So what did they prove?

| September 27, 2009

Last week, while the leaders of the world discussed the world’s economic problems in Pittsburgh, throngs of immature little spoiled rich kids trashed the city. From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review/Washington Times.;

Business owners in the Oakland area of Pittsburgh, host city of the G-20 summit of world leaders, spent much of Friday sweeping up glass and calling insurance adjusters after a throng of protesters smashed their storefronts less than 24 hours earlier.

Plywood and duct tape covered shattered windows and glass doors at about 20 Forbes Avenue shops vandals targeted Thursday night during a demonstration that, according to onlookers, some college students joined. Some business owners said they were hesitant to install new windows until the G-20 summit ended and out-of-town visitors left.

And, of course, IVAW was there to take part in the vandalism;

The Iraq Veterans Against War painted messages on the sidewalks of Fifth Avenue in Oakland with mud and chalk.

One IVAW member was arrested and the organization was able to raise almost half of his huge bail;


Me? I’m wondering what IVAW has to do with a protest at an economic summit. And, as a whole, what did this protest accomplish – except to expand the divisions in the country even further. They complain that the police were too aggressive and then they push back by destroying private property. That makes tons of sense, doesn’t it?

I wonder how they’ll react when private citizens start defending their property and the protesters no longer benefit from the protection of restraint under which we force our police to abide. They’ll be wishing for sonic cannons after they face an aluminum baseball bat.

From the Washington Times, one student shows a bit a common sense;

“This whole thing was just stupid,” said Pitt student Lindsey Westerbrook, 21, of Oakland, as she stared at an open but boarded-up McDonald’s. “Why would you trash your own neighborhood to make a point?”

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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I love how they raised over half of the $200 bail. It reminds me of the part of the movie “Hair” when the group is in jail and Berger goes to mommy to get bail money.


Obviously because of the Military/Idustrial/Economic cabal that started this war, and which continues to fight for the preservation of the Federal Reserve and the Illuminati status quo. Duh.

Fight the power. My only regret is that all of them weren’t there to get gassed and arrested.


But, it’s the “teabaggers” who are the dangerous ones they will keep saying.


Yeah, Nixon, If I hear that meme one. more. time!!! The people I know who are left minded are violent or have their heads in the sand. There is no middle ground with these freaks. Idiots.


“Why would you trash your own neighborhood to make a point?”
Didn’t someone ask the same question in L.A. after the Rodney King thing? After all these years, the left still has no answer. Did IVAW take back all their beer bottles for deposit to raise “half the bail”?


“Why would you trash your own neighborhood to make a point?”
Every time South L.A. and Watts broke out in riots, I asked that same question…

Frankly Opinionated

Reinforces my thinking that IVAW, (Idiotic, Vacillating, A$$holes Whining), is as inept, immature, and idiotic as any of the fringe groups around. No better, no worse. Just immature whiners.
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”

B Woodman

“This whole thing was just stupid,” said Pitt student Lindsey Westerbrook, 21, of Oakland, as she stared at an open but boarded-up McDonald’s. “Why would you trash your own neighborhood to make a point?”

Here is a student that has half a chance of growing up and maturing (not necessarily the same thing) to be a responsible adult. I wish her good luck from this learning experience.

SSG David Medzyk

“Why would you trash your own neighborhood to make a point?”

Well……it wasn’t their neighborhood to begin with.

I volunteer my services to any business during the next G20. Property protection and inventory control 🙂


How come we didn’t see any vandalism like this after the big September 12 rally? Anybody got any guesses?


Stand by, Rurik, I’m sure one of resident lefties, will rush in to explain why it was so. Or not. Probably not.


“So what did they prove?” That business owners ought to be able to utilize Mossberg 500, 590 or Winchester 1300 or Remmy 870 & the buckshot load of their choice to keep these idiots from smashing their windows & property.
Leftard-anarchos are uber-clueless about the real world. There should be no bag limit on those idiots.