More Nobel Prize news

| October 13, 2009

According to the Associated Press, the Nobel Prize jury commented on the prize they gave to President Obama last week – and it turns out that their reasoning is even more intellectually vacant than we thought;

“Alfred Nobel wrote that the prize should go to the person who has contributed most to the development of peace in the previous year,” Jagland said. “Who has done more for that than Barack Obama?”

Since nominations were closed on February 1st, the “previous year” was 2008 – you remember, the year that Obama spent campaigning. The last year in which he wasn’t even President. So his campaign brought peace to the world. So we thought he was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his successful inauguration celebration – and we were wrong.

Of course, the runner-up for the most questionable award of the year, Eugene Robinson, who won a Pulitzer earlier this year for republishing MoveOn talking points and Obama campaign emails in his Washington Post “opinion” column for eight years wants to know why conservatives hate America;

The problem for the addlebrained Obama-rejectionists is that the president, as far as they are concerned, couldn’t possibly do anything right, and thus is unworthy of any conceivable recognition. If Obama ended world hunger, they’d accuse him of promoting obesity. If he solved global warming, they’d complain it was getting chilly. If he got Mahmoud Abbas and Binyamin Netanyahu to join him around the campfire in a chorus of “Kumbaya,” the rejectionists would claim that his singing was out of tune.

Let the rejectionists fulminate and sputter until they wear their vocal cords out. Politically, they’re only bashing themselves. As Republican leaders — except RNC Chairman Michael Steele — are beginning to realize, “I’m With the Taliban Against America” is not likely to be a winning slogan.

Robinson makes me giggle – this from the man who thought Bush would bring back slavery and throw Robinson in jail for regurgitating DNC platitudes. At some point he has to question why he’s at odds with common sense.

I thought we were done reporting Nobel Prize dementia, but apparently it will continue.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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Ever wonder who is coaching Michael Steele?



Miss Teen South Carolina sounded more intelligent than these clowns.


I’m really not a vindictive person, usually. But after eight agonizing, excruciating, insane, disastrous, criminal years (no, the statute of limitations isn’t even close to being up yet), it warms my heart to see you guys squirming and getting just a small taste of what we rational people had been going through for so long. It seems most of you would rather see the USA go down in flames rather than see Obama meet with success. Keep working those vocal chords…..


Joe, you are a liberal. Of course you are a vindictive hateful person. It seems to me you’d rather the country go down in flames while watching obama fiddle than anything else.

Desent. It used to patriotic. Now it’s a hate crime.

A Heros Friend

Miss Teen South Carolina is verrrry likely to be much more qualified for the Nobel Prize.After all,don’t all pagent contestants want world peace? That seems to be the only criteria needed to win the Nobel…just sayin’…
(Hell,she’s probably over qualified anyway!)


Hero’s Friend, looking at the reverse of what you said, does that mean the Earbama will be Miss Teen South Carolina? To go along with his Cy Young Awards, Stanley Cup, Baseball MVP, Super Bowl Championship and the rest?

A Heros Friend

UpNorth…Absof**kinglutly…However,the ONE aspires to the reach the pinnicle all great people desire…to win Americas got talent.I won’t hold my breath though…


The fallen Marine who the AP published photos of his death — well his father is against the McCrystal strategy — he thinks we should be tougher — says we are not there to work with the Afghan Army or liberate the people — we’re there to hunt down the enemy — I agree with him.

This guy at put TAH to shame. TAH claims Bush sent us all over the globe to “liberate people” .. what a crock … I’m for kicking the asses of the enemy .. not Bush’s bullshit of fake liberation … finally someone gets it … finally the truth … finally someone calls it as it is ………..


Uhm, Joe, I would hesitate to be so happy as Oblarney’s quest to make us weak is just getting started. Since when do you as a leftist hold rational beliefs anyway? OnNow:We may honestly argue about the best strategy in Afghanistan, but it was the failure to prevent the rise of the Taliban that led to 9-11. Deal with it.


Athena, I don’t like the Taliban, fk them. Deal with what?


“Obama’s quest to make us weak…” Ha! Some of you are living in the past, obviously grew up watching too many John Wayne movies, bought into the myth of the self-made man going it alone. That used to work when we were the last man standing immediately after WW II. Now it only works in movies starring Bruce Willis. Being strong is not going it alone, it’s building alliances, having a network of friends. It was Bushes simplistic “my way or the highway” policies, and our overbearing arrogance (not in short supply on this website) the that has made us weak, and make no mistake about it, we are much, much weaker since the tough talking Texan alienated most of the world. It’s reckless military adventures that have made us weak. Join the 21st century already.


Alliances? With who? Russia? China? A network of friends? Are you talking about morning tea, or statecraft? Statecraft doesn’t work for the US, if you’re dealing from a position of weakness. That’s where Earbama and Shrillary have us these days.
Now run back to Kos, or du and get your next talking point.


No UpNorth, I’m talking about just about all of the entire rest of the world, countries that were considered allies until the disastrous stolen election of 2000. Egomania, chauvinism, narcissim, exceptionalism, on a personal and a national scale, you got it all…..


Oh, shit–here we go again. Joe, I oughta pull over the Internet and make you walk home for being so stupid.

Frankly Opinionated

NH Sparky:
You can’t punish Joe for being Stupid, because b. HUSSEIN obummer made it a law that we can’t use stupidity to incarcerate people. (He was scared that we’d go after him and his czars) Joe just needs a nice hug.
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”



Name three ways that Obama has moved the US into a position of greater strength. Our allies and the rest of the world think he is an egomaniac that lacks experience. Other nations make demands of the US now, not the other way around. And “going it alone” is not a bad thing in and of itself. Many of our “allies” got mad about the invasion of Iraq because of dirty business on their part. Go read up on the French scandal over the Oil-for-Food Program.

Do you bend you beliefs to fit what everyone else thinks? The answer should be no, and it should also be that way for our nation. Just because other nations do not like what we are doing does not make it wrong. The values the US hold are not determined by a worldwide popularity contest.


Joe #11
You obviously have never worked in a Coalition/NATO Headquarters. It’s harder to get our ‘friends’ to support an action than it is to actually execute. Ask your Canadian Buds what ABC means.

Luck in Battle