Stupid people of the week

| November 18, 2023

Eco-activist mauled by a bear after disturbing its den ‘trying to prove it was forced to move out by loggers’

A BEAR emerged from its lair and mauled an eco-activist who ironically was trying to prove the beast had been forced out of its den.

The German protester was convinced the burrow in Poland’s Carpathian Mountains had been abandoned because of logging.

But as he and another campaigner from Wild Carpathians Initiative checked out the wooded area, they unwittingly disturbed a resting bear.

Images caught on camera set up to monitor the lair show the large brown bear poking its head out of the den before climbing out.

The activists – who expected the dugout to be empty – frantically tried to flee but the furry beast chased after them.

As they were pursued, the German activist tripped and was brutally savaged by the bear.

He was airlifted to hospital in a serious but stable condition.

The images were shared on social media by Michael Gzowski, from Poland’s State Forests, who described the attack as “irony of fate”.

He said: “A camera trap captured a bear attacking an ecoactivist. He wanted to prove that the lair was empty because foresters had destroyed his habitat.

“Quite an irony of fate – pseudo-ecologists were attacking foresters, GOPR and policemen, and now these people are saving their lives.”

The Wild Carpathians Initiative has admitted its activists should not have disturbed the bear, which was preparing to hibernate.

It comes after two workers were savagely ripped apart by a bear in Siberia.

One of the men was left with an exposed skull after wrestling with the wild beast in a horror attack caught on camera.

Video shows the brown bear scale a fence and run through the snow to converted shipping container cabins where a group of people were gathered at a gas facility.

A man behind the camera shouted a warning to the workers: “Everybody run away!”

In a chilling moment, the witness later said: “[The bear] ate him.”

Source; The Sun

Plane forced to return to JFK Airport after horse on board gets loose

A 747 cargo plane heading to Belgium from New York was forced to return to John F. Kennedy International Airport after a horse escaped from its stall, according to the air traffic control audio.

According to the audio clip, which was obtained by You Can See ATC via Live ATC, the horse got loose within 30 minutes of takeoff.

The Boeing 747 was barely at 31,000 feet when a pilot told air traffic control that a horse had escaped from its stall and that they needed to return to JFK on Thursday, according to FlightRadar24.

In the air traffic control audio, a pilot is heard saying, “We are a cargo plane with a live animal, a horse, on board. The horse managed to escape its stall. There’s no issue with flying, but we need to go back to New York as we can’t resecure the horse.”

The flight was forced to make a U-turn off the coast of Boston and dump about 20 tons of fuel over the Atlantic, “10 miles west of Martha’s Vinyard,” due to the flight’s weight, according to the audio.

Amid the fuel dump, the pilot requested a veterinarian to be present at JFK when the plane arrived.

Once landed, when ATC asked if the flight required assistance, “On the ground, negative. On the ramp, yes, we have a horse in problem.”

It remains unclear how the horse managed to escape but it remained unrestrained until the plane landed at JFK, according to the audio.

The flight was able to take off a short time later and successfully arrive at Liege Airport on Friday morning, according to FlightRadar24.

Air Atlanta Icelandic, the charter airline operating the flight, did not immediately respond to ABC News’ request for comment.

Source; ABC News

San Francisco Sheriff Oversight Board Member Arrested on Suspicion of Sexual Assault

A member of the San Francisco Sheriff’s Oversight Board was arrested this week on suspicion of sexual assault and other crimes, according to jail records.

William Monroe Palmer II, 53, was booked into San Francisco jail on Thursday on suspicion of sodomy by use of force, false imprisonment, assault, sexual battery by restraint and parole violation among other allegations, according to records.

The jail is run by the Sheriff’s Department.

Palmer has not been formally charged.

The arrest stems from a report of a sexual assault on Aug. 30, according to the San Francisco Police Department, which identified the suspect as Palmer.

From that report, SFPD investigators say they developed probable cause to arrest Palmer. Police ultimately took Palmer into custody more than two months later, at 9 a.m. Thursday on Scott Street, and booked him into jail hours later.

Palmer was appointed to the oversight board by the Board of Supervisors in 2021. In May, his term was extended to 2027. Palmer was also appointed by the Board of Supervisors to San Francisco’s Sentencing Commission.

Palmer could not be reached for comment by publication time. Jail records indicated he remained in custody.

In 2019, Palmer was released from prison after serving 31 years for a failed robbery-turned-kidnapping. The California Supreme Court ruled that 23 of those years amounted to “excessive punishment,” according to his biography on the Sheriff Oversight Board’s website.

Palmer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison at 17. He tried to rob an off-duty police officer by taking him at gunpoint to an ATM. The off-duty cop then shot at Palmer numerous times, hitting him in the knee. Palmer was later arrested. Palmer’s gun was found to be unloaded.

“Thirty-two years ago, William Palmer broke the law,” his lawyers wrote in their filings arguing for his release. “He was reckless and impulsive and created a dangerous situation. He was also 17. Thankfully, no one was physically injured by his ill-advised actions.”

Palmer has been the subject of news coverage, including a Washington Post piece that focused on issues with state parole and Palmer’s run-ins with the system since his release. That story detailed Palmer’s attempts to reintegrate with society, noting, for example, that he had developed an original one-man play with the Returned Citizens Theatre Troupe, a collective of former prisoners-turned-actors. It also explained how Palmer wound up back in jail after a fender-bender in 2020.

Palmer’s biography on the oversight board’s website says that since his release from prison, he has advocated for social reforms, mentored youth and advocated for parole reform.

In addition, the bio says that he has had challenges reentering society.

The seat held by Palmer on the board is designated for someone who has been through the criminal justice system.

In his application for the position, he wrote that it is “imperative that voices of those that were formerly incarcerated” be on the oversight board.

“I bring an essential perspective,” he continued, “as an individual (who) was formerly incarcerated and as an individual who personally navigated the struggles of reintegration and works daily to assist others in their transition from the criminal justice system into society.”

Palmer noted in that application that he had been endorsed for the position by the San Francisco Jail Justice Coalition, which includes nine organizations. Among them are Glide, Community Housing Partnership and the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office.

Palmer was one of four candidates Supervisor Shamann Walton put forward to the Rules Committee, which voted unanimously to send the applicants to the board.

Walton declined to comment.

Source; The SF Standard

Cop Pulled Gun on Fellow Officer Who Threatened to Spoil ‘Top Gun: Maverick’; Jury Gives Him 100 Hours of Community Service and More

A police officer in Sydney, Australia has pleaded guilty to “carrying a firearm with disregard” for a colleague’s safety after he threatened to shoot another police officer who said he would reveal spoilers from Tom Cruise’s blockbuster sequel “Top Gun: Maverick,” the Australian Broadcasting Company reports. According to court documents, 30-year-old cop Dominic Gaynor took out his gun and pointed it “in the vicinity” of fellow officer Morgan Royston after Royston threatened to spoil the film. Royston had seen “Top Gun: Maverick” the day prior.

The court documents reveal that Royston told Gaynor, “I’ll spoil it for you.” Gaynor responded by telling Royston, “Don’t spoil the movie” and “I’ll shoot you.” He proceeded to take his glock out of his holster and “held it stationary for five seconds” while pointing it at Royston. Gaynor was allegedly laughing during the incident and his “finger was on the receiver and not the trigger.” His lawyer described the incident as “a case where the skylarking and tomfoolery in an employment context has gone awry.”

The Australian Broadcasting Company reports that Royston revealed in court on Nov. 9 that he fell into a depression following the incident. He said that while it was common for police officers to “share jokes and tease each other,” this incident was on a different level and left him with an “overwhelming shock and fear” feeling.

“I have completely lost the trust I had and my admiration for the NSW Police Force,” he said. “When I see a police officer now, I feel compelled to watch them and check their hand is not on their firearm.”

Gaynor’s lawyer said his client made an awful mistake and that a conviction would “definitely see him removed from the police force.” The lawyer added, “This is going to cost him dearly.” Gaynor was given a community correction order for two years, 100 hours of community service and a recorded conviction.

“Top Gun: Maverick,” sequel to the 1986 movie “Top Gun,” opened in theaters in May 2022 and became a box office powerhouse with $1.4 billion in worldwide ticket sales. The movie ranks as the 11th highest-grossing movie in box office history (unadjusted for inflation). It earned six Academy Award nominations, including best picture.

Source; Variety


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Darwin Awards, Police, Stupid Criminals

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So, the Aussie [former?] cop proved that in a “gun-free” society, those allowed to have guns don’t know the first thing about them.

I handle hundreds of firearms a day. Here recently, we’ve gotten between 100-150 guns in a single day at least twice. I go to Receiving to bring them up, acquire them, and trigger lock them per company SOP. Even knowing they’re fresh from the warehouse or production line, and many have empty chamber indicators, I don’t wave them around, “joke” with coworkers, pull the triggers, look down the barrels, or anything else that’s unsafe. Some companies, like Henry, even have sleeves over their firearms prompting the buyer to confirm there is no live ammo before pulling the trigger. We’ve also gotten messages in the past to pull certain SKUs of firearms and check for live ammo in the box.

The Oversight Board member is proof that those placed in positions of responsibility are often capable of abusing that power. I get that he hasn’t been formally charged, much less convicted, so I’ll withhold judgement on his particular case for now but suffice to say that recidivism is very common. The fact that so many LEOs are arrested for violating the law, and now one of those trusted to oversee the LEOs has been arrested shows that no badge, position on an official board or committee, or political office exempts you from abiding by the law. Well, maybe that last one, considering Ol’ Joe, the Clintons, and so many other Dems (and a few Reps).

Old tanker

Just a point here. The oversight board member was a former convict, one who was convicted of armed robbery with a gun, not a Cop. The libs in frisco think having ex cons on a police oversight board is a cool thing to do.


Acknowledged, though I didn’t make that clear in the earlier reply commenting on recidivism. Having convicts police the police seems like a very California thing to do.

Last edited 9 months ago by Fm2176

Not sure what you mean by “so many”?


By nature of their profession, if even .01% of cops are convicted of a crime, that’s too many. Since the public holds them to a higher standard, nearly every instance of a cop being arrested is reported by at least the local news. We hear reports of everything from DUI to SA too often.

I found out a couple of months ago that a LEO I once knew ended up on the Registry. I knew him as an Assistant Chief in a small town police department. Cav Scout in Desert Storm with a Purple Heart. Well respected. I helped his son join the Army and when seeing his son, now a cop himself, post something on the year anniversary of his dad’s passing I did some more research. Come to find out, the former Assistant Chief got caught up in a sting and found to be in possession of CP. Sad state of affairs, his oldest son had self-deleted in the ’90s, his daughter had attempted to do so and ended up a vegetable until she died from complications ten years later, and his middle son died in a wreck a while back. I saw the Facebook post from his remaining son last year, but didn’t read into it. Rereading it, I realized his dad had pulled the trigger one final time. Disgraced ex-cop on the Registry, with one child left who is wearing a badge in a dangerous area.

It shocked me. I was planning to call the dad for a reference or even a job if I would have gone into law enforcement. That wouldn’t have been good, given my ignorance of his crime. His son lives near me and I need to reach out and talk with him over some coffee or beer. He can probably use a friendly ear and hopefully he and his family stay healthy and happy. I know he struggles with losing three siblings and his father.

Last edited 9 months ago by Fm2176
Old tanker

Until we can recruit Cops from angels instead of people, there will always be the small percentage of failures. People are fallible and have a less than 100% chance of perfection. Expecting perfection from people is an exercise in futility. Of course the failures make the news, one reason being there are so few of them compared to the rest of the population of LEO’s. Those other LEO’s would happily holds the door open so the Chief / Sheriff can kick them outside as they are the ones most angry over the transgression that got all of them tarred by the less than discerning population of non LEO’s.

After all it’s not like Veterans and still serving members of the Military are all so spotless and squeaky clean example of perfect people.


If Palmer stuck to “one man plays” he wouldn’t be accused of sexual assault.


I can “bearly” stand all of this horsing around doing teh stoopid stuff. Buncha dumbass mavericks flying off into the danger zone of teh stoopid makes me want to put them on ice, man. I would like to give today’s Ms Thang Gunz Pr0n Girl a little goose.


Wow…that’s really stirring the pot.


Someone’s been into the ‘shine a little early today? Apple pie, mmmmmm.


Add tranny Anne Jakrajutatip to the list. The Thai bennie-boy bought the Miss Universe Pageant for $20M and promptly introduced mentally ill men to the competition. So how did that work out?

Miss Universe judge reveals bankruptcy likely due to ‘outrage’ over transgender organizer
Company behind Miss Universe files for bankruptcy ahead of pageant
By Kristen Altus
Fox News


The lady boy also bought Miss Teen USA and Miss USA competitions. Now they are all essentially worthless because shockingly the market for looking at transvestites isn’t as large as looking at beautiful women. They also own ultra liberal CNBC


Now if we can just get all the environmental whackos to glue their hands to the rocks outside of “empty” bear caves we can solve a number of problems.


The bear attack was a good example of the Darwin award.

Cons overseeing cops, more bad ideas in the land of fruits and nuts. Inspector Callahan is experiencing a face in palm moment.

Idiot Aussie cop with a gun. Creating his own danger zone.

Last edited 9 months ago by STSC(SW/SS)

Harry Calahan at such a moment:

P.S. Gun-controlled Eurowienie cultures tend to loose their familiarity with firearms such that even the police aren’t very good with them. (Can’t practice, buy ammo, etc. on their own.) Jihadis, however, have their own illegal hardware and practice– even down to saying Aloha Snackbar– all the time, so you can see where that goes.

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous

“Don’t poke the bear”. It’s not just a figure of speech, it’s one of life’s better ideas.

A Proud Infidel®™

Looking around in caves and pissing hibernating Bears off – SMOOTH MOVE, Ex-Lax!!!


Anyway to add a good portion of Generation Z to the stupid people of the week?

Jesus, the thought of these people running the country one day scares me.


You think? At my age, in about ten to fifteen years it won’t matter to me. But it will to my children and grandkids. I fear for them.


Our cohort wised up.
So will they.

Hack Stone

If you all can indulge Hack Stone and allow him to post this image, you will receive outdated Red Hat Software on your deathbed. So you got that going for you, which is nice.
