Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| January 23, 2024

Racist Reid being racist again

How is such a racist still allowed on TV?

Now they have some figurative cancer to go with their literal cancer

So fat that losing weight will…kill you?

Oh dear

On a scale of one to Biden, this is Biden+++ level creepy

How does this guy get to be CEO of a major airline?

Six year olds? She’s doing this to six year olds

“Kill the Boer” isn’t a call to racial violence

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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I remember that Star Trek episode where that little kid pretended to be like Data.

Guess it was not that far off.


Not to mention Silence of the Lambs… where the “it” pronouns are going:
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By her logic, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana should be flush since they are way overrepresentative of black people. Yet I can’t recall the last time a Democratic presidential nominee won there.


As always, The Babylon Bee nails it…


“7 New Features Coming To United Airlines Courtesy Of Drag Queen CEO”



The left out how to file your lost luggage claims…





Your luggage isn’t lost. It was stolen by a member of the Biden administration.


A binary robot bitching about not being able to connect to the internet while on the internet? I think it broke the internet…

Normally I would think of that as 60 seconds of my life will never get back, but then I wrote this so make it 2 minutes.


That time would’ve been more profitably spent drinking beer, agreed.

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

On top of:
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Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

If a person claims that they identify as a robot and that they feel no emotions, then calling that person by their correct pronouns (she/her/dumbass/nitwit) should elicit no emotional response.
It’s worth a try. Worth many tries, actually.


If she gets caught in the rain, will she become a sparking, smoking pile of useless electronics, or just a wet weird girl.


I expect to see the Commissar show up on one of these videos eventually.

RGR 4-78

Pretending to be a transsexual robot raging about “Pathetic drones”.


He’s really blew a gasket on that other thread.

I mean, ‘blowing’ is his raisin d’eater


Oh FFS! Every week at this time/thread I Thank God for my Privacy Badger that blocks these. I can disable the feature to read the different clips, but why bother. My BP is doing just fine, no need to raise it.

We can cure these sick mofos by feeding them into a wood chipper.


“1st grade teacher says she teaches inclusivity by introducing students to alternate gender identities like nonbinary”. How about you stick to TEACHING reading, writing, math, and go back to teaching actual science and history? That’d be a lot bigger help!

The “robot” that doesn’t feel human emotions,,, address HER, by the wrong pronouns and just watch the emotions come out!🤣🤣.

The drag queen that adopted the boy because of how he crossed his legs,, I’ll bet that poor kid is having a hell of a time keeping his legs crossed now!

Healthier to stay fat?? Go for it!! You’re helping my side out in the long run. BTW, I hear that Buckie’s (sp?) is selling 2 for 1 brisket sandwiches. Go get a bag full of em. Grab some chips and tater tots too. Ya know, for health reasons!

Joy Reid, I have nothing. Her fans are true fans. Everyone else knows that she’s either bat shit crazy, or a grifter. I think both.


Blaster, speaking of the fat helping your side in the long run, I’ve used that same point when it comes to abortion: the fewer potential libtards/climatards is fine by me.

Fuck these deranged fuck faces.

I’ve said many times these retards believe there is more emotional “currency” to accumulate the more outlandish the claim.

The more hysterical you are, or pretend to be, the more sincere and pious you are to the cause. We know that cause is a political one.


Boot move replying to myself but I forgot to omit Johnny 5, our robot friend from above that doesn’t feel emotion.


😆😆😆true comment. They do!!


Couldn’t we complain, just like Joy Reid, because there are too many black people on TV? They are only about 12.5 % of the population; anyway, before the ten million illegals that “surged” the border at the invitation of Gropey Joe Bribem.




Looking before commenting, but commisar is absent. Maybe some of these whack jobs are just too much for him to defend.