John Kerry: Too early for surge

| October 17, 2009


Fox News Channel writes that John Kerry, (who, by the way served in Vietnam, in case you hadn’t heard) has drawn on his vast experience as a combat commander and decided that the generals and planners on the ground in Afghanistan are wrong and it’s too soon to send more troops as those generals and planners have requested;

In taped remarks to air Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Kerry said it would be misguided to have a troop buildup to achieve a mission of “good governance” when the election is not yet finished.

Kerry, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was in Kabul on Saturday.

The Hill and CNN quote Kerry a bit differently;

It would be entirely irresponsible for the president of the United States to commit more troops to this country

John Kerry, while serving as a lieutenant in Vietnam, reportedly fired a 40-mike-mike grenade into a bag of rice which, in turn, propelled a few kernels into the fleeing young lieutenant’s buttocks which resulted in the award of one of his three Silver Stars Purple Hearts.

And that’s the guy telling us how to deploy our forces these days.

When would be a better time, Kerry? After next Fall’s election, maybe so your base doesn’t fall apart on you and the Republicans use your inability to make decisions in a timely manner against y’all?

Who wants to be the last to die for John Kerry’s latest lies?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Phony soldiers

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Old Tanker

Silver stars?? Are you sure you don’t mean purple hearts, I thought I remembered 3 purple hearts… the way you describe though, he was a medal hunter looking for a way home…….


Looking for sound military advice from John Kerry (unless the objective is a rich widow), is like looking to William Shatner for advice on driving a space ship.

Old Tanker

or better yet, I cangive advice on UFC cagefighting since I’ve had my a$$ kicked a few times!!! Of course, I looked like TSO’s surveillence guy at the time……


Poor Mr. Heinz. He doesn’t understand that the reason we’re in Afghanistan is to kill Al Quaeda and its supporters, like the Taliban. We are not there to set up a remote branch of Federal Elections Commission.

God help us. Really.

God help us.


We keep up this way and we’ll be in Cambodia before Christmas!


[…] This ain’t Hell discusses John “Bunny Suit” Kerry and his “maybe we should wait in Afghanistan” idiocy […]


The people who depend on ACORN for elections now question someone else’s elections? WTF, over?
John he served in VN Kerry is now a military expert? The same guy who was against the surge in Iraq is against a surge in Afghanistan? Wow, who could have seen that coming?


John Kerry was in Vietnam? Who would of thought that? Did some research and there is actually video of him humping the boonies. Damn what a hero! /sarc off Puke!


Why doesn’t this Maroon just retire and spend his deceased ex-husbands money?