Woden’s Day set – Bidens twice

| August 23, 2023

Anyone want to put any money on Alec Baldwin being reindicted? The news reports say the FBI broke some parts on the gun, installed new parts, then pronounced the gun in good working order. My thought is that any of his defense attorneys will look at that as a toothsome chum treat and the prosecutor as bait. Hope the DA comes up with something better – I wouldn’t put money on Alec going to the pokey soon. Hope I’m wrong.

Anyway… a quick update on Hunter Biden which will surprise absolutely no one:

Special counsel David Weiss appeared to be willing to end the Hunter Biden probe earlier this year without any charges for the president’s son, but seems to have changed his mind around the time two IRS whistleblowers accused the Justice Department of stonewalling the case and giving Hunter Biden special treatment, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

The newspaper cited sources from both sides who were involved in the case, and hundreds of pages of non-public emails between Weiss’ prosecutors and Hunter Biden’s attorneys.

Weiss concluded by late 2022 that he did not have sufficient grounds to charge Hunter Biden with felony tax crimes, the Times reported.  NY Times

So it came near as dammit to no charges being filed…followed by the sweetheart deal the judge questioned (she must have remembered Wesley Snipes doing three years in the greybar hotel for similar charges). And only when light was shone on all the cockroaches involved did the plea-bargains break down… why are we not all shocked.

And some more Biden – this will not shock anyone that his administration will claim to be fiscally responsible and then piss away ALL the money if they can.

Remember when he gutted the Strategic Petroleum Reserves? They sold a goodly chunk of it (it is now lower than at any time since the ’80s, I believe) to reduce our exorbitant gas prices – I remember reading that his brilliant move cut the price of a gallon by thirteen whole cents – can anyone corroborate? And of course replaced it as soon as – well, actually they haven’t replaced jack. Something about any replacement needing to cost close as little as the original deposits and be tested… this is almost a generation later and what we had in there wasn’t tested according to their new terms, either.  So we’re not going to blow money on new petroleum reserves, probably until pigs fly. But we’re fiscally responsible! But:

Steel “square structural tubes” photographed in a storage lot in Arizona were listed for sale on GovPlanet, an online auction marketplace run by publicly traded Canadian company Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers, this month. Those 28-foot-tall hollow beams are “excess border wall materials that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers turned over to the DLA for disposition and are now for sale,” the Department of Defense’s logistics agency first confirmed to the Daily Upside and later the New York Post.

GovPlanet, which specializes in military surplus, has sold 81 lots of those beams for about $2 million, according to the Post.

The beams, intended as vertical bollards in the border wall’s 30-foot-tall panels, were sold in five separate lots on average of $212 each. GovPlanet netted $154,200 for 729 of them.

“USACE has already transferred approximately $154 million worth of the roughly $260 million of bollard panels and other materials in accordance with standard excess property disposition procedures.

Fox News

So we have auctioned off $154,000,000 for almost $2 million.  But the Strategic Reserve isn’t being filled because of money…. right. I remember a Flogging Molly dedication in which Dave King thanked the Catholic Church for providing  him so much material to write songs about…kind of the way I feel about the Bidens.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Biden

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The reason the judge threw the deal out wasn’t the lack of jail time or felony charges. It was because HB would get full immunity to any and all pending investigations currently underway by any part of the Fed.

That isn’t just a sweetheart deal, that is the deal of the century. She couldn’t understand why that would even be allowed and had never seen such a thing from someone who wasn’t providing information or standing witness in other cases.


Wesley Snipes, who had three misdemeanor charges (like Hunter’s two) for not paying his taxes, got three consecutive one-year terms and his career as an actor jacked-up.


The President, Vice President and most Democrats agree that the border is completely secure, therefore the material is unneeded. If we can just get NYC or Chicago to buy the rest of that stuff to put around their cities to keep those filthy immigrants out than step 1 of the plan will be complete.


Just follow the science.

OIP (37).jpg

Disgusting. Y’all fed up yet? I am.


Dave Hardin

Thank you for the cigars and bourbon. They make life worth living!


😘  :saluting: 

Old tanker

I’m betting that daddy will provide a blanket pardon for any and all future charges on hunter. Look for it about the time either a trial starts or biden leaves office.


I bet the Dems are having second thoughts about hiring more IRS investigators. Like The Untouchables a hundred years ago, those guys can’t be bought.


They aren’t having second thoughts, YET.

USMC Steve

I trust that is sarcasm. The IRS has been just as weaponized by the socialist democrat regime currently in charge as the FBI has been.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Want to thin out the irs, just keep sending them to the range


Saul Alinsky’s mentor, Frank Nitti, didn’t like ’em much:


But Trump bad. They tell us daily, ad nauseum.

Hell, Biden’s corvette almost burned up, along with his cat.

Skivvy Stacker

The most amazing thing was that he watched as the fire department extinguished the blaze, while he was in Washington, DC on “Meet The Press”. Amazing, amazing man…..

Amateur Historian

Eh, I wouldn’t put any money down on whether or not Baldwin is reindicted again, but I would put money down on the possibility of guillotines being brought back.


Baldwin walks. As intended by the participants.

Hunter walks, as intended by the participants.

You will be shown who is master, and who is not.

In Bidens case, they are back to running out the clock via neverending investigations that being active cannot be discussed.

Skivvy Stacker

“Some animals are more equal than others”


Da, comrade, is progressive utopia!



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Weird. The government folks label that a voter repair kit. Also educational for climate change.