Biden Impeachment Articles Filed
Article 2, Section 4:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
The power of impeachment was inherited from the English Parliament where it was used to rein in the Crown’s power. The Constitution grants Congress the authority to impeach, or charge and try all federal officers for misconduct.
Articles of Impeachment were filed against President Biden today by Congressman Greg Steube (R-Fla).
Florida Republican introduces impeachment articles against Joe Biden
‘It’s long past time to impeach Joe Biden,’ Steube said in a statement
Chris PandolfoBy Chris Pandolfo | Fox News
Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., jumped ahead of his Republican colleagues on Friday and introduced articles of impeachment against President Biden.
While several congressional committees are building a multipronged case to remove Biden from office, Steube said it was past time to take action. He filed articles of impeachment against Biden charging that the president had been complicit in his son Hunter’s alleged crimes and had worked to shield him from justice.
“It’s long past time to impeach Joe Biden,” Steube said in a statement. “He has undermined the integrity of his office, brought disrepute on the Presidency, betrayed his trust as President, and acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice at the expense of America’s citizens.”
Steube filed four articles alleging high crimes and misdemeanors by Biden.
The next act of the DC kabuki theater opens.
Category: Politics, The Constitution
Steube will die mysteriously or be arrested for something with felony time shortly, watch.
Call me cynical.
Your right on target, Find a man and then get a crime to fit.
Choked to death eating a ham sammich…at a Jewish Deli.
Virtue signaling. Nothing will come of this either…unless, of course, Moosechelle or Bitchlery tells Cackles to appoint one of them to the VP slot. And if that’s the case, Cackles will be dead within a week to ten days, thus solidifying the final destruction of the Republic.
Will Steube’s republican democrats go along with this. As Dan Bongino says, most republicans are really democrats but all democrats are not republicans.
Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced one in January 21, 2021:
Axios talking about the Republican’s “impeachment zeal”, article dated September 22, 2022:
If they can impeach Trump for asking about Biden’s corruption/taking payments/influence peddling, then they should impeach Biden for corruption/taking payments/influence peddling. Of course there won’t be the needed 60 votes for removal from office.
No 60 votes you’re right, but it should be important to get an impeachment on the record if only to devalue the meaning of the process. After the ‘Rats abused the impeachment power during the last administration, every effort should be made to make sure it is seen as the joke they made it. has an article dated 8/9/23 about McConnell being against Biden impeachment.
Screw him too.
Yes…fuck Then Turtle. He’s a leader in The DC Swamp. Fuck Romney and bunch more too…
Agreed. I would get tired typing all who could go fuck themselves, and I only have 2000 characters to use.
This will go nowhere because of the corruption of the dems and the spinlessness of the repubs… But don’t worrk, the cuttlefish will be here soon enough to explain why this is politically motivated and poor misunderstood joe is 1. guilty of nothing, 2. perfectly capable an competent as pResident, 3. totally legit and duly elected.
He is jumping the gun. This needs to be closer to the primaries. If there were any chance, any chance at all of getting Biden thrown out of office it would be the right move. But after the Clinton impeachment when it became clear that the only morals the dims cared about were anybody but their’s, then it became clear that the whole thing is a joke.
More funny is the puzzlement of the left wing media as to why Biden’s numbers are dropping like a rock no matter how much they try to spread their false narratives and ignore the criminal activity. It’s like they don’t understand the phrase; “sucking each other’s dicks”.
Not sure if it will matter in the primaries or not. Say what you want about them, the Dems and their voter base walk lockstep in whatever the party dictates.
You mis-spelled Dominion Voting Machine.
And you misspelled “pallets of fake-as-fiat-currency ballots”.
Those machines? Nothing a hammer or cup of water won’t fix.
“It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to for people like me and people like you” –RMNoR
“Prepare” the trebuchets?
Lubs me some tray buckets (Southern ‘Merican pro nounced) Here’s an idea I stole from dood over to Big Country’s Place…
“A hydraulic guillotine, that’s where it’s at.
“Powered by Detroit Steel and the Spirit of the French Revolution.”
With a titanium nitride coated blade, you can slice and dice Enemies of the Revolution all day without having to change blades.
Combine with the strength and power of Detroit Steel, and it’s right proper chop fucking chop, innit?
The Auto Tranny Fu@ker doesn’t regulate farm equipment, that there’s a Halal-grade cow head separator, wouldn’t know anything about any other uses, …”
dood had the alphabet agency acronym in his comment. I spelled it out as I see it for…reasons. And. no, Imma not advocating for any sort of purple-ence on fed bois. The item in question will save the world from all of them farting bovine beasties. “Save the Earth…Stop Climate Change…Eat More Beef!”
jes’ sayin’
It has been a very long time since the Donks allowed voters to screw up Donk Party elections.
Our Representative is working to build an air-tight case.
By jumping the gun Steube my have lost any chance to get a real conviction. Which may be his plan.
Not saying you’re wrong GB, but seems to me that the only chance of a conviction is if the dems / deep state (but I repeat myself) have decided that Joe has outlived his usefulness, other than as “proof” that they support law and order.. If they can use a conviction of biden as a smokescreen for their continued crimes against this republic, they’ll happily do so.
Being discussed perhaps…
Let’s hope this doesn’t come to pass.
Much like a very large kidney stone, it probably will.
You know Murphy’s Law.
She is just the sprightly youthful figure they need to breathe a new life into the party. Her new ideas and vision will set the country on a path for success.
Yet another Baby Boomer who won’t retire and let Gen X move up. Just sayin’.
I can see it now…Steube’s house gets raided by the FBI. Coming soon…
[…] This ain’t Hell… notes articles of impeachment filed against Biden […]
The Pirates Cove
Food for the base, nothing will happen. Hunter will never see a jail cell, Joe will get re-elected, the corruption will continue and you will continue to lose your god given freedoms. If anything threatens their agenda they will just start a war to distract and “unite” us. I really hope I’m wrong.
It’ll probably be us walking ourselves right into what China wants us to do… they benefit from it and only really need a delayed/uncoordinated response from us to move on Taiwan before we’re “interfering” in their business. Yeah, Happy War there Democrats– I’m sure the Chicoms will be thankful. /sarc
I am probably a bit cynical so forgive me but I am not going to hold my breath for a conviction. Unless and until the repubs hold a super majority in the senate, no dem or rino will vote to convict. As a result the impeachment will go the same as it did for trump. You can bet biden will shrug it off.
Same for any criminal investigation as the dem party HQ own the entire D O J. They will only do as they are told by the white house and clinton / obama compounds.
Doesn’t matter.
Not enough votes in the Senate to convict.
Won’t impact the election.
Doesn’t matter if Trump’s the R nominee or not.
Trump could earn 80,000,000 votes.
And whoever the Dems run that person will get “historic” 100,000,000 votes.
2024 Presidential election is already over.
Preach it: