Team Joe Biden goes to court to fight to keep censoring Americans

| August 17, 2023

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On July 4, 2023, Team Joe Biden was ordered to stop with its attacks on free speech. Motivating this move is a case involving Missouri against Joe Biden and his team. Team Joe Biden is accused of pressuring social media giants to suppress posts that the government did not agree with. Algorithms appeared to be in place that “penalized” commentary and commenters that presented information that contradicted the White House’s narrative.

From The Federalist:

2. Government Officials Treated Internet Monopolies Like Their Subordinates

The Fifth Circuit panel demonstrated familiarity with the numerous examples of this kind of government behavior, such as this email exchange between White House digital director Rob Flaherty and Facebook, in which Flaherty swears at Facebook engineers, “Are you guys f-cking serious? I want an answer on what happened here and I want it today.”

“What appears to be in the record are these irate messages from time to time from high-ranking government officials that say, “You didn’t do this yet,'” Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod told Tenny. “And that’s my toning down the language. … So it’s like, ‘Jump!’ and, ‘How high?'”

The judges also noted the White House publicly threatened the business model of all online communications monopolies through potentially revoking Section 230 and launching antitrust lawsuits. The lawsuit documentation shows leading Democrats making the same public threats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and multiple U.S. senators.

Joe Biden even threatened to hold Zuckerberg criminally liable for not running Facebook the way Biden wanted. In office, Biden also famously accused Facebook of “killing people” by not doing enough to spread the administration’s message and suppress opposing messages. FBI agent Elvis Chan’s deposition in this case noted federal officials showed adverse legislation to social media monopolies’ leaders as examples of what the government would do to them if they didn’t ban Americans’ speech.

“It’s not like, ‘We think this would be a good public policy and we want to explain to you why that would be a good policy,” Elrod said. “There seems to be some very close relationship that they’re having these — ‘This isn’t being done fast enough’ you know, like it’s a supervisor complaining about a worker.”

The Federalist provides the balance of the story here.

Category: Biden, Government Incompetence

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Still violates First Amend if contractor does it on gov’t behalf.


FJB and his regime and the whole unelected, unaccountable and faceless beaurocrats.

As grandma used to say, somebody’s getting to big for their britches.


Love those little court orders and bad news on holidays when no one is paying attention.


Trying to imagine The media reaction if President Donald Trump threatened to imprison Zuckerberg because he didn’t like what people were saying about him on Facebook.

I mean I know, it’s hard to be unbiased when you’re a cheerleader. But not all cheerleaders give head or run a train for the team in the back of a van after the big game. But the American media is definitely running a train for team Biden, the DOJ is the fluffer.


Nice analogy.



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Man,if that ain’t the troof!!!


The purge

Slow Joe

Wow. So, every American that disagrees with the regime is not a law-abiding citizen?
This is aint going to end well.
Tyrants, Patriots, and the Tree of Liberty.

There has been one rebellion.
That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state.
What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion?
And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?
Let them take arms.
The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them.
What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is it’s natural manure.”

-Thomas Jefferson

Slow Joe

Notice how Jefferson see each state as a country. The Founding Fathers were really into state rights and saw the Feral Gruberment as a necessary evil to keep the states from fighting each other and thus inviting European intervention in our affairs.
Fuck the Ferals, Fuck Europe, Fuck the rest of the world, Fuck Brandon!

Slow Joe

And Fuck Budlight!!!


Good…now we can work on improving your taste in beverages. You can do Yuengling Light Lager, Yuengling Flight, or Yuengling Premium Light. All solid lower calorie offerings. 🍺


Exactly why the Declaration was written in the name of the “thirteen united States of America” rather than the “United States” as it appears in the Constitution – to this day, the confederalism vs. federalism debate remains unsettled.

The Civil War should have been the vehicle to sort out exactly that but was subverted by racialism and executive order.

We need more Thomas Jeffersons – dude was brilliant and didn’t object to spirited debate while uncorking the good bottles.


It’s been settled for a long time due to the SCOTUS BS rulings on interstate commerce.


It’s been delayed, not settled.


To all the lefties enjoying Joe be a total asshole is that one day you may not be left enough and you will suffer the woke left wrath as well.


They do love to eat their own.

The sad part is there have been several “nights of the long knives” in their recent history but they’re too disparate to recognize it until the assassin’s standing in their own doorway.

Old tanker

What you fail to understand is that the dems NEVER left the plantation mind set. They are the plantation owners and everyone else is merely a tool to supply goods, money and votes. Period end of story. As the plantation owner they have the almighty right to tell the serfs what to do, how to live and certainly when to shut up. Now get with the program you filthy peasants, lest your dem masters get upset.

Note, some of the repubs just ain’t any better either.


Time to use the 2nd A to defend the FIRST (ht2 R-D) A yet? George called it back in ’45 didn’t he. Happy Birthday Animal Farm. Remember, some pigs are more equal than others. And the more equal pigs are slurping at the public trough.



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This is the scariest thing happening in this country. What makes it worse is there is very little to no public awareness. This should be wall-to-wall coverage.

But look! Trump!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

The idea of the lame stream media is to keep the low information voters low information voters so they don’t have a clue to what is going on. I’m talking about cnn, msnbc and the alphabet news stations.