Stupid people of the week

| September 9, 2023

Rapper admitted to killing in YouTube song

Las Vegas police arrested a man who authorities said admitted in a rap song he released this summer that he killed another man, according to an arrest report released Tuesday.

Kenjuan McDaniel, 25, was arrested Tuesday in connection with the fatal shooting of 32-year-old Randall Wallace. Wallace was killed Sept. 18, 2021 in an apartment complex in the 5800 block of West Lake Mead Boulevard.

McDaniel’s song was released on YouTube July 19, and police said it included details that were not publicly released regarding the killing.

“Brought it with that fire, hear that ‘ah’, see your body twitching,” Metropolitan Police Department detectives wrote in the arrest report, transcribing the song.

Police said McDaniel included details about the shooter driving to the complex and walking toward the apartment Wallace was standing outside. McDaniel’s lyrics said Wallace’s friends ran away before he was shot, which matched video evidence of the scene, and that the victim twitched for several minutes before dying.

Court records show McDaniel was arrested in 2018 after police said he shot at four people inside the Boulevard Mall. He was on probation after pleading guilty in December to ownership of a firearm as a prohibited person.

McDaniel is scheduled for a preliminary hearing Sept. 14.

Source; Las Vegas Review Journal

Police called to yoga class mistaken for ‘mass killing’

A yoga class was cut short after a member of the public called the police to report a “mass killing” after seeing several people lying on the floor.

Participants in the class, which was being held at the Seascape cafe, inside the North Sea observatory in Chapel St Leonards, Skegness, Lincolnshire, were in the midst of meditation when officers turned up on Wednesday night.

In a Facebook post, the cafe said someone had “reported a mass killing” after seeing people on the floor inside the building.

They wrote: “If anyone heard the mass of police sirens in Chapel St Leonards at 9.30pm last night then please be reassured …

“They were on their way to the observatory after someone had reported a mass killing in our building, having seen several people laying on the floor … which actually turned out to be the yoga class in meditation.

“Thank you to Lincolnshire police for their prompt response. I can’t imagine for one moment what would have being going through their minds on the way.”

The cafe regularly plays host to yoga classes in the evenings. The Facebook post added: “We are not part of any mad cult or crazy clubs.

“All in all, this situation turned out positive and we are of course grateful.”

The North Sea observatory has large, triangular windows that face the sea. A Facebook post on the cafe’s page says the venue holds New Moon yoga classes on Wednesdays from 7.30-9pm where you can feel “called to dive deep into the lunar cycle”. Pictures in the post show yoga mats next to the window.

Lincolnshire police confirmed to the PA news agency that the call was made at 8.56pm “with good intentions”. A spokesperson said in a statement to PA: “A call was made following concerns for the occupants of the North Sea observatory, at Chapel St Leonards.

“Officers attended, we’re happy to report everyone was safe and well.”

Source; Guardian

DFL vice chair says she was violently carjacked, calls for tougher juvenile penalties

One of the vice chairs of the Minnesota DFL Party says she was violently carjacked in front of her children in the driveway of her Minneapolis home Tuesday.

“Four very young men, all carrying guns, beat me violently down to the ground in front of our kids. The young men held our neighbors up at gunpoint when they ran over and tried to help me. All in broad daylight,” DFL Second Vice Chair Shivanthi Sathanandan wrote in a Facebook post, which included a picture of her face after the alleged assault.

“Look at my face in the picture. This is the face of a mother who just had the sh$t beaten out of her. A mother whose only thought was, ‘let me run far enough and fight hard enough so that my kids have a chance to get away.’ This is the face of a mother who just listened to her four-year-old daughter screaming non-stop, her seven-year-old son wailing for someone to come help because bad guys are murdering his Mama in the backyard, her neighbors screaming in outrage … all while being beaten with guns and kicks and fists,” she said.

Sathanandan said she suffered a broken leg, deep lacerations to her head, and several bruises and cuts.

“And I have rage. These men knew what they were doing. I have NO DOUBT they have done this before. Yet they are still on OUR STREETS. Killing mothers. Giving babies psychological trauma that a lifetime of therapy cannot erase. With no hesitation and no remorse,” she said.

Sathanandan, who expressed support for dismantling the Minneapolis Police Department in June 2020, then called for tougher penalties for juvenile offenders.

“We need to get illegal guns off of our streets, catch these young people who are running wild creating chaos across our city and HOLD THEM IN CUSTODY AND PROSECUTE THEM,” she said. “Look at my face. REMEMBER ME when you are thinking about supporting letting juveniles and young people out of custody to roam our streets instead of HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS.”

