Treamon Lacy is indicted for crashing Humvee at Fort Stewart headquarters

| August 14, 2023

Treamon Dominic Lacy crashes Humvee into the headquarters building at Fort Stewart, Georgia. (US Army WTF Moments/Twitter)

Treamon Dominic Lacy is an Army Veteran who had access to Fort Stewart, Georgia. Military Times described him as retired, thus having access to the base. Lacy proceeded to a motor pool, stole a Humvee, then drove to the headquarters building. He didn’t stop when he arrived. Instead, he drove the vehicle right through the front, damaging the building. He was indicted for this incident.

From Military Times:

On July 10, Lacy allegedly stole a Humvee from the motor pool at the base and drove it into the front doors of the headquarters building. Photos quickly made the rounds online showing the Humvee wedged between the front doors of the building under a sign atop the entryway bearing the unit’s motto, “Rock of the Marne.”

No injuries resulted from the crash and Lacy was detained immediately after the incident.

Lacy served in the Army from June 2002 until July 2013 as a wheeled vehicle mechanic and deployed twice to Iraq, Army Times previously reported. As an Army retiree, he had access to the base, according to Kevin Larson, a spokesman for Fort Stewart.

The July 10 incident took place a week after a similar incident occurred in California, where a Humvee was stolen from a National Guard armory and taken for a joy ride.

Lacy allegedly took the vehicle from the “87 BSSB motor pool” on Fort Stewart, according to a criminal complaint filed with the United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia.

Jordan M. Poe, a special agent with the Army Criminal Investigation Division, wrote in the complaint that “Based on the mode and precision with which the Humvee was driven, I believe that [Lacy] intentionally drove the Humvee into Building 1?s front doors.”

Military Times has additional information here and here. The United States Attorney’s Office, for the Southern District of Georgia, also provides details.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Veterans in the news

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I take it he had some kind of beef with 3rd ID, but…

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Same crap different day. This could easily be a story from my time. Of course you’d just take out HUMVEE and insert Gamma Goat.


Except that from what I’ve heard from the old timers on this forum, you’d be hard-pressed to get the Goat to start and, even if you did, it might not have made it from the motor pool to the HQ building. 🤣


Sure, it looked good here (about it’s best ever) but…


Notice you never see the got move. They get in the goat and moments later are all sitting around drinking coffee. BS’ing around.


Waiting for the mechanic to fix it.


First Sergeant replies, “da fuck is good about it Private.”


Get back to work, fleanuts!

Herbert J Messkit

Korea 85, our BN section of FIST platoon had a gamma goat with trailer. It was great sport to watch the driver back the trailer up with front and rear wheels turning. Of course I have to admit I never tried it


Had several of them at Bliss before I got out. I was able to fall asleep in the passenger seat going down tank trails…not a comment on how they rode (like shit) but how tired we were.


“Judge Grants Mental Evaluation For Georgia Veteran Charged With Crashing Into Army Post’s Offices”

“A federal judge has agreed to order a mental evaluation for a former Army soldier charged with crashing a military Humvee into an office building for base commanders at Fort Stewart in southeastern Georgia.”

“U.S. Magistrate Judge Brian K. Epps granted prosecutors’ request for the evaluation to help determine whether 39-year-old Treamon Dominic Lacy is mentally competent to stand trial. Court records show the decision was made during Lacy’s initial court appearance Tuesday.”

“Authorities have not given a suspected motive for the crash. The judge sealed court documents related to the pending mental evaluation for Lacy.”

“Fort Stewart officials said in a statement Tuesday that Lacy was a military retiree, which allowed him access to the post. He served on active duty from 2002 until 2013 and deployed twice to Iraq, according to the statement.”

“That’s less than the standard 20 years of service required for most U.S. military members to reach retirement. However, some are granted early retirement, including for medical disabilities.”

22999 (1).jpeg

Only a $1000.00 worth of damage. Sure it wasn’t that after a contractor submitted his bid.
Ssgt. looks like he has a lot going on behind the eyes. Appears to be wearIng his best wife beater. Hopefully he gets the help he needs/deserves.


Is that a sharp-looking troop or what? Had to have been enlisted Man of the Month. /sarc/


Think of all the lives Tuberville saved by not having more GOs in the building.


2017 news story.
2:27 feature video, with bio and shadowbox.
“medically retired for a back injury”

[Army veteran giving back to other vets]


Same TV station, a few days ago.


“A heroic sacrifice”.

I do hope he didn’t aggravate that back injury whilst driving that Humvee into the building.


Play stoopid games, win stoopid prizes, indeed. If he really wanted to do some damage, he shoulda got him an MRAP…or a Bradley. What ya wanna bet that whomever is in charge of Motor Pool Security will face harsher punishment for not securing the vehicles than this nutjob.

Dublin is right down the road from Firebase Magnolia, go there on a semi regular basis. There is a major VA Medical Facility there that has an overall good reputation for taking care of folks. 100+- miles to Fort Stewart.


Good pair of bolt cutters, maybe a cordless angle grinder, cut the padlock or cable and off you go. Access to the motor pool may be a different story, or might have been as simple as a padlock and chain.


Been done bigger and more obnoxiously already… San Diego in ’95:

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Hey! Don’t forget about that crazy LT in Virginia that stole the M577. I was at annual training and met a couple of officers from the Virginia Guard recently and, wouldn’t you know it, they were from that knucklehead’s battalion.


Yep, that was 1LT Joshua Phillip Yabut whose FUBAR score of 336 still stands, seeing as how he was a Company Commander at the time.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande




I think he was the XO…


He’s the ex-something, that’s a fact.

Hack Stone

That should have been an interesting Change of Command ceremony.


Ouch…”hero to zero” real quick.: ‘Joyriding’ soldier denied bond for latest arrest (

According to VineLink he’s been in the Richmond City jail since the above offense, or nearly 1.5 years now, with court appearances next month and in November (look him up here: Virginia Judiciary Online Case Information System (

I’ve never been in the Richmond Jail, but my brother has. Being labeled as White seems to make things a bit more difficult. I can attest to being the Token White Kid in the old School Street Juvenile Detention facility before it was condemned in the ’90s. I got along okay, probably because I didn’t try to act tough and was just a suburban kid in there on a BS charge, but that was a former school that was so overcrowded that the one-person cells housed two (guess who slept on the mattress on the floor?) of us locked down for 24 hours, and every other night we rotated to the basketball court to sleep on mats.

Bet he wished he’d have never gone on that joyride…or blocked ambulances. At least the latest charge was declared Nolle Prosequi, though that doesn’t help his denied bond.

Hopefully he finds the help he obviously needs and can put all this behind him.


Oh, and damn it, the Admins that can see my Army email address from old posts can use the above system to look me up and see that I’m a bona fide gangsta. 😂

Hack Stone

During that thread, Hack Stone posted that the only thing that would stop a bad guy with an APC was a good guy with a TOW missile. That comment receives a few thumbs up and the requisite courtesy laughs.

Hack Stone

That rampage interrupted Hack Stone’s viewing of Jeopardy.

Old tanker

Welp we know what that dude is facing. My curiosity is what is going to happen to the Motor Sgt as well as the OIC of the Motor Pool? Seems someone should have challenged a dude in civies walking into the area and looking at vehicles.


“Army Veteran Who Crashed Humvee Was Medically Retired And Helped Other Veterans”

“Leamon Lacy Jr. said that his son was medically retired from the Army in 2013 and has a 100% disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs. He also said that he believes his son had not been taking prescribed medication for mental stress before Monday’s incident.”

“When you don’t take your medicine, that’s when things can go haywire,” Leamon Lacy Jr. said.”

“The elder Lacy said he has no idea why his son allegedly stole a Humvee and drove into the entrance of the headquarters building on Monday. However, Leamon Lacy Jr. also said he is “pretty sure” that Treamon Lacy’s time in the Army affected him.”

