The irony. Or the hypocrisy, your choice.
Joe Biden said Tuesday that “border walls don’t work”…and at the same time his administration is waiving 26 laws – count ’em, 26 – to build – guess what? Right in one…a border wall.
According to a notice posted to the Federal Register Wednesday, construction of the wall will be paid for using already appropriated funds earmarked specifically for physical border barriers. The administration was under a deadline to use them or lose them.
Biden – who, as a candidate, vowed that there will “not be another foot” of border wall constructed on his watch – defended the decision to reporters Thursday, saying that he tried to get the money appropriated for other purposes but was unsuccessful.
Among the laws the Biden administration is bypassing to build the wall are several of the same statutes the administration has in the past moved to protect, including: the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. CNN
So rather than just not spending the money, Political Hack Joe and company are going to spend it on a project that they decried as recently as the last administration as – help me now – sadistic, hideous, anti-environmental, and a few other choice adjectives. Did I mention child abuse? Think they said that too. So it’s all those nasty things they said…until someone said they would have to give up money. Now they are bending or breaking 26 of their signature feelz-good acts to spend it.
Bet they are paying full retail for the parts, too. A bit ironic there, too – was only August when they were clearing out leftover Trump wall pieces (identical to the wall they are bu8ilding, based on the pictures) at firesale prices.
The beams, intended as vertical bollards in the border wall’s 30-foot-tall panels, were sold in five separate lots on average of $212 each. GovPlanet netted $154,200 for 729 of them. Another 13 square structural tubes are to be auctioned off Aug. 23 and Aug. 30, the GovPlanet website says.
“The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is disposing of the excess border wall materials in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation,” a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spokesperson said in an email to Fox News Digital on Sunday. “USACE has already transferred approximately $154 million worth of the roughly $260 million of bollard panels and other materials in accordance with standard excess property disposition procedures. USACE stands ready to implement a decision regarding disposition of the remaining materials.”
GovPlanet, which specializes in military surplus, has sold 81 lots of those beams for about $2 million, according to the Post. Fox News
So first they sold $156,000,000 worth for around $2 million, and now they are RESPENDING millions to build another wall. “Here comes the new wall, same as the old wall” or something like that. What’s next, buying new 40 foot containers to donate to Arizona?
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", 2024 Election, Biden, Border
As the previous worst President evah famously said, “Elections have consequences”.
Woodrow Wilson said that?
We all know pedo Joe ain’t rebuilding the wall and ain’t stopping the flow of future democrat voters.
So…what really is the reason?
To keep people in???
Rebuilding the wall will look good for the 2024 election joe the shmo’s puppet masters. think.
FJB is his Corvett/skif
Reminds me of the pilot of the Polish persuasion who somehow manages to complete a very rough landing.
He tells his co-pilot, “That is the shortest runway I’ve ever seen…but man is it wide!!”
Big dumb Polak aircrew. Sounds vaguely familiar. Anyone we know?
Nie moj circ. Nie moje malpe.
Ah, Cold War jokes…
Why did the Russian airliner crash?
It ran out of coal!
Well, socialist democrats are addicted to spending other people’s money, so this had to happen. Like crack whores, they cannot resist the urge.
On a parallel note,
how have the “humanitarian” policies
of certain cities been working out?
They have requested racist and fascist walls be built around their cities.
Think they can balance a check-book?
Irony? Hypocrisy? Blue state Govs crying because red state govs
took them up on their “were a sanctuary city/state” claim and made them put their monies where there mouths were?
New York, Chicago and DC crying when it affects them, yet not many tears were shed for the small border towns being over run.
Liberal tears are delicious.
Kinda like that self proclaimed “COO of Antifa” who got knifed in Brooklyn the other day. Good riddance.
Now his asshole friends started a GoFundMe in his name explicitly stating that the money is so they can offset costs of taking time off from work to properly mourn him.
Simple 50 KV wire fence.
No breakers.
Can we keep the soil under the wire fence damp or would that just be overkill as it were.
Sure why not? And have a salt spreader drive the leghth
of it monthly.
Or just put a drip irrigation system in to maintain moisture. We can take water from our half of the Rio Grand.
This is perfect. No matter what happens he loses. If the wall works he looks stupid because he said it wouldn’t. If it doesn’t work he still looks stupid cuz he wasted everybody’s time and money on something he said would never work.
Abbott and Desantis deserve a lot of credit for making this happen. Forcing liberals to live with their stupidity is painful for everybody, but once the hypocrisy is exposed they tend to end it.
Speaking of which, where is our resident low energy snowflake? He needs to bring out his coloring books and explain the current year politics of this one to us. Surely The great leader embracing both racist and fascist policy can’t go unexplained. I know he took a whipping earlier in the week, But this is too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Ya gotta reference him three times before he shows up.. (usually…) but yeah, I’d love to see what he comes up with..
Commisar…. commisar…. commisar….
He’s gonna wait and see what his flunky professors at the nuthouse tell them to think about all this.
Someone reduced him to a simpering pile of goo.
It was … epic.
Yo, somebody was right (again)… who could that be?

Trump was “racist” for wanting a border wall, but snake and nape will be okay when Democrats do it.
The stupid is beyond measure in this administration.
Look at it as a blank easel.
To quote Gene Kranz in “Apollo 13”;
“Tell me this isn’t a government operation…”
Even Ray Charles can see the incompetence of this administration. Disgusting!
I was wondering why Pedo Joe was doing a 180 flip on the border wall.
“Use it or lose it” sez it all.
No, Pedo Joe’s HANDLERS are doing a 180. Maybe the Venezuela flag being planted on American soil was a signal to let the people running this shit show know that everybody have arrived.
I want a wall between Arizona and California.
Amen to that.
And one between Commiefornia and Oregon, too! Oh wait, nevermind, its way too damn late.
Too late
If walls don’t work why is Pedo Joe replacing the fence around his beach house with a big wall?