Last word on Drudge video link

| September 25, 2009

I think we can all agree that it wasn’t the US Military that snatched the protester off the street in Pittsburgh yesterday – even though Drudge says it was;


Category: Military issues

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My 2 cents: Anyone who thought that was military is a dumb ass. Anyone who isn’t worried about arrests done in this fashion is a dumb ass.


I think we need worry more about a “Gleiwitz Radio Station operation. (That was the radio Station on the Polish-German border where a false-flag attack provided the Nazis with an excuse to attack Poland.

Remember the old VVAW “Operatioon Dewek Canyon II” game where the hippies dressed up in cammies and played at thugs to illustrate their assertion about American troops.


I watched it up to the point the car drove off. If Drudge or anyone else can’t tell the difference between a cheap chinese made wailing(peeping) car alarm system and 250 watt emergency vehicle siren? Their in serious trouble….

It was staged, plain and simple.


Street theater, plain and simple.


Now to go all NFL on myself, ‘upon further review(and reading some other sites), appears to be an arrest by Pittsburgh PD. I don’t get the mixed uniforms, but then, I’m not on that department. Ours has navy blue uniforms for fun things like this.



Drudge allows one to visit the source in most cases.

Reacting to ANY news source without checking is just silly.

Reacting to any Drudge story without checking is sillier yet.

The danger is in reacting first and THEN checking. It feeds the opposition.


Matt Drudge is to Journalist Integrity what Barack Obama is to an American Republic and FREE TRADE…


Actually Pa state police officers playing soldier, but they made a legal arrest. Guess the Camo was to blend in with the druggies..

Army Sergeant

Again, how is it a legal arrest, and how is it legal to pretend to be a soldier if you’re a cop? Cops have very honorable jobs, but it is NOT a soldier’s job and it is wrong for them to wear a uniform they didn’t earn.


Wearing the uniform (sans identifying patches or rank) is not in and of itself illegal or “pretending to be a soldier”. It does, however, create a great deal of confusion as to one’s legitimacy or origin. You IVAW types oughta know all about that.

Like I said and others have echoed, going around in camo without any sort of identifying marks such as police, SWAT, etc., makes me wonder just WTF is up with those guys. I saw so many issues with that whole scene that even cops would never do in a million years, but what do I know, right?

B Woodman

I didn’t even watch the video, just saw the thumbnail, & knew instantly they weren’t military. Wrong uniform, totally. Those are the old woodland camos. Soldiers today (any branch) wear digi camos. Not to mention that, even if they WERE military, they’re out-of-uniform. No covers (hats, for you civilians), no patches, sleeves rolled wrong (unless you’re USMC), and mismatched boots.

So, other then ID’ing these people as NOT military, who the f*** are they??


Cops wear BDUs ALL the time, some in Cammo, green, some in black, some in Navy Blue, but somehow, I don’t think these guys were cops OR soldiers… I may be wrong, but the procedures used weren’t military OR police…