In her June 2020 post, Sathanandan thanked two Minneapolis City Council members for their “radical leadership” in working to “dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department.”

“We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. Say it with me,” she wrote.

A police report says the incident took place in Sathanandan’s north Minneapolis neighborhood at 7:43 p.m. Tuesday. Police recovered her Ford Explorer after it was abandoned by the suspects, according to the report. No suspect descriptions have been provided.

Source; Alpha News

Former Missouri State Highway Patrol Inspector faces prison time after accepting $14,000 in bribes

Former Missouri State Highway Patrol supervisory motor vehicle inspector Larry S. Conrad was sentenced to 15 months in prison Thursday for taking thousands of dollars in cash bribes.

The 67-year-old man was also ordered to perform 100 hours of community service and pay a $20,000 fine.

Investigators and law enforcement discovered over $7,000 in Conrad’s vehicle on Sept. 29, 2022. At his guilty plea in April, the former inspector reported accepting approximately $14,020 in bribes over at least six months before being caught.

Conrad’s primary role was to perform motor vehicle inspections at the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Troop C facility in South County, a service that comes at no cost. The former inspector admitted to accepting bribes to falsify forms and approve inspections of damaged vehicles.

Conrad pleaded guilty to one felony charge of using a facility in interstate commerce, a cell phone, to conduct bribes.

Source; KMOV

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Stupid Criminals

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Always has the good news to start my day.

Old tanker

BWAHAHAHAHA the lady that hated the Cops got the results of her work to “dismantle” the Police. Seems karma came by and gave her a wake up call about her liberal politics.


Yeah, sympathy meter stuck on zero for her, she was told this is the kind of crap that results from what she’s pushing for, and she was perfectly ok with it until she was the victim.. Too bad none of her neighbors was armed, though that’s something else she’s probably against..

Prayers to her kids though, they didn’t deserve it.

Thee low IQ rapper, well, the jokes just write themselves.. then again, he had been convicted of gun crimes before, and got off with a slap on the wrist, so who can blame him for thinking he could get away with it..

A Proud Infidel®™

And she bawls to “Get illegal guns off the street” while the real answer is more guns in the hands of Law-abiding people aka CC, but common sense is an enigma to moonbats.


People do stupid sh^t cause they think they can get away with it. And if they are caught, there is no real punishment for their nefarious activities. IMHO we need to go all Old Testament on them…”An eye for an eye…” and/or “make the punishment fit the crime…” I am a firm believer in the whole “innocent until proven guilty” and the right to a fair and speedy trial. That being said, when a person is known to be guilty, make the punishment swift and painful too…with the video being plastered all over the TeeVee, “Social Media”, Ewe Tube, etc. That whole “influencer” thing that is such the rage now. You kill someone with whatever, gun, knife, baseball bat, et;al, you get killed the same way. Rape…you get raped…assault…you get assaulted…and so on. Teach them that their actions have consequences…that HURT. May not stop this kinda stuff, but I firmly believe it will slow it down. And for sure, the perp that is strongly, publicly punished will think twice before they do it again. YMMV

No one is coming to save you. It is up to YOU to protect and defend yourself, loved ones, and material possessions from those that wish to hurt/steal from you. Plan accordingly.


Hack Stone

You reap what you sow. Say it with me.

The funniest shit to come out of Minneapolis since The Mary Tyler Moore Show.


Surprised no one mentioned the ‘governor’ of New Mexico:

New Mexico [fuckhead] Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an order Friday suspending the right to carry a gun in public for 30 days in Albuquerque and the surrounding county in response to rising violence.

The Democratic governor issued a public health emergency order Friday, which says only police officers and security guards can carry guns in public places. [emp added]

(link to yahoo ‘news’)

In the article they quote Ted freaking Lieu as saying it’s a bad idea:

I support gun safety laws. However, this order from the Governor of New Mexico violates the U.S. Constitution. No state in the union can suspend the federal Constitution. There is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the U.S. Constitution.

I mean, you lose that asshat your whole argument goes to shit. I think… ‘Guess in Clown World you infrequently agree with Ted Lieu?


Someone from the effected area asked this on yt:
“Are they testing this tactic to see if they can apply it to other states under the guise of public health safety?”

My response:
“Absolutely. And from where I sit, our illustrious Governor of Connectican’t, ‘King’ Ned Lamont, will attempt the same.
Hartford is putting put some big numbers this year and his tiny head will think NM’s example as keys to a whole new, unexplored way to expand his fiefdom.
The fine people of Albuquerque are in my prayers tonight, may reason find its way into those troubled souls that plague you so.”

,and I’m sticking to that.

We are here now.


NM gov is tard.jpg