“His military awards include four Army Commendation Medals, four Army Achievement Medals; two Army Good Conduct Medals, the National Defense Service Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal with two campaign stars, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Korean Defense Service Medal, two Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbons, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon, and the Driver and Mechanic Badge.”

“Leamon Lacy Jr. said he is not aware of Treamon Lacy being wounded or injured during his two deployments to Iraq. He believes his son’s strained back may have been caused by the wear and tear that soldiers’ bodies endure from carrying heavy gear and performing other physically demanding tasks.”


Famous last words.
Well, not quite.
The last words of the article….

[Lacy’s father said his son’s history of volunteering
and looking out for others
should be the story people consider about his son.

“That, in my opinion, is a good picture to paint –
not the one where the incident happened,” he said.]


His commitment to Soldier For Life is admirable.


I’ll say it.
Another VA 100%er,
who can’t figure out how to live off a generous gravy train,
without either pissing away the money
causing MORE expense to the government and the taxpayer.

VA disability 100.jpg

Ah, so that 100% is mental!


I hope whoever left those humvee keys so easily accessible gets burned to the fucking GROUND!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Hummers don’t gots no keys.
Last I was in one, they were “secured” with a chain welded to the floorboards, and secured around the steering wheel with a padlock.
Easily defeated with a grinder or bolt cutter.

Or a vinyl coated braided steel cable,
with a crimped loop at the end.

It’s easier to bring your own replacement steering wheel,
remove, replace, and roll.

The one in the picture looks like an 1151 up-armored, which can be secured with locks in the door handles.
Usually the unit operating the vic keeps those keys, not the motorpool, since no service or maintenance will be done without the operator being present.


Series 5200 locks just slow you down a little.

Last edited 1 year ago by SFC D

5340-00-158-3805 Series 5200 Padlock w/2 keys, not keyed alike.
Comes in a multi-pack of 12 locks, $174.05, weight 24 lbs.

Or separately as 5340-00-158-3807 but multi-packs are the way to go. / s

Oh, BTW, Treamon Dominic Lacy spins up a FUBAR score of 210 on the Whiz Wheel®™.

Last edited 1 year ago by Claw
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

With, or without any multipliers?

That’s a base score of 30 with a multiplier of seven.


Very true, as NCOIC for my brigade’s new equipment install in 2015, many a Series 5200 got cut and I went through three pairs of bolt cutters. I was a pissed off SSG who figured I’d retire at that rank and the OICs were post-command CPTs about to separate, so we really didn’t care about anything other than the contractors meeting their daily quota and deadline.

The key was getting vehicles brought to the Motor Pool across Stewart, staged, and ready for our driver detail to pull into the bays. One day, the BSTB commander’s HMMWV was pulled to the front of the line during lunch, locked, and left. No keys, no coordination, but there was a job to be done, so out came the cutters and off went the lock when the drivers didn’t make it back quick enough. Thei HHC XO, a female Intel CPT, was not thrilled about it, but again, the job couldn’t be held up.


They’re rough on bolt cutters but definitely cuttable. Sometimes security is an illusion.


It definitely is. Locks keep honest people honest. The vault doors on Army Arms Rooms are only rated for ten minutes of forcible entry (though it would take some heavy equipment or explosives to get through one that fast).


We are amused over The Brotherhood of Infantry’s incarceration rate be unscathed to-day. Since We of the Blue Cord have not given leadership heartburn nor PMO writers’ cramp, The TAH WOT:FoF Throne Room and Hall & Oates Museum offers the general rabble a double feast o’ gruel for this noon’s ration draw.

You may thank us later.

I decree, yield not to the voices in thine head:

“Where do you dare me
To draw the line
You’ve got the body
Now you want my soul
Don’t even think about it
Say, no go [to borrowing HMMWVs]”

Don’t go for that.

