The US military is ‘weak’

| January 26, 2024

A Heritage Foundation report conducted its 10th annual index of military strength. The report concluded that the United States military is weak. If action is not taken to address this weakness, the US military risks being unable to defend important American interests. One example that the report brought forward was the “decline” of the U.S. Navy in contrast to China’s rapidly modernizing its navy.

From Fox News:

“The current U.S. military force is at significant risk of being unable to meet the demands of a single major regional conflict while also attending to various presence and engagement activities,” reads the conclusion of the Heritage Foundation’s 10th annual Index of Military Strength, which was released Wednesday.

The report paints a dire picture of the state of the U.S. military, with its current posture being rated at “weak” by the index for the second consecutive year, calling into question America’s ability to meet security obligations and protect vital national interests around the globe.

The 664-page report addresses a wide range of issues, finding that almost no branch of the U.S. military is ready to face a major conflict. Those issues are most pronounced in the Air Force, which the index rated as “very weak” in 2023.

The report rates each branch of service on its strength in capacity, capability and readiness, rating the branch power as either very weak, weak, marginal, strong or very strong. The Air Force rated as marginal in both capacity and capability while also rating weak for readiness. Overall, the report found that Air Force power currently rates as very weak, the lowest rating possible.

Fox News has additional information here.

Category: Military issues

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Green Thumb

I could have told you that for free.

And with only ten recycles…..

Green Thumb

But I was the historic first!

Green Thumb

That’s my point.

Figure it out.

Old tanker

Given who has been “in charge” the last 3 years as well as the dem controlled congress, who is surprised by this?


Shit started under Clintoon, was accelerated under Zero, and is coming to fruition under the current resident..

A Proud Infidel®™

I saw that shit starting under GHW Bush and his “Kinder, Gentler” Military which went full turbo when the Clinton Curse began and after that, my ETS couldn’t come soon enough, we were spending more time in PC propaganda sessions than we were in Combat Training!


It has been going on since 1992. I remember the butchering that went on under the RIF in the 90s. Even under GWB, we started to separate wars, without a significant increase in force strength. Same with Obama, Trump, and Biden.


Fair point, that’s when my reserve unit went away…

Skivvy Stacker

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at work ladies and gentlemen. Diversity and inclusion are our strength! Equity must be the outcome!
We must fill the ranks with anyone who applies, and bend over forward to accommodate their every trigger.
We must take into account the fact that many of these recruits are used to getting their way, receiving rewards just for showing up, and being able to learn at their own speed while studying such useful topics for National Defense as Lesbianism In 19th Century African Literature.
All of those old fashioned ideas about the military being there to actually fight wars is just so outside modern thinking that it just makes me swoon….


DEI is nothing more than marxist bullshit designed to destroy us, and it is obviously working..

As a wiser man than me often says… Prepare

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Weakening of the U.S. Armed Forces has been the desired end-state for liberal politicians over the last 2 decades or so.

Now what? (<Rhetorical question…)


“We’re getting the Band back together…”

comment image

Looks like we’re adding some new members…

comment image

Prepare…To defend America FIRST…and yourselves…


That is actually the real goal of Marxism.

To break apart the United States was always the Soviet wet dream. Even decades later the old regime members were putting out articles talking about how United States was going to split into four pieces.


No argument, per se, there. Maybe not the splitting up as much as the taking over/destroying of the US by the Soviets. Patton was right in his idea.

Gotta remember, tho, that Karl and Old Abe were mutual admirers and pen pals. And that Karl did arrange for multitudes of “immigrants” to be shipped to the US during the war, many of which went straight from the boat to the front lines with the Army of The Potomac. Abe also feted the Russians to use their Navy while the US Navy was detailed to blockade duty and attacking Southern Seaports.

I said many years ago that if there were ever another War Between The States, it would be multiple states against the District of Criminals.

Interesting reading of a learned man’s opinion is here…


I’ve been hold’n onto this pic forya since OCT.

If it gets nuked for being slightly over the top, worth it.

South done rose.


Thanks. Can you photoshop out the tattoo and repost?


Bad Boy, rgr1480!



I did my best with the specifications given.

Not sure, but I think something went… wrong.


Well, we recognize Ole Phil M from All Points Logistics…and Ole Danny Boy’s Mugshot…😉😎

At least that picture is BETTER than THIS one….🤮

Green Thumb

Put Phildo next to this clown’s meatpole and it would be very realistic.

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress should be smiling like a Cheerio!


I gots a pole she can run that Flag up. Pity she’s trapped behind enemy lines in Michigan. Maybe we should put together a rescue party? “Join under the flag, with your musket and your bag…” IYKYK

Good chance she’s a Southern Irish Lass with the vehicle being built in either the Lakewood or Doraville (Atlanta) Chevy Plants. Wonder if the carpet matches the drapes?


