Anthony Fauci does a U-turn on lab leak and social distancing

| January 11, 2024

During the pandemic, Anthony Fauci rolled out a paper to counter the lab leak argument. This paper attempted to debunk the idea that COVID-19 was created in the lab and then subsequently leaked to the environment. Fauci also admitted that the social distancing recommendation was not based on science. Fauci responded to questions by Congressmen regarding his role in the pandemic response. He also indicated that the mandates for masks and vaccines did not help efforts to gain trust for what the government was doing.

From The Daly Mail:

During his second day of marathon grilling by Congress, the former White House advisor confessed that the lab leak – the idea Covid was engineered and accidentally released from a lab in Wuhan – was ‘not a conspiracy theory’.

The U-turn is significant because he was the chief architect of a 2020 paper that discounted the theory. Fauci’s friends and former colleagues also spearheaded a paper in the Lancet that called believers conspiracy theorists and racists.

Fauci, 83, sat before the House coronavirus subcommittee for a second seven-hour stretch of questioning on Tuesday about the pandemic response that he oversaw and its myriad flaws.

The infectious disease expert said that data did not support recommendations to keep six feet of distance from another person and that vaccine mandates he personally advised likely increased vaccine hesitancy.

Fauci also U-turned on his views of President Donald Trump’s 2020 orders to restrict incoming travelers from China.

He told Congress yesterday that he supported the ban – despite publicly criticizing the move in 2020.

The former President moved to restrict travel from China in January 2020 soon after Chinese officials identified around 10,000 cases of the novel virus.

Leading political figures on the left including President Joe Biden calling the then-President’s travel restrictions ‘hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering.’

The Daily Mail has additional information here.

Category: Government Incompetence, Society

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I said this all along…Hanged by the neck until dead is what needs to happen.

comment image?w=499&ssl=1


It sure was about control… and many of us (not necessarily the VG/TAH community, but Americans in general) went along with it.

I didn’t buy into the BS, but since I was still serving, and in DC nonetheless, I had little choice but to COMPLY. Doing otherwise would have risked throwing away nearly two decades, ostracized me in my unit, and let’s just say, made me uncomfortable, and who wants that? Control… Do you want to work? Are you serving in government/military? Comply! Hey, here’s a little “stimulus” check to help ensure you that we’re here to help. Just mask up, follow the science, and enjoy. You need it. Also, remember: Biden 2020, Orange Man Bad, and well, last week somehow served as the third anniversary of the worst day in world history. Without our staunch defenders of democracy like Biden and Fauci, we’d be in a zombie-like MAGA state right now.

Fauci flip-flops like the failed fraud he is.

Forest Bondurant

Yep, and now the conditions are certainly set for people to ignore the CDC and refuse any future mandates set by politicians should another pandemic occur. Fauci is no infectious disease expert. He’s a lying government bureaucrat who should be discredited and publicly humiliated for his blatant lies. The House subcommittee hearing was a political side show, and we all know nothing will come of it. He’ll avoid consequences because it’s obvious you can lie to Congress and get away with it, especially if you’re associated with the Democratic party.


Thankfully where I was working they didn’t push the issue. Like you, I was close to retirement and had push come to shove, I probably would have complied as well.

But I told my bosses, when they asked, it’s my body, my choice. That phrase works both ways, and they had no response.

It was a can of worms they chose not to open.


I wish I had that option. Serving under a 2-Star, in a Direct Reporting Unit and Joint Command, I had little choice. Make some waves as the punkish E-7, or just get the jab? My life insurance is paid up, and I really DGAF about much these days, so there’s that. My Holiday in the Sun will eventually come, and “my body, my choice” rings hollow in the ears of this guy, who gets to hear a bunch of nonsense on the daily from the wife and kids.

Anyway, another early morning, followed by a closing shift this evening. So, in case the above paragraph didn’t cue anyone in, I’m about to jump over to YouTube, with some Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys and maybe a little GWAR. Who knows, Moon Mullican, Roy Clark, Easy-E, Abba, and Britney Spears might follow that… Then, nap time with the dogs.

Last edited 4 months ago by fm2176

Why stop when he’s dead? Crows gotta eat too!


Remember, you don’t have to drop someone just because they’re evil – they can also be lifted. Sometimes repeatedly.

Prior Service

This ^#+#* is up and down like a *%*^ yo-yo. This testimony, depending on how many times he said “I don’t recall,” might be the only true stuff he’s ever said. Flush him and his reputation down the toilet bowl of ignominy and take the residue out with the rest of the trash.

Forest Bondurant

Not to mention the outright lies in his testimony, which he will never be held accountable for.


Don’t forget, the media was 90% on board with orange man bad. Being cucks for the Democrats is what they do. They say the election wasn’t stolen. But they sure screamed lies from the rooftops.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

They screeched “stolen election” from the rooftops when GW got elected as well as “Not my President” when Donald Trump was elected, how many highways were blocked by Conservatives when Biden was installed? Cities torched?


Say no to Faucism.


Snake oil charlatan.


Poll: 45% of Dems Support Internment Camps for Unvaccinated, 59% Support Home Lockdowns

Nate Ashworth
Presidential News

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Yeah, they hollered for internment camps, and they call US Nazis, more proof that lib is a mental disorder.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Flip-flop, flip-flop like a fish out of water, typical behavior of someone whose life has been spent in the Great Whorehouse on the Potomac River.


The bastard’s salary is higher than POTUS.

Skivvy Stacker

2020 showed me why it was so easy for Hitler to fool the people of Germany in the 1930s.


I don’t want to hang Fauci.
That’s too fast.

Everyone who suffered from his BS needs a chance to hit him with a wire cable 1nc. Go for a Guinness Record for the longest gauntlet. Keep him alive until the last person gets their lick.

Then leave him in Death Valley alone.

Not very Christian of me, I know. I probably ought to just let God take care of him. God can draw it out appropriately.

I think what makes me maddest, is that in February 2020 I went on record saying I was going to go with whatever the CDC said, because I (naively) trusted them to do good medical science.

We can no longer trust them, either. None of the alphabet agencies are worth a glob of cat barf.


Probably the best response would be to sue and pauperize him. Perhaps take away(reduce) his pension. Isn’t it one of the largest in government history? And by the way also his wife’s situation might deserve some attention.

Major Tuddy

As a Christian of the United Methodist variety, I submit that it is our duty to ensure that Mrs Fauci and her offspring are cared for. Fauci will need to be held accountable, but we must not pauperize his family, as they are likely innocent.


You know that the esteemed Mrs. Fauci is employed in the same group as Dr. Fauci, right? She is responsible (no fooling) for the ethics oversight of Dr. Fauci’s office.

Edit: she uses a different last name so that the conflict of interest isn’t so glaring as it actually is.

Last edited 4 months ago by Advo
Major Tuddy

I didn’t know that; thanks for the education. 👍🏼

Major Tuddy

Woodchippers aren’t just for child molesters, you know? The tree of liberty can be watered very effectively that way; insert tyrant into hopper, then crank her up. Liberty go BRRRRR!

I got both jabs of my own free will. Now, whether or not you got the jabs is your business. Just like if you want to get an abortion, smoke a joint, own a firearm, practice religion, or enter into intimate relations with another person. That’s YOUR decision to make, not mine or anyone else’s.

God bless Rand Paul and the Tea Party.