How to make me anti-war
The Obama Administration has finally found a way to make me want to join the throngs of protesters against the war in Afghanistan (from the Washington Post);
President Obama has not set a deadline for determining a new strategy or for committing more troops to the war in Afghanistan, despite an urgent request from his top commander, his national security adviser said Saturday.
If the commanders on the ground, who understand the challenge before them, can’t get the support they need from the Administration and their commander-in-chief, why toss away the lives of soldiers and Marines?
The upcoming meetings will begin with the assumption that the McChrystal strategy is correct, Jones said, adding that the president will “encourage free-wheeling discussion” and that “nothing is off the table.”
So basically, while Americans die, the suits will diddle themselves.
As Drew M said at Ace of Spades last night; “Remember when Afghanistan was the essential front in the War on Man Made Disasters? Back then it was bad to take your eye off the fight there and not provide enough troops.”
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Hey, hey, Obama has got more important things to worry about than the conduct and strategy of a war. He’s got to deliver one-liners on Letterman and think of new schemes to take over the healthcare industry.
So we should expect your application to VFP on Monday?
I’m not qualified, I’ve actually been to a war – while in my country’s uniform.
This quote is from the jacket of a childrens’ book published in 1944:
“In wartime, everything that our men in the Armed Forces need, they must have. So it is that certain materials which in times past have gone into making beautiful books for boys and girls are now needed for war equipment. This book has been planned and published in the way by which our Government has told us books can help win the war.”
Once again – <>
Again, ” In wartime, everything that our men in the Armed Forces need, they must have.”
So simple, so logical even a child could understand it.
If our current administration hadn’t abandoned all logic and reason, they, too could understand it.
Echoes of Korea and Vietnam to be sure.
I’m thinking that a mass deployment without a formal declaration of war sets the stage. Let us just ‘send a message’ and all will be well.
Anonymous quote from someone at the ‘upcoming meetings’: “So we bring home another generation of losers? They’re only folks so dumb they can’t make it in real life anyway.”
Yeah, I’m paranoid (and pissed), but… it’s an old song for some of us.