 91.

We graduated HS together from Bitburg AB Germany.

Anyways this moron claimed to be a Beirut Barracks Bombing survivor. Only problem was we didn’t graduate HS until Jun 1985 and the bombing occurred in Oct 1983.

At first I was like wow, then the dates came to mind. Asked how was he there if we were in the beginning of our Junior year. He started stammering and i started getting pissed. Then told him to stay far away from me, which isn’t easy in a damn aircraft.

To this day I still remember that conversation, the idiots name, and the fact he was an outcast in HS in the nerd/dweeb department. Later in life he sent me a friend request on FB which I denied/ignored as I’m still sick/pissed over his claims all these years later.

USAF Retired

Last edited 8 months ago by Mike B
Bubblehead Ray

Edited for background. I have been a Registered Nurse since 1997 and an ER Nurse since 2001.

Had a drunk, homeless patient years ago who was saying inappropriate things, and trying his best to impress all of the young female Nurses with tales of his derring do in The Vietnam war. The girls finally had enough, and asked me if I’d take over as his Nurse. I said “Sure”, and I looked at his chart, then went to his room to let him know I was taking over. When I asked him about his service, He started to tell me how he had been Special Ops and how he used to hunt Charlie… until I interrupted him and said “I see you were born in 63” He said “”. “Well”, I said, “I just find that interesting since I was born in 59 and the Vietnam war ended when I was 14. I didn’t know the Army took 11 year olds”. He just stared at me. I said “Man, I don’t care what you do when you’re not here, but that’s the last f*cking Vietnam story I better hear coming out of your mouth tonight, or I’ll let everyone in hearing range know that you are a full of 💩 poser”.

The stories stopped. (But he complained that he wanted a different Nurse)

Last edited 8 months ago by Bubblehead Ray
Green Thumb

I like it.


“Dude, we were in high school together when it happened… ” and he still tried to spin that BS?


I’m voting for the Marine sniper. The fake SEALs are a dime a dozen.

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress and Lori Benton would disagree.


My dick is getting hard thinking about the resumption of the Tower of Insults!!!!


comment image?w=636&h=757


How did they get that Prog on the fake unicorn? Crane?

RGR 4-78

A liberal dose of fairy dust and unicorn farts and he was floating like a birthday balloon.

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress is for the fake SEAL.

He hopes it will take a little heat off of him, Lori Benton and All-Points Logistics.

The clown probably worked there anyway….

A Proud Infidel®™

What a fuckin’ loogie-head!


Go pile on Boys and Girls…and change your keyboard ribbon ink for when it drops here. Long time since we’ve had a POS Chew Toy like this one.


Dumb ass


It won’t let me comment
and I’ve done it on that site before



A Proud Infidel®™

Question about the fake USN SEAL, has The Hair®™ already pounced on him?


Steve Balm,
Great job with the 1st of 2
(Jon Vigue, the Phony Purple Heart Phony Beirut Survivor).

Any sign of the 2nd of 2 coming soon?
A Phony Navy SEAL?