Real Fake Military Service

| July 23, 2023

OK, here’s a new twist. Try and follow this one if you’re feeling brave…

Ohio police pull over a man that flashes an Oregon driver’s license. Photo doesn’t match. Driver can’t remember Social Security number because of that brain injury sustained while in the military. Wasn’t in the military, but was he?

Police sniff out fake ID on Mechanicsburg man
by News Room | Thu July 20, 2023

Bellefontaine Police initiated a traffic stop Wednesday morning when a car ran a red light at the intersection of Main Street and Columbus Avenue.

The vehicle pulled over in the Walgreens parking lot.

The driver told police he had a yellow light and handed him an Oregon driver’s license with the name Jeffrey Scott.

The officer noticed the photo on the license and physical identifiers did not match the driver.

The driver insisted he was Jeffrey Scott and couldn’t provide his social security number because he did not know it since he suffered a traumatic brain injury while serving in the military.

The information on the driver’s license revealed that Jeffrey Scott was not a military veteran.

Additional officers were called to the scene, including the K-9 unit.

The driver admitted to lying and producing a fraudulent driver’s license. He then told police he was David Durand from Mechanicsburg. Durand said he lied because he believed he was wanted in Illinois.

Police confirmed his identity and discovered he was driving without a license and he was not wanted in Illinois.

Durand also admitted to having multiple joints and marijuana paraphernalia in the car.

A probable cause search found 4 marijuana joints, two baggies of marijuana, three packages of marijuana from a dispensary, two containers of suspected THC wax, and marijuana paraphernalia.

David Durand was arrested and lodged in the Logan County Jail on charges of identity fraud, furnishing false information during a traffic offense, marijuana drug paraphernalia, possession of drugs (marijuana), no operator’s license, failure to reinstate, and red light violation.


So, David Durand *was* in the military, but his fake persona Jeffrey Scott *wasn’t*.

Is this stolen valor?  We may need a ruling from the TAH / VG community. My head hurts. Maybe as much as David Durand’s does.

The struggle is real.

Category: Navy Poser, Valor Vultures

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Slow Joe

That was…interesting.

Lesson’s learned:
1) don’t do drugs
2) don’t lie to cops
3) don’t run red lights
4) get a friggin drivers license


5) shave


6) Don’t drink Bud Lite

Green Thumb

And don’t admit you work at All-Points Logistics.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Had he been drinking Bud Lite, then he wouldn’t have gotten himself in trouble because everyone knows that beer makes one smart, and after all it made Bud Wiser.

Daisy Cutter

I see what you did there.


If you want to use weed without fear of prosecution….go somewhere where it’s legal. Just don’t drive or carry firearms while you partake

Daisy Cutter

“Additional officers were called to the scene, including the K-9 unit.”

I just knew there would be a dog involved.


Here you go:



Not sure what your message is and we don’t use last names here, but welcome.


So the “real” guy served and his alias didn’t.

In my book I’d log him down as a true “humble hero”.


Now I’ve seen everything…🤣


I guess I’m more confused about him being afraid of getting caught with weed. Isn’t it legal there?


The dumbassery is certainly real.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

One suspects he’s been a dipshit for sometime…

TBI or no….he was sharp enough to lie thinking he could avoid a warrant in Illinois (when there wasn’t one) but not sharp enough to realize the photos and description weren’t a close match under minimal scrutiny…that’s maybe more related to being a drug addled dumbass than due to his TBI (if he even had one)…

Although in my limited experience with the few people I know who’ve suffered a TBI my anecdotal evidence suggests TBI does change an individual’s personality. They are still the same person but there’s something off, and that something off seems to manifest itself in a lack of control over their emotions….nothing dangerous but inappropriate in public if that makes sense…these few people I know over react to situations that would piss off a normal person but that normal person would typically shrug it off and move on…not these guys…they get all worked up over everything from a political comment to where someone parked in the lot next to the beach…it’s an unsettling reality…especially when you’ve known someone since high school and who they are now is a broken version of who they were…


A phony regular person (Jeffrey Scott) with a phony military service… Except that the person claiming to be someone else was an actual veteran under his actual name. The “war” did it maaaaan! I fixed his mug shot up a little bit.  😀 

David Durand aka Jeffrey Scott.jpg
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Treat him like a potted plant.
Stick him in the corner and water him from time to time.


Love to see the 214 just for the RE code and rank at discharge.


NOW they’re similar.

Real Fake Kidnapping

She confessed.
Never missing.

[Carlee Russell’s disappearance was ‘hoax’; charges possible, police say

The Alabama woman who had reportedly gone missing was never missing.]


Poster child for the reason it’s called “dope”.


Drugs are bad..mkay?