OK, maybe I’ll keep my VFW membership

| September 25, 2009


Adirondack Patriot sent us the following story from the Albany Times-Union;

Normile said the man came into the [VFW] post’s bar last Friday night on Poplar Avenue for a drink but was turned away because he had no ID.

Angered, the man went outside, lowered the flag which hung for a time in Iraq, and set it on fire with a cigarette lighter.

The VFW members got a bit riled up themselves and went looking for the guy and finally found him on Saturday. They confronted him and gave three choices for punishment. They say he chose option three without mentioning what the first two were;

The young man, whose name was not released, was duct taped to the pole by veterans for about six hours last Sunday with a sign around his neck accusing him of being a flag burner.

Well, apparently the members of the VFW haven’t lost their spirit and sense of what’s important, even though the national headquarters has, so I guess I’ll keep my membership to honor those comrades of mine in Albany.

There’s more at the VFW website.

Category: Support the troops

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Toothless Dawg

hahaha good thing they didn’t find him until the next day after they had cooled down a bit. Course, I still think they should have strung him up to half-mast just below our National Colors and let him think about it from up there. Good job though!!!


Why not lower him to half-staff and set him on fire as well? (kidding–sort of.)

Army Sergeant

“I would rather not say what the first two were”


Well…at least the punk had the balls to take the punishment. Any charges brought?


I’m certain the first pair of options involved various uses of the pole and/or rope.

B Woodman

Shows you, don’t mess with the old folks. Especially vetern old folks. They were taught right from wrong, how to defend & take care of themselves, and don’t give a damn about PC-ness. GO VFW!!

If the dude wanted to get pissed off & burn a flag, let him burn his OWN flag.