Silly? Stupid? Malicious?

| August 29, 2023

Seems this Tuesday holds many things…herewith a few that caught my eye:

First up, a mind-boggling adder to the ceiling fan bite – in this case, researchers at Dell Hospital in Austin, TX have a new safety suggestion:

Researchers from Dell Medical School in Austin, Texas, are warning parents and caregivers not to toss babies and young children into the air in rooms with ceiling fans.

Some 2,300 children were treated in U.S. emergency rooms for head injuries between 2013 and 2021, according to a study published in the journal Pediatrics this month.

The average patient age was 5, with spikes at less than 1 year old and at 4 years old. And children under age 3 showed double the risk of being injured when lifted or tossed into the air, the research showed.’]

The data came from ER records from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) for patients under 18 years of age who were seen for ceiling-fan related injuries to the head, face, eyeball, mouth or ear.

Fox News

NEISS? Really? We are spending taxpayer money to monitor kid’s ceiling fan whacks? Apparently they deplore that the data isn’t specific enough to identify ethnicity etc. of the injured kids, so it isn’t White Privilege to blame – yet. But:

The published study includes recommendations for policymakers and the U.S. Product Safety Commission to re-evaluate building and electrical codes, to consider adding warning labels to ceiling fans and/or bunk beds and to improve the quality and clarity of medical data reporting.

I am sure that fan label whirring around at speed will stop stupid folks from tossing their kids into a moving fan, right?

I know where this one belongs. A third New Orleans reservist has been convicted of theft of government funds by filing claims to have stood Honor Guard at non-existent funerals.

Earlier this month, former Sgt. Derrick Branch pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit theft of government funds, according to a Justice Department press release and court records. Stars & Stripes first reported Branch’s plea. Two other former soldiers, Staff Sgt. Lynea Sanders and Spc. Chantelle Davis, already pleaded guilty and were sentenced in June.

According to federal prosecutors, former Staff Sgt. Christopher O’Connor, while serving as an Army Reserve pay technician, submitted “fraudulent” funeral honors pay requests to the Army between 2013 and 2016 for himself and six other soldiers from the 377th Theater Sustainment Command’s 441st Transportation Company. The total theft exceeded $100,000, an indictment said.

But prosecutors said the funerals for which O’Connor submitted pay requests were not authorized and did not occur. They and the three troops who have pleaded guilty alleged that the pay technician received a portion of their pay each time he submitted a false request.

Army Times

Anything less than a Big Chicken Dinner and jail time for all is a gross insult.

A car thief who had been pursued by police two years ago had his charges dropped Friday. While he was fleeing, the pursuing cop ran a red light and in the resultant accident  hit a third car, killing Leneal Frazier. (The aunt of who shot the infamous George Floyd footage. How’s that for a tenuous connection to notoriety?)

Brian Cummings, the former Minneapolis police officer involved in the chase, was sentenced in July to nine months in the county workhouse, with eligibility for electronic home monitoring in three months, after pleading guilty to criminal vehicular homicide in the high-speed chase.

James Jeremiah Jones-Drain, the driver who in my opinion should have been charged with felony murder (the death occurred as a result of his felony, right?) is still in the pokey, as apparently he has several other crimes and charges pending.  The perp gets charges dropped, an innocent life is lost, and the COP is jailed and has his life ruined. I used to look forward to business trips to Minneapolis… no way now, and I cannot imagine why a cop would waste his life there.


Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", America, None, Police, Science and Technology, Shitbags

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He didn’t have his blue (red?) lights on is the only reason I can think of.

Old tanker

Not necessarily true. The “new” pursuit policies toss in that in the case of approaching an intersection the pursuing unit (with lights and siren) must still enter only when it is clear and avoid other vehicles approaching or in the intersection. It requires a bit of psychic powers to make sure all the other drivers, A. see and hear the Police car and B. know what to do if they do see and hear the unit. They also must be clairvoyant enough to be able to avoid an and all knuckleheads who do not see or hear the unit.

Then there is the requirement to obtain permission to enter a pursuit. Not all agencies allow it. There was a video a bit ago where a unit made a traffic stop, the bad guy stopped then tried to run the Cop down. He called it in but his agency did not have permission to pursue with only that kind of offense, assaulting a Cop. The State Patrol did and caught the perp.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

When I was the Chauffer driving a fire truck, the deal was that when you approached a red light you were supposed to slow down even with lights, sirens/air horns and make sure that the cars stopped at the intersection befor continuing on the run. Lots of problems with peeps moving to long Island (Nassau County) from nyc whom some believed that Vollunteer Fire Fighters were not real Fire fighters so hence some blowing the traffic light.


Arkansas State Police won’t hesitate to pursue . Trooper Jacob Byrd will send your ass into the wall , ditch or over a bank at any speed! Check out their you tube videos. I have seen a lot of the world through a windshield but not at those speeds.


They need to completely defund all the racist police departments in Minnesota and get rid of all the police there. It is the only way.


Seems like all the Great Lakes states are losing their f’ing minds. Something in the water?

Make Avenues BeKyled Again.

Kyle offers understandings.png


jeff LPH 3 63-66

It’s great being a fan of TAH


Damn a bunch of warning labels. Let Darwin sort them out.

Despicable POSes. Turn the bastards and bitches over to some of TOG troops for a little “chat”. I believe we have one of our number here that is in their general AO.

A career criminal is free, one less cop for Minneapolis, and St George has a family re-union. The only good news is George has been drug and crime free for 3 years now, so there is that.


 “(How’s that for a tenuous connection to notoriety?)”. Connect it to Kevin Bacon for the bonus.


Oh, btw, you may have heard about a grad student at UNC-Chapel Hill who shot and killed his advisor. Grad student is a Chinese citizen (had a Mandarin translator in court). How does a non-citizen obtain a firearm?


You won’t be hearing about this for long. He’s not a racist white-supremacist heterosexual Christian gun nut in a MAGA hat, and is therefore of no use to the progressive liberal media.