Wrong line of work, H-town

| December 11, 2023

Not that anything in the military is a wrong line of work, but some skills are more remunerative than others. When I went in I was advised to look at MOS that were shortage and consistently promoted quickly.  Turned out to be good advice – thanks to a bunch of former sergeants and chiefs who advised me well.

The hot set-up nowadays is to look at the crunch in pilots. People have been saying for years the boomer Vietnam era pilots were going to age out of the market, and not enough people have heeded that. For those who did listen, payday seems to have arrived (with a significant catch.)

The US Air Force (USAF) has announced a new round of retention bonuses, offering up to $600,000 over 12 years, the Air Force Times reported.

Announced on November 30, the bonuses are aimed at manned aircraft and drone pilots, combat systems operators, and air battle managers, with amounts ranging from $15,000 to $50,000 per year, depending on aircraft type and when they commit.  Business Insider

Note that 12 years… better really want to stay in. |

Might want to take a serious look, though, at WHY people stay in and get out. No service is having issues with reenlistment numbers, according to the various service secretaries. So why do they need huge re-up bonuses for a few ? Are pilots so avaricious? So unpatriotic? Or is there something in the way they are normally treated which is insufficient? All obvious jokes about pilots aside… might be a lot cheaper to make the pilots as happy as normal reupping folks than to throw giant bonuses their direction.

Houston dodged a major bullet this weekend – in the runoff for Houston mayor, State Senator John Whitmire beat Sheila Jackson Lee by almost a 2:1 majority.  Final count somewhere around 64.4+% to 35.6%. In election parlance, 54-46 is already a landslide, she took  a MAJOR ass-whuppin’.  NY Post

“When I called Jerome, he only sits up there like a fat [expletive], just talking about what the [expletive] he doesn’t know. Both of y’all are [expletive]-ups… This is the worst [expletive] that I could’ve ever had put together. Two [expletive] big [expletive] children. [Expletive] idiots. Serve no [expletive] purpose,” Jackson lee said in an angry voice in one part of the recording.Fox News

Classy talk from a US Congress Representative. Release of a recording of her saying this, plus urging her voters to vote (on the wrong date!) no doubt helped her loss along. Sadly, she did not resign her Congressional seat and could choose to unretire and run for re-election.

Category: Air Force, Politics

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A Proud Infidel®™

Stay classy, Sheila, you’re living proof that liberalism is a Mental Disorder.

AW1 Rod

Sheila Jackson Lee is a true waste of carbon.

Forrest Bondurant

Hopefully, Houstonians are sending the scrunt a message that her nonsense and ineptitude have been noticed. Oh well. She can always get a job with one of the liberal news outlets.

USMC Steve

Definitely a shining example of an affirmative action hire. IQ of a rutabaga and talks like a ghetto thuggette.


Having met her, I can confirm that she is indeed one of the stupidest people in all of Houston If not America. She also doesn’t like the military, hates the police and generally sees the government as a huge cash machine. Other people do that too but she doesn’t hide it.

If you think bite me is quotable, hold her beer. She thinks that North and South Vietnam live together peaceably today, she thinks that she is a queen, after the Enron scandal broke she stated that they were good corporate citizens, she believes that there’s nothing wrong with the border, she believes that hospitals turn people away because they have no insurance or keep people out or because they have reached their “lifetime cap”, she believes that they put a man on Mars, she believes that the Constitution is 400 years old, she believed that Michael Jackson was a great humanitarian and introduced a bill in Congress to honor him “forever and ever and ever”, Houston we have a problem….


Sheila Jackson Lee said she was a “Freed Slave”…

38 seconds. You can’t make this stuff up…😉😎





Can’t wait to hear the claims of “voter suppression” come from the mouths of Sheila’s supporters.

Bring out a calander with date to vote circled, cue Sheila’s speech where she gave the wrong date, and ask who suppressed whom.

And somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t going from state senator to city mayor a step backwards in political progression? I mean, unless you have little to no hope of retaining your seat, I just don’t see it.


The mayor makes $50K more a year and is treated generally more like royalty. She burned a bunch of bridges in DC when she supported an alleged sex offender for her chief of staff. Who also she was allegedly in a relationship with her as well (so sayeth the rumor mill). The lawsuit was real enough.

The other problem is that she isn’t liberal enough. She only gets a “C” rating from the progressive caucus. From a strong dem district they can do better. She also reversed herself on Israel, initially hosting a boycott and sanction conference and then cancelling it at the last minute and pretending like she didn’t know anything about it. This was all pre 10/7.

Continuing her list of beliefs; She believes that Wikipedia is Russian intrusion in to our electoral process, she thinks we should sell fighter jets to Venezuela, she thinks that names of hurricanes are racist and she be more inclusive, she believes that the confederate flag had 17 stars.

She ran unsuccessfully for judge three times and was eventually appointed judge by Mayor Kathyrn Whitmire. If that name sounds familiar it is because she is brother in law to the current mayor. Pretty much all of her hires were diversity hires. First black police chief, first black and first female Hispanic judges etc.


Well let us see…Average pay for an experienced airline pilot is north of $250K a year so…. Plus, you usually got some Ms Thang that will fetch you a sammich…and a cold drink. Beats that Box Lunch and lukewarm water all to hell.

Look up the word “Racist Bitch Skrunt” in Mr. Webster’s book and you’ll see SJL’s picture.

Army-Air Force Guy

Seemed like that little hot-air oven in the C-130 galley never seemed to work right,.


You gotta wonder if this crew has a toned/buff Tech Sgt Crew Chief or Load Master to fetch them a sammich? Don’t think they refer to it as a “cockpit”…probably think of it as a “box office”. 😉

comment image

Last edited 8 months ago by KoB

Somewhat off-topic, but… Dr. Phil slams “woke” university presidents who feel calling for genocide is okay depending on context… (context being “when we or the Hamas folk we like do it,” apparently):

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

One has already been fired. Another made a big apology. MIT, released a statement calling for the death of all Jews, Just in case you didn’t hear our president.

The president of Harvard might have to step down anyway. It turns out she is a big fat cheater head. That won’t stop you from becoming President of the US but people in academia get upset when you copy their work.

Last edited 8 months ago by 5JC
Prior Service

She got too confident of electoral victory and put out the wrong date to bamboozle her opponent’s voters. Thus proving the old adage the Dems always do what they oppose others of doing.


To me the vote says the citizens of Houston feel better keeping her as far away as possible. Perhaps Joe Brainless, in an effort to pick up votes for himself, could make her the US Envoy to Iran.


In a true free market, SJL would be complaining about ‘pulling her third double this week’ slinging burnt hash at a diner outside Albuquerque.

That woman has less principles than brain cells, and it shows.


She has already filed to run for her House seat again. Ya just can’t keep a good(read corrupt) dem down.


Ain’t she special?

As well as those that keep voting for her! How’s life in Houston these days?

Yeah! That’s what I thought!




SJL=She’s Just a Loser.


I thought Hank Johnson was the dumbest congress rat, SJL is a code second. She thinks North and South Vietnam are two separate countries. She remarked about how they get along fine now, living side by side.


Thanks Apple; that was supposed to say “close second.”