Bernie Sanders, a paragon of virtue, and more Soros

| August 11, 2023

We all know Bernie Sanders is a man with standards. He rails against the rich, and owns three houses. He’s just a poor Socialist, worth over $2,000,000. How many times has he railed against Donald Trump’s supposed misuse of campaign funds, the Trump family accepting tainted payments”  and such?

Fox News has an interesting article on Mr. B.S. –

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders quietly funneled $200,000 from his campaign’s coffers to his wife’s nonprofit institute, which appears to do very little work and pays six figures’ worth of compensation to her son, Fox News Digital has found.

The independent senator’s committee cut two $100,000 checks to the Sanders Institute for reported charitable contributions in January and March, its Federal Election Commission records show. The expenditures are the largest from the Sanders campaign to any entity this election cycle.

The tax documents indicate that the progressive lawmaker’s stepson is the big winner of the operation. In 2021, the institute raised $716,618 and drove $257,000 into wages, including $152,653 in salary and other compensation to Driscoll, who acts as its executive director. He identifies the role as his primary job on his LinkedIn profile after previously working outside the political world as the global director of team and media for Burton Snowboards.

And despite Jane Sanders’ insistence she wanted to support other progressive organizations at the time of its launch, her institute has failed to do so — at least monetarily. The nonprofit reported no grants to other liberal groups in its tax records from 2021.

Fox News

The full article is more interesting than the cherry-picked excerpts above. It does show, that Bernie is a man of standards… double ones.

Think someone mentioned that Soros has been a heavy contributor of late –  Fox News reports  him giving $16,000,000 to Senate Majority PAC, a Chuckie Schumer’s re-election campaign group.  Guess it’s nice to know who owns whom, if nothing else.  There are a few mega-donors listed in the article, too, althouh no one at Soros’ level.


Category: Politics

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Thats our lil states own crime family, his (plump) wife bankrupt Burlington collage with a Ponzi scheme and gets paid, daughter gets a federal cash grant to teach woodworking to vets at Burlington collage as it goes bankrupt, keeps money. Thats just the surface.
P.S Bernie’s third home is waterfront property. (climate change)

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Bernie is FRAUD & PHONY…
He’s NOT independent. He’s a Democrat. He votes they way they do. Its just a dodge to avoid some ‘dues’ he’d have to pay the Dems.
He’ a corrupt, money grubber like the rest. He just uses his ‘socialism’ as a hustle to fool dumb college kids.


Its the kids at UVM collage (indelible voters, CHINA) that for him every year


Socialism is for the socialists, not the people. – A. Wilcow.


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Way yonder past the time that we quit investigating millionaires that became politicians and start investigating politicians that became millionaires…not that anything would come of it.



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Sanders is a left over hippie thats been working the con
for decades. He draws in the young filling their heads with the
usual mush about climate change and global warming caused
by capitalism. The guy has staying power, I’ll give him that.


Until they quit buying his shtick, but I don’t see that happening any time soon.


Bermie is just another whore. His kink is socialist posturing.

Skivvy Stacker

He’d be a lot happier if he had a nylon and rubber fetish.

Some people have told me….




His kink is socialist posturing”, while having hypocrisybucks shoved in his g-string by the same soulless animals he pretends to fight.

I just wanted to say the other part.

Wonder if the fucking contemptible useful idiots will wake up and smell their futures being sold away by this psycho…


Everybody wants to be a socialist until it is time to not get paid.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I love it, this shit can’t get any better


Same ol’…



Green Thumb

Rich Liberal.

Junk Food Vegan.

Show me the difference.

Get my point?