“Save Your Confederate Money, Be Proud You’re A Rebel, Cause The South’s Gonna Do It Again”

😉😎 gabn/gabaf/hbtd/rtr


“Well the train to Grinder’s Switch is runnin’ right on time
And them Tucker Boys are cookin’ down in Caroline
People down in Florida can’t be still
When ol’ Lynyrd Skynrd’s pickin’ down in Jacksonville
Now people down in Georgia come from near and far
To hear Richard Betts pickin’ on that red guitar
So gather ’round, now gather ’round chillin’, get down
Well just get down chillin’, get loud
Well you can be loud and be proud
An’ you can be proud, here now, be proud you’re a Rebel
‘Cause the South’s gonna do it again and again
Elvin Bishop sittin’ on a bale of hay
He ain’t good lookin’, but he sure can play
And there’s ZZ Top and you can’t forget
That old brother Willie’s gettin’ soakin’ wet
And all the good people down in Tennessee
Are diggin’ Barefoot Jerry and C.D.B”



“If the South woulda won
We woulda had it made
I’d probably run for President
Of the Southern States
The day Elvis passed away would
Be our national holiday
If the South woulda won
We woulda had it made.”

“I’d make my Supreme Court down in Texas
And we wouldn’t have no
Killers getting off free
If they were proven guilty
Then they would swing quickly
Instead of writing books and smiling on TV
We’d all learn Cajun cooking in Louisiana
And I’d put that capital back in Alabama
We’d put Florida on the right track
Cause we’d take Miami back
And throw all them pushers in the slammer”

“Oh, if the South woulda won
We woulda had it made
I’d probably run for President
Of the Southern States
The day young Skynyrd died
We’d show our southern pride
If the South woulda won
We woulda had it made”

“Play a little dixieland boys, ah yes”
I’d have all the whiskey made in Tennessee
And all the horses raised
In those Kentucky hills
The national treasury would be in Tupelo
And I’d put Hank Williams picture
On one hundred dollar bills
I’d have all the cars made in the Carolinas
And I’d ban all the ones made in China
I’d have every girl child sent to
Georgia to learn to smile
And talk with that Southern accent
That drives men wild
I’d have all the fiddles made in Virginia
Cause they sure can make ’em sound so fine
I’m going up on Wolverton Mountain
And see ole Clifton Clowers
And have a sip of his good ole Arkansas wine”

“Hey, if the South woulda won
We’d a had it made
I’d probably run for President
Of the Southern States
When Patsy Cline passed away
That would be our national holiday
If the South woulda won, we’d a had it made”

Might even be better off”


Have you seen the classic alternate history mockumentary ‘ CSA : The Confederate States of America ‘ ?
It’s also on YouTube and worth a watch



We have never seen it…and will now watch it (looks as if it is a comedy/mockmentary…we love those tongue in cheek type films…)..

Thank You! 👌👌👍


Seditionist, secessionist, MAGA propaganda! Can’t wait to check it out!


“…yawn…” Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.

Oh, make sure you thank me for my service first, ’cause that makes up for voting for the dirt bags in Congress that allowed this disgraceful state of affairs.


What’s even more disgraceful is that many of those politicians served in the military in the past. Now, they use the defense of this nation to fill their pockets.


Weakness produces hard times, indeed.


The US military is weak because they cater to the submissive. Look at the above photos: two “transwomen”, each of whom lived over half of their lives as men, before deciding that “Man, [they] Feel Like a Woman”. An AWOL SECDEF dressed like he’s the villain in some low-budget ’80s Star Wars rip-off. A recently retired Colonel who figured it was wise to take an “official photograph” as a Dog-Faced Soldier. Finally (I had to look it up), a “color guard” made up of members of a LBGT advocacy group, all looking resplendent in their military uniforms, almost as though they wish to represent their ideal of the military. Gay/lesbian? Promote. Trans? Promote ahead of peers.

In my trailer park days, my friends and I would play a game called “smear the queer”. Is it okay to use that word nowadays, since they’ve embraced it? Kind of like it’s okay to use the word n-evermind…. Our Stunning and Brave Service Members might soon be living that game. Enemy projectiles don’t discriminate, nor do they differentiate between the LBTGQIAPOCMAP protected class and the masses of normal people lacking mental health issues and odd fetishes.

Last edited 8 months ago by fm2176

But a certain demographic that worships a single god knows how to discriminate with homosexuals and other deviants. They like to gravity test them.


Thought you’d jump on this one.


Wow. Our military branches are rated as either weak or very weak. That has to embolden our enemies around the world.


Showed this article to a shipmate who was prior service Navy. Said his friend and former shipmate from his days on the Kitty Hawk was up for Chief and decided recently to pull the plug and get out instead because he was so beyond fed up with the woke shit he had to deal with. Many claim it’s a myth, he assured him it’s very real and itd be a miracle of our military could win a war at this point.


Meanwhile, Brits feel inadequate compared to our Navy’s response in Red Sea: