Wednesday FGS
Subject Shot after Home Invasion in Coffee County
Coffee County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a home invasion in the Beechgrove area around 4 Monday morning. One subject, 24 year-old Carlos Daniel Antonio Rivera, was shot by the homeowner on Bankshire Road. The subject is in a Nashville hospital with gunshot wounds to the chest.
The Coffee County Sheriff’s Department is monitoring the area in Beechgrove. Coffee County Sheriff Chad Partin says there is no evidence at this time of additional suspects involved.
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On Target News
Rounds in the brisket and still among the living? Lucky or FMJ.
Did someone say Walther? Thanks again to our own Gun Bunny and Old Tanker for today’s links.
I have a great sense of who I am.
Ilhan Omar (D-MN)
Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link
Looks like Carlos didn’t have enough Coffee that morning, made some poor life choices, and will now be sent up the Rivera. I wonder where he’ll end up? As the BTJT Prison Deli’s (Home Of The Manmeat Sammich) Employee of the Week? Or on the cover of Prison Bride magazine?
Interesting news stories today. Read another about the Maine shooter, seems he was worried about people calling him a Child Molester, in particular the bar owner that he shot. Interesting coincidence is that when people searched his name another individual with his name did come up as a child molester (if you squinted you might think they looked similar). The news article of course failed to make this leap or causation.
Mr. Card seemed to be having some mental issues for several months before this happened. In fact the Sheriff had been trying to meet with him to relieve him of his burden of possessing firearms on several attempts prior to his little outburst. If both his family and his (reserve) unit thought he shouldn’t have them wonder went wrong? Not saying I want Red Flag laws, but the legal process to get this guy help seemed to not work.
Not a Conspiracy theorist but man that is some strange group of facts
I still want to compare a time line of when Mr Card started “hearing voices”, and having mental aberrations -vs- when did he receive his (air quotes) hearing aids? And are those same (not different or swapped out) hearing aids still here, or did they (the original ones) disappear at the time of Mr Card’s self-inflicted death?
Do I sound cynical? Paranoid? Prove me wrong.
According to “Heavy Duty” Mr. Card double tapped himself
You sound like Big Country…not that there’s anything wrong with that, Tox. And, yep, I agree with you both. Subliminal suggestions have been shown to be effective in advertising (and pysops) for decades. Remember when movie theaters got busted for snack bar flashes?
Walther PP = Piss Poor service.
Someones gigging me again.
Mr. Rivera was just wanting to invade the homes that Americans didn’t want to invade. Just continuing his acts of invasion since he probably was an illegal invader to the Country. Homeowner may want to invest in a larger caliber…or some range time. Note the picture ID voter card issued by Senor Rivera’s home country. What a novel idea!
Dumbass was almost successful in his suicide by cop act. Better luck next time.
We know who you am too. An incestuous, grifting, parasitic, plague on our Country.
“…chambered in 6.35×15 Browning…” *snicker* All Hail!
To the fine LE personnel in Coffee County…
Better latté than never
Thanks a latté
Whole latté shakin’ goin’ on
I’ll see myself out.
[…] blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on Wednesday feel good […]
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