9-12 march & 9-13 march

| September 22, 2009

Tankerbabe sends along this very well-made video of the 9-12 march in DC;

Our buddy DanNY at GOE/NY sends along a link to his Tale of Two Marches which includes this video of Health Care Now’s march in Upper Senate Park the following day;

Boy, they really showed us, huh?

Category: Health Care debate

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Yeah, those 9/13 folks REEEEEEEEEEAALLLLLLLLLLLY showed us.

AW1 Tim

Leftist, thy name is dork!

“Democrat” is a modern way of pronouncing “imbecile”.


Superb video…

Apparently IU did a study and puts the tally at 1.7 million.

Here is the link…



ROFLMAO at the 9/13 nuts. The wheels on the bus go round and round…

Thanks for a much needed laugh!


Oh my. oh dear.
We might as well just surrender now….


GJoe 770

The good ship Lollipop left from Pier 3 on 9/10/09. Seems like a few people missed the boat. Any volunteers to help ’em find it?


Hellsfire, there were more people at my motel on 9-12. Matter of fact, there were more people at Walter Reed on the night of 9-11 than this sorry bunch could muster…..i guess they painted over their Bush Lies signs….by the way, did i hear some racist comments in this vid? LOL

B Woodman

I guess the 9/13 people wanted to inflate their numbers by marching the same sad little group around and around and . . .the fountain.

At the same time these 9/13 socialists are trying to inflate their sad little group by attempting to DEFLATE the 9/12 march.

Pathetic. Tsk.


Funny thing about most of the Fox News Tea Baggers who suddenly are so, so concerned with governmet spending. About 6 1/2 years ago, in the run up to the unneccessary, immoral Iraq war, many people were saying not only is this a trumped up, unjust war, we can’t afford it! Again – we can’t afford it! But there was so much flag-waving and chest thumping going on, none of these people heard. It’s kinda like going to a fancy restaurant, ordering the most expensive thing on the menu, the “3 Trillion Dollar Iraq War Special”, and once you’re done and feeling full, you suddenly become a fiscal conservative and skip out on the check. A bunch of deadbeats. Hey, Bush lied us into a $3,000,000,000,000 war, drove our economy into a ditch, and now that our president wants to actually invest in our own citizens, we get Fox parties! It’s sadly ironic that the tea baggers didn’t make a peep when we were draining our coffers on armor-plated hummers and bombs, not to mention banker’s bonuses, but dare to help someone in need – Socialism! Fascism! Communism! Muslim! Indonesian! Kenyan! We used to have a nation, now we have a bunch of selfish, narcissitic, self-absorbed cry babies!


I checked out an “anti-Iraq war” protest a few years back. Instead of the tea party people, there were thousands of people ignoring Iraq and instead bashing Israel, deriding Jews, defending Iran and claiming all sorts of “facts” that could not pass the laugh test. I was no fan of Bush, but the credibility level of the speakers at those events were on par with the raving, ranting drivel posted in comment 9. Handouts for socialists and communists among other wonderful forms of government also were passed around with much enthusiasm. I encountered one group that tried to give me a flyer demanding full support for “Palestine.” I told them I didn’t support bus bombings and they freaked out and their true colors of anti-Semitism and close-mindedness came out.

Point of my own little rant here is that nothing can be worse than the vile hatred I experienced from the “anti-Iraq” crowd.

Darrell Russell

I would not look at these people as nut jobs though they may well be . Remember this, this is only a diversion to the main agenda, this is to keep the rest of us occupied and distract us from the grater good. Health Care is as you well know being debated, and I have been in touch with congress and the bill has not even been written yet much less printed but they are pushing it through committee (Democrats). There will be no public opportunity to read and under stand this legislation. Contact your senators and demand it be placed on the web.
We need to march again and target the congressional delegations directly.


“Bush lied us into a $3,000,000,000,000 war”

Pretty damned impressive, when you consider that the entire DoD budget for FY 2002-2009 was $4 trillion. So are you saying that 75 percent of the budget went into Iraq and Afghanistan? Really?