Clinton gets us a hand full of jack

| October 13, 2009

Remember a few weeks ago when the Obama Administration threw “New Europe” under the bus by conceding to Russian demands that we end our missile defense plan of Eastern Europe? Remember that we were told that we needed to do that to get the Russians’ support for sanctions against Iran? Well, how’s that looking today?

Secretary of State Clinton spent four hours with her Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The Washington Times quotes Lavarov;

During a press conference with the secretary, however, Mr. Lavrov said that sanctions are “very far” from being inevitable and repeated a position Russia has expressed for years.

“At the current stage, all forces should be thrown at supporting the negotiating process,” he said. “Threats, sanctions and threats of pressure in the current situation, we are convinced, would be counterproductive.”

Actually, I agree sanctions wouldn’t work – but we were told that’s why we conceded to Russia on missile defense. So what are we getting for giving up our allies? Squat. how’s Putin’s ass taste, Hillary?

In fact, the Washington Post wrings it’s hands over the vulnerability of the Administration to conservative critics at this point;

Senior administration officials said that the differences were tactical rather than substantive. Both sides agreed that Iran would face sanctions if it failed to carry out its obligations, a State Department official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

But failure to win a Russian commitment to a set of specific sanctions in advance could leave the administration vulnerable to Republican criticism that it gave the Kremlin what it wanted by overhauling missile defense plans in Europe but got nothing in return.

Yeah, that should be their concern – conservatives. Never mind that we look like impotent tools in front of the whole world. You’d think that was bad enough, wouldn’t you? But, no it’s not. Fox News reports that Clinton gave the Russians access to our nukes.

Russia and the United States have tentatively agreed to a weapons inspection program that would allow Russians to visit nuclear sites in America to count missiles and warheads.

The plan, which Fox News has learned was agreed to in principle during negotiations, would constitute the most intrusive weapons inspection program the U.S. has ever accepted.

Any mention of our inspections of Russian nukes?

“We want to ensure that every question that the Russian military or Russian government asks is answered,” she said, calling missile defense “another area for deep cooperation between our countries.”

But what about the Russians’ nukes, Madame Secretary?

President Obama — who visited Russia in July — has vowed to “reset” U.S.-Russia relations. On Tuesday, Clinton apologized for missing that meeting because of a broken elbow.

“But now both my elbow and our relationships are reset and we’re moving forward, which I greatly welcome,” she said.

Um…Russian nuclear weapons inspections?


Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War

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A Heros Friend

Claymore,do you still have those lead lined longjohns I loaned you last year? I think I’m going to need them back real soon.


Jonn, you are on a roll… visiting our fall foliage was good for you.

Sometimes re-stating the obvious just works.


Political Season

The missile shield was not real. The replacement system is actually more of adeterrent. The russians were not concerned about the shield, they didn’t like what it meant: that the US would defend the system, which means we would defend Poland. (do you really want to go to the nuclear mat with Russia over Poland?). That system there was the equivalent of of the russians putting missles in Cuba. The Russian response to it is rational. Our security is not damaged at all by removing it. The new system actually puts the deterrence where it matters.

Bill R.

Political Season: Offensive missles in Cuba do not equate to defensive missiles in Poland. Also, the system was not designed to defend from Russian missles. If the Russians want to shoot missles at Europe, they could easily overwhelm it.Iran does not have that capability. It also sends a signal to our allies that we cannot be trusted to keep our word.

A Heros Friend

Political Season…The main point of this thread is the U.S. not only lost any leverage it may of had, but now the U.S. has opened up our nuclear arsenal to a country who has motives that are not in our best intrest,think about it.


But, but the Russian-US relations have been “reset”, haven’t they. Everything is roses now, right? The Russkies will help out with Iran, right? Well, yeah, they will, after they sell just about everything in the cupboard to the Iranians. And, hint to Poland that it would be in their best interests to toe the Russian line, you know, things like Georgia could happen elsewhere.
Only a dem/lib would equate a defensive missile system with offensive IRBM’s and ICBM’s. And then equate the removal as “rational”.


And I forgot to mention the fact that Russia is reprocessing nuclear material for Iran. Isn’t that just special?


“Russia and the United States have tentatively agreed to a weapons inspection program that would allow Russians to visit nuclear sites in America to count missiles and warheads.”

This isn’t anything new. Why are people running around shouting about it?

And yes we inspect their sites. Are we now going to freak out about the OPCW looking at our chem sites?

From DTRA’s website:
“As of August 17, 2009, the United States had conducted 647 inspections and Russia had conducted 470 inspections under the START treaty.”


Political Season… “(do you really want to go to the nuclear mat with Russia over Poland?).”

Considering Poland was the next country after England to help the US with the war? tsk tsk… so much for comaraderie. Then again, makes perfect sense why so many European countries shun the United States. Backstabbing seems to be an almost genetic factor.



In answer to your rhetorical question: Yes. POTUS, and those like him, have apparently never learned that a man’s word should be his bond – and that the same applies to nations. Our word has now been conclusively demonstrated to be merely of convenience and not of any real value.

And this, before the entire Earth. POTUS and his acolytes make ashamed to be an American.

Fortunately, I have the shining example of our young people in theater to counter balance that. Thank the Good Lord.


That would be: …make me ashamed …

Just A Grunt

A Russian general also told Hillary that they will begin deploying their multi warhead missiles once the current SALT treaty expires in December. I don’t have the link handy but I saw the story on Fox’s website yesterday.


Just, apparently “reset” means pwnd in Russian, right Hillary? I saw that blurb about the new generation of nuke missiles too, but don’t say it out loud, it’ll bring out the trolls who believe that Fox is nothing but the voice of the RNC.


The only person to figure out Shrillary “the lifelong criminal’ was Slick Wille and he treated her like the POS she is and she came back for more. Ain’t no human riding them thunder thighs (as senator Webb refers to women).


[…] post: (Reuters)”> (Reuters)”>Clinton says not yet time for Iran sanctions (Reuters) Clinton gets us a hand full of jack – 10/13/2009 October 13th, 2009Remember a few weeks ago when the Obama […]


Anyone else think it’s about time to burn the house down and start over?


P S: Poland is a member of NASTO, which means that we are supposed to be bound by treaty to go to the mat against anyone for them. It’s that simple and doesn’t require a degree in humanities to figure out.

Anon: Yeah, it’s nothing new, about inspections, however, what is new, is the class of nuke missiles the Russians are going to deploy. What’s also new is the fact that when Russia invaded Georgia, they brought battlefield tactical nukes with them to the party, yet that’s nothing to get all upset about; right?

What’s also new is the level of wussification in the WH, since Obama is taking a page from Carter in how to bend over for the Russians.


That should be NATO. Sorry, too early in the morning.


Claymore- if you’re leading, man, count me in. I make a good medic.


“Russia and the United States have tentatively agreed to a weapons inspection program that would allow Russians to visit nuclear sites in America to count missiles and warheads.”

Now that’s utter insanity. How much more ridiculous can you get? I don’t think ANY foreign power or international organization should have that sort of access to our nuclear arsenal.

“Poland is a member of NATO, which means that we are supposed to be bound by treaty to go to the mat against anyone for them. It’s that simple and doesn’t require a degree in humanities to figure out.”

I can’t say I agree with that one. Didn’t our Founding Fathers warn us about the dangers of entangling alliances? Besides, I just don’t see where it should be our duty to protect Europe. If Western Europe doesn’t want to save itself from Wahhabi Islamists, then why should we be protecting them from Russia? That and getting into it with Russia would really be taking our eye off the ball.