
| October 13, 2009

Suppose you work for a veterans service organization and you have $400,000 to spend on that service to veterans. What would you spend it on? Maybe lobbying to get the President to make a timely decision about supporting the troops engaged in Afghanistan?

Maybe an outreach program to veterans who suffer from traumatic brain injuries or PTSD? Perhaps use the money to influence Congress to exempt veterans who rely on the VA or other military health care from the impending penalty for having free healthcare?

Maybe something like a memorial to people who serve? An outward-bound program for disabled veterans? Something to let those currently deployed know that we’re thinking of them?

Well, not if your organization is named VoteVets – you’d spend your $400,000 on RADIO spots for pushing a clean energy bill. Yeah, they’re calling it an “ad blitz” but how hard is it to “blitz” a 19th century technology? And a “clean energy” ad buy? Of course, their strategy is to perpetuate the “war for oil” lie;

ANNCR: There’s a new generation of American patriots – young veterans who’ve fought for our country overseas. Now, they’re on a new mission? right here at home. (Home State) veteran (Name).

Local Veteran: Growing up in (Home State), nothing prepares you for the things you see over there. I saw firsthand how money we spend on oil is finding its way to the same terrorists we’re fighting against.

Yeah, who’d want to spend the money on something that helps veterans when you can prostitute yourself to for a “clean energy bill”. Soltz, you make me vomit.

Oh, and the key states that they’re targeting? Arkansas, Montana, North Dakota, Missouri, South Dakota, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Maine. 15 States. An ad blitz. Hold on to your hats, fellas.

By the way, TSO noticed the other day that dicksmith now calls himself Richard Allen Smith. Wonder why?

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Amazing stuff here

Jonn, are you really calling them a Veterans Service Organization…don’t you have to be chartered?


They’ll do anything to stay relevant. They’re also spending cash on a bus tour through the mid west in support of clean energy … the bus tour ends with a Harry Reid town hall in Nevada … what a joke !


Why hasn’t anyone put out there the fact that Soltz is a gay man

Amazing stuff here


does that really matter. I think we can find alot more issues with VoteVets and Stoltz than him being gay.

AW1 Tim

How about this article:

The good General and his TWO veterans held a news conference to promote the “lightworker’s” energy bill. However, they only informed the press about it, not anyone else in the public, except for a couple of Bath City officials so they could use city hall’s auditorium.

Edwards, a retired Army major general, agreed to join Iraq war veterans Garrett Reppenhagen and Alex Cornell du Houx for a press conference at Bath City Hall this morning. Reppenhagen is the director of Veterans Green Jobs, while Cornell du Houx is a Democrat representing a portion of Brunswick in the Maine House of Representatives.

I would have loved to have known about this so’s I could have been there and asked some questions of them.


So, VoteVets is nothing more than a bunch of Green Weenies that cares more about politics than the well being of actual, living breathing veterans?
As one fictional Marine once put it:
“Surprise, surprise, surprise!”

Amazing stuff here


What questions would you have asked?

Dave Thul

It’s an interesting issue, at least. Anyone US soldier who has been on pass in Qatar has seen the obscene wealth that Arab oil creates, and probably the political issues that come along with that wealth.

The difference is that my reaction to that wealth is to tell my congressman to drill in our country so we can stop importing so much oil. That should hold us over until the two dozen nuclear plants come online. Clean energy issue solved.


Damn right, Dave: Drill here, drill now. Why this bunch of morons in the WH would give billions to Brazil, so that they can drill, but stop our own companies from drilling in the same area makes no sense. That’s what is lacking with the leftists; common sense. Oh, I’m sorry, they remove your commen sense bone when you become “green”.


Indeed that is the liberal MO. They love to create the problem, and then use one eye to “fix” it. We haven’t built a refinery in 30+ years because of these enviro whackos and then the BBC claims we don’t need the sun!! Heh.
The left has no vision and is filled with half-assed solutions to keep the people they claim to champion, down. That would be all of us, now, not just the little people.


Clean energy = local energy = energy independence. As a friend of mine says, “Energy indepence is national security”. If we’d addressed this problem in 1973-74 during the oil embargo, we wouldn’t be fighting in the middle east now. Some of you guys are the ones lacking the long view , and lacking the common sense bone.


Joe: That’s very true, however, the enviromental groups have been successful in getting many things shut down, or stopped in this country since then. We could have built refineries to increase capacity, built more nuke plants for electricity, could currently build new cleaner coal fired electrical plants, drill in ANWR and other places inside the country, could drill on the continental shelf offshore (you know, the places others are drilling, but we won’t allow our own to go there), oil shale processing in the Western US, etc.

That’s common sense and that’s the bone many in the enviromental movement are missing. That’s the long view, not the Obama view.