SECDEF, “Sorry.”

| February 1, 2024

Lloyd Austin

Austin apologizes for secret hospital stay: ‘I did not handle this right’


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin apologized Thursday for his secretive hospitalization in early January, admitting he “did not handle this right” amid questions about his failure to notify administration officials of the hospital stay.

Austin appeared in the Pentagon press briefing room for the first time since his hospitalization and answered questions from reporters about the scandal.

The Pentagon chief said he never directed his staff to keep secret the hospitalization at Maryland’s Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, but acknowledged his failure to notify.

“I want to be crystal clear: We did not handle this right. I did not handle this right. I should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis,” Austin said. “I should have also told my team and the American public, and I take full responsibility. I apologize to my teammates and to the American people.”
“The news shook me, and I know that it shakes so many others, especially in the Black community. It was a gut punch,” said Austin. “And, frankly, my first instinct was to keep it private.”

The Hill

He didn’t handle it at all, bringing into question the man’s integrity and decision-making process. His first reaction to bad news was fear and self-interest, not stellar traits for anyone much less the Secretary of Defense. Bringing up race and using the royal “We” in his mea culpa shows his character weakness. Disgraceful really, especially without a resignation letter involved. There’s that integrity thing again.

Category: Big Pentagon, DEI

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What a POS!


And the world laughed and laughed

The Cutter

What a disgrace!


Clearly shouldn’t be in authority to begin with. Most of that blame goes to the idiots that kept advancing his career and finally putting him in place at SECDEF.

Prayers to him and his family for fighting cancer. Don’t wish that upon anybody. Even inept idiots like him.


Agreed. I don’t wish cancer on him or anyone. It’s an ugly, ugly thing and no one deserves what it does to them and their loved ones.

My issue with him is his terrible conduct and how he has completely assed up the US military. He is a political hack and is only in this position because of DEI. Is there ONE success story of a DEI promotion? Really, are there any?


“Didn’t handle it right.” That’s it! You’re shittin’ me right? OFFS!


Sickcall was different in the 2/505.


Lame apology from a man that I’m sure has crucified Soldiers for far lesser transgressions. There’s no possible excuse for his actions, no possible apology. A complete disgrace to the officer corps. Go home, Austin. You’ve showed your true colors.


He said sorry. Dadgummit, where do we find such men? Lloyd Vader as an army commanding officer probably pounded flat & sent to the stockade a whole fuck ton of Soup Sandwiches who went AWOL. But we don’t need to talk about that. It’s all good now. He apologized. /s
BP Is deeply sorry! (We’re Sorry) South Park (


He decided looooong time ago to NOT have any integrity.

RGR 4-78

“And, frankly, my first instinct was to keep it private.””

There is nothing wrong with keeping it private, BUT YOU ARE REQUIRED TO KEEP YOUR CHAIN OF COMMAND NOTIFIED.

Forest Bondurant

Now apologize for the debacle that was the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and for forcing military personnel and DoD employees and contractors to take the jab and violating their rights, and for the Pentagon’s failing its 5th audit – unable to account for half of its assets (over $3.1 trillion, or roughly 78 percent of the entire federal government), and for not taking action against a foreign intelligence spy balloon fly that was allowed to fly over sensitive U.S. sites and installations, and for leaving tons of military supplies that are likely making their way into the hands of cartels on the U.S. Southern border or being sent to Gaza to wage war against a U.S. ally – then resign.


Shirking duty is back on the menu, boys!

Just make sure to have a doctor’s note and don’t tell anyone, you’re good-to-go!*

*obvious satire, if you do this under the rank of Colonel you’re an idiot.

Btws Herr Secretary, I don’t accept. Get rekt.

(But like QMC said, praying for his health as well)

Prior Service

I can handle the apology. He didn’t play around too much and nobody wants to go on TV and say he screwed up. But how is his concern that “ the Black community” was shaken of any relevance? Dude, you are the SECDEF and have NO #%*#€% business catering to the hypothetical concerns of your minority demographic. None. As a public servant, your community is the American people. I actually read this and thought: “well, weak but good on you for coming out and addressing it” until I got to the line about the black community. Ladies and gentlemen you just got the race card dropped on you and nobody batted an eye.


The Article-15 of SPC Snuffiguez for being AWOL, after going to the ER for extreme stomach pain and getting a Stage 4 cancer diagnosis:

“Sir, we did not handle this right.”

Battalion CO: “What do you mean ‘we’?”

“Sir, my wife and I, we were in the ER at 0100 Monday morning and didn’t want to disturb anyone at that hour. They took my cell phone when I was admitted, and she was in no shape to call anyone. I was placed in a medically induced coma for five days and no one at the hospital across the state was aware that I am an Active Duty Soldier. ”

CO: “Go on.”

“Sir, we also felt that the Hispanic community would be deeply disturbed to hear one of their own is sick, and 1SG Fernandez has enough on his plate already.”

CO: “Okay, got it, 45 days extra duty, 45 days restriction, forfeiture of 1/2 basic pay for two months, and reduction in rank to E-1. But I’m feeling nice and will suspend the pay forfeiture.”

Last edited 8 months ago by fm2176
Forest Bondurant



This was a very well thought out apology.

He tried very hard to make it appear as though he were apologizing for having cancer. The left wing media is spinning it that way.


When General Schwartzkopf had prostate cancer he was open about it and told men to get tested. I remember because he had surgery and that helped me decide to have it too.


Who’s sorry now.
Connie Francis:

Skivvy Stacker

To quote Mr Spock, and to enforce my own view on critical thinking and the way I was taught by my father;
“I do not approve; I UNDERSTAND”.
His handling of the situation was abysmal.
His personal reasons for doing so are understandable. What man would want to trumpet something like a cancer diagnosis to the world? I have enough trouble with my own health problems, but don’t always want to reveal them.


It didn’t have to be broadcast to the world, but you don’t let your boss get caught out like that, even when its Joe Biden. He also could’ve waited until his deputy was back from her planned vacation. Based on my own experience, prostate surgery is very rarely emergent and could’ve waited a while. Any military member of any rank knows better.

Skivvy Stacker

Hence my assessment of his response.
He’s human…but he’s a human in a position of great, and grave responsibility. If he handles big decisions the way he handled this, he can’t be trusted when the SHTF.
So, I absolutely agree with you.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

He’s supposedly dead.
Did anyone verify that it was him, a live, warm body, and not an AI generated image (with six fingers), or an unknown stand-in?


Not even a story because he left a capable COS behind and no one noticed he was gone until they needed him for news stories.

Let the man get back to the business of running the DOD.


From my understanding his #2 was unaware of his absence. The deputy SecDef was also away on vacation. If there was an emergency and strategic assets needed to be launched rapidly, the CoS or even the CJCS would be useless. Only the SecDef or the deputy secdef can authenticate the president’s orders to combatant commanders.


Not having his underlings aware seems like a bad move. Who would call him if something happened if they didn’t know where he was?
What you said sounds bad if it is true


Remarks complete….

A Proud Infidel®™

Come to think of it has ANY member of the current administration done ANYTHING other than tap dance around being a “Hey, look at me!!” DEI token?


The bottom line is that this incident shows the man has poor judgment. I even kept the boss I hated informed on what was going on, even though it was something he didn’t need or care to know.