Jimmy Carter; Hugging terrorists so you don’t have to

| April 16, 2008


Jimmy Carter places a wreath on the AIDS-ridden corpse containment system of Yassir Arafat

Hamas is so bloody that when the Israelis walled them off from killing Jews in Israel, they turned on their Fatah supposed  allies, dragged many into the street and shot them in front of their families. Yet, here we are treated to this description of Nobel Prize laureate Jimmy Carter hugging one of their senior leaders from the Washington Times;

At a reception in the West Bank town of Ramallah organized by Mr. Carter’s office, the former president hugged Nasser Shaer, a senior Hamas politician, meeting participants said. Embraces between men are a common custom in Arab culture.

“He gave me a hug. We hugged each other, and it was a warm reception,” Mr. Shaer said. “Carter asked what he can do to achieve peace between the Palestinians and Israel … and I told him the possibility for peace is high.”

Mr. Carter’s office refused to comment, saying he does not discuss closed meetings.

I’ll bet he doesn’t comment – especially when the discussion of a closed meeting would include a narrative involving Carter dropping trou and bending over.

Quoted in the Chicago Tribune, Carter explained why he made overatures towards Hamas;

 “Since Syria and Hamas will have to be involved in a final peace agreement, they ought to be involved in the discussions leading up to … peace,” Carter said.

Israel was displeased;

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said Mr. Carter’s meeting with Hamas “dignified” a group committed to Israel’s destruction. “One cannot but wonder how this attitude is supposed to promote peace and understanding,” he said.

Carter misses the primary prerequisite for reaching a peace agreement – both sides must be rational actors and they must have demonstrated a willingness in the past to keep their respective word. he should explain to the rest of us why we should trust anything that comes out of the mouths of Hamas or Syria.

Category: Foreign Policy, Jimmy Carter, Terror War

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This poor pathetic man might actually have contributed more to the overall betterment of the U.S.A. had he spent more time with his wiser brother Billy, gleefully whizzing away at the side of that Gas Station in Plains. (For those who might not remember, Plains, Ga. was his “Small Town” home, which I believe, at the time, was portrayed as boasting of a fairly high Demo of your typical Gun Toting Christian.) The twin Stains thus created could only have been a more definitive, though sadly less enduring, contribution to his Legacy than, say, the Dept. of Education and Dept. of Energy.

Peanuts??!!??!! Crackerjacks??!!??!!