Also NCO Corps, a general reminder to act IAW our Creed, as:

Prior Service

I’ve been “Rock of the Marne’d” more than once but never took it out on anybody quite like this. (In all seriousness though, I got some awesome training and experiences in 3ID, but the Marne Express stops for no man.)


I only got Marned once. Harvey Barracks, Kitzingen, Audie Murphy Battalion, 81-83. Stayed in a little bachelor’s pad behind the big church downtown. Older folks across the alley from me had a milk cow they kept in a basement stall, so had that good fresh farm smell all the time. Bought a Peugeot bicycle from the outgoing S-4 NCO for 50 bucks, sold it to my replacement for 50 bucks. Never did come down on the unaccompanied bachelor quarters list until my last two weeks prior to clearing post for DEROS back to the states.

Good Times!!! / s

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I’ll bet you had a better time in off-post quarters then you would have had in on-post quarters.
Prove me wrong.


I barely missed China Fuckus in 2014. I was a squad leader in 3-15 earlier that year, but a hernia and very slow post-repair recovery (walking around fine, then suddenly it would feel like a sucker punch to the gut) saw me volunteer to go back to staff so a younger NCO could step up. Figured I’d go to BN but went back to BDE instead, but I digress.

As an OC at West Point, our BN CDR had the bright idea to start game planning the JRTC rotation coming up in 18 months. So, 24-hours humping through the mountains, then 24-hours “off”, with a “Leadership Professional Development” (LPD) every other day or so to strategize how the BN would operate, usually scheduled about 4 hours after shift change. This provides insight into what was coming.

China Fuckus led into Vanguard Focus and then into Marne Focus. BN, BDE, and DIV FTXs, with our BDE exercise lasting maybe a week. 3-15 scheduled a few Focus exercises (hence the name given it, which led to the BN renaming theirs), each a few days to a week-plus long. Oh, and the CDR ordered that body armor and equipment could only be removed in a patrol base. So, a bunch of grimy troops sweating it out under the Georgia sun, walking through swamps and enduring prickly heat and chiggers, among other fun things.

Glad I went back to BDE. Jumping TOC sucks, but I was “killed off” early and spent most of the FTX at Camp Oliver. By the time the BDE went to JRTC I was a couple of months out from Drill Sergeant School, so was kept back to cover down at the Advocacy Center. Four-day weeks, four-hour days, while my buddies were sucking with minimal food and sleep. Marne Express indeed.


Y’All remember this?

Well, guess what…

“Southern California Marine Charged with Sex Assault of Girl, 14, Who Was Found in Barracks”

“A Marine at California’s Camp Pendleton has been charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl who was found in a base barracks, the military announced Friday.”

“Military prosecutors charged the Marine with sexual assault of a minor and with violating liberty restriction from an earlier, unrelated case. After a preliminary hearing scheduled for Aug. 17, authorities will decide whether he will face a court-martial, said a statement from Capt. Charles Palmer with the 1st Marine Logistics Group.”


He should get a fair and speedy trial and/or court-martial hearing. If proven guilty, he should get PCS orders to Leavenworth for a period of, let’s say, 30 years minimum.

During that time, a squared away female Marine from his unit should be identified as a future Sgt. Maj. and have a few “interactions” with her former peer throughout her career, off-camera and unwitnessed by anyone else. Just “mentorship and guidance” from one Marine NCO to a POS ex-Marine inmate.

Upon completion of the sentence, provided it does not exceed 30 years, the Sgt. Maj. should retire with full military honors, while the offender should be dumped on the streets of San Francisco to join his fellow “homeless vets”.


This post was a big nevermind. I read further and answered my own question. Sorry.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sparks

Glad we have this newer system that allows editing within a certain period of time. The old TAH site was brutal if we posted something we rethought or made an egregious typo. 😀

Army-Air Force Guy

“Based on the mode and precision with witch the Humvee was driven, I believe that (Lacy) intentionally drove the Humvee into Building 1’s fron doors.” You think? Those CID guys are sharp, like the FBI that can’t solve crimes that occur at night.