New York Times’ narrow view

| April 16, 2008

This morning, the New York Times‘ headline screamed that Iraqis were abandoning their posts in Sadr City. The truth is that only a few dozen green troops got cold feet;

A company of Iraqi soldiers abandoned their positions on Tuesday night in Sadr City, defying American soldiers who implored them to hold the line against Shiite militias.

The retreat left a crucial stretch of road on the front lines undefended for hours and led to a tense series of exchanges between American soldiers and about 50 Iraqi troops who were fleeing.

You have to read down a few paragraphs to discover that another Iraqi unit took it’s place immediately. Then, after complaining that the Iraqis are all cowards, the NYT complains that they’re too agressive;

One big problem is that the Iraqi troops have responded to militia gunfire with such intense fusillades that the soldiers have endangered civilians, American soldiers and even their own forces.

So which is it? Of course, the whole point of the New York Times article is that it’s a useless fight for Americans. That the Iraqis are the Keystone Kops of our war against terror. That judging by these incidences, we should just turn tail and run like a few dozen green Iraqi troops. Where are the New York Times stories about the other thousands of Iraqis who are standing their ground and doing the heavy lifting?

Someone send the NYT a copy of Michael Yon’s new book “Moment of Truth in Iraq“.

Category: Media, Terror War

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The enemedia wouldn’t admit the truth if you beat them with it. At this point this is nothing but blatant defeatism.
The editrial board should read Michael’s book and watch JD Johannes’ “Outside the Wire 07”.


“That judging by these incidences, we should just turn tail and run like a few dozen green Iraqi troops. ”

Future IVAW speakers?

David M

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