Weekend Open Thread

| July 21, 2023

The “conspiracy” umbrella has appeared to incorporate a growing percentage of conservative beliefs. This is coupled with the move to identify, as “extremist,” things traditionally considered as basic American values. This is propaganda at work, and tragically many among the younger generations have been hoodwinked into believing that basic support for traditional American values is extremist, patriarchal, racist, etc. But by describing more conservative arguments as “conspiracy,” the opposition opens the door to seeing one conspiracy after another being proven true. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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RGR 4-78


RGR 4-78

Where is everyone?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

it’s early. everyone is waiting for the top of the hour

Speak for yourself.
I was busy scraping some Phil Monkress off my boots.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Speaking of scraping substances off of boots……where’s Gun Bunny?

Not bustin’ into Nork Koreeeah to rescue Private-no-class Kid King Kid* from being made in to US ‘service’ personnel burgers, that’s for dayum sure!

*had that right the FIRST (h/t RGR 4-78) time

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

At work. Again.
Rats o’the Cong


Baking bread outside in my new outdoor oven..keeping my 5th wheel cool in this insane heat



RGR 4-78 First FIRST in a little while… (Claw in 3…2…1…)
Bask in the glow and enjoy and don’t forget us little people 😛😘.

RGR 4-78

You are a Chip off the old (1st) block.


Yep, it has been a little while for RGR 4-78. A review of the Coveted Book reveals that he can lay claim to sole “First” on 12 May 17 and 13 Nov 20.

He also had tied with others for “First” on 06 May 22, 05 Aug 22, 10 Feb 23 and 10 Mar 23.


A Kong-Rat to go along with your Lurp Rats, RGR 4-78. A short notice Warning Order on Thursday gave me just enough time to call FDC and arrange for a rolling barrage ToT Mission, knowing that RLWT could make it to the top of the hill. Coulda used some Rangers and Infuntree-Dogs on this mission but made do with what was readily available. I admit nothing on the details…call my lawer.

Nice to notice I was missed (work on windage and elevation ya d’weeds) and a salute to CW on his 350th trivia column.


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

ok. second
WoT opened early


Third and ‘rats to RGR 4-78

have a great weekend y’all!

RGR 4-78

Sitting at the dealership getting my wife’s car pm’ed, got board, opened TAH and there it sat, ripe for the picking.


The TAH WOT:FoF Throne Room and In-flight Missile Mechanic & Technician Night School is in good hands this week.

May your stealership trip be only mildly annoying (we all know that’s the best that’ll ever get)

Commissioner Wretched

Early drop for the WOT? Indeed! Congrats to RGR 4-78 for his FIRST! I leave for you all a trivia column that is rather special, as you can see. Enjoy, friends!

Did just changing the picture on a box of cereal cause people to buy more and say it tasted better?
By Commissioner Wretched

Before I jump into the trivia, I’d like the world to note that another milestone has been reached!

The column which you read at this moment is the 350th in the ongoing series.

Yes indeed … 350 weeks ago I started doing this silliness, and you’re still reading it. That tells me that you’re all gluttons for punishment … or you like trivia … or, most probably, both.

Thanks for sticking with me this long! Oh, I’m nowhere near finished yet. The trivia vault is still chock full of fresh stuff I haven’t shared with you yet. So settle back, enjoy number 350, and all the hundreds yet to come!

Did you know …

… the best time to spray household insects is 4 p.m.? That’s according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, anyway. They say insects are most vulnerable at that time. (How do the insects know what time it is? And do they even care?)

… a political term comes from boxing? When a politician “throws his hat into the ring” it usually means he or she is running for office. The phrase comes from boxing, back in the day. When a fighter threw his hat into the boxing ring, it meant he was challenging the fighter in the ring. (How fitting that it would be in politics, which is a worse fight than any boxing match.)

Commissioner Wretched

… in ancient Babylon, being the king during a solar eclipse was not a good thing? Once the Babylonians figured out how to predict solar eclipses, they would put a “substitute” king on the throne during the eclipse period. That way, they could blame the eclipse – which they saw as an evil omen – on the substitute, and kill him afterward. (Perhaps I shouldn’t give the modern political structure any ideas.)

… actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was not allowed to dub his own voice in the German release of The Terminator? Schwarzenegger (born 1947), a native of Austria for whom German is his first language, didn’t dub his own voice in the German release of the movie. Producers said his Austrian accent “was not tough enough.” (I’ll be back.)

… advertising can really manipulate people? Consider: Kraft foods sells a breakfast cereal called Shreddies™ in the United Kingdom and Canada, which is (as you might expect) small squares of shredded wheat. Not too different from other brands, right? Trouble is, they weren’t selling all that great. Well, in 2008, marketer Henry Summerville (born 1982) hit upon an idea. Summerville held up a Shreddie in a meeting and said, “It isn’t a square, it’s a diamond,” and a marketing blast began. Rotating the picture of the Shreddie on the box 45 degrees, Kraft began selling the product as “Diamond Shreddies.” Sales jumped 18% during the first month, and people even said the cereal tasted different and better – though it was exactly the same as it was before. Only the photo on the box changed. Since it was a temporary marketing campaign, the “Diamond Shreddies” are no longer available – but thousands of people have written Kraft demanding their return. (I think it’s brilliant, myself.)


Not tough enough? What’d they want, “Vee haff vays of making you talk!”? He and Adolf have the same accept for cripe’s sake.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
A Proud Infidel®™

YOU be Bach und I VILL be Beethoven!

Commissioner Wretched

… a Puerto Rican governor served a term of only eight hours? On January 11, 1898, Andrés Gonzaléz Muñoz (1840-1898) arrived in San Juan from Spain, after having been appointed Governor of Puerto Rico. Eight hours after his arrival ceremony, Muñoz died of a massive heart attack. (All the excitement must have gotten to him.)

… Switzerland’s official name is not Switzerland? Officially, it’s the Confederation Helvetica, which explains why “CH” is seen on the country’s license plates and e-mail addresses. (Talk about an identity crisis!)

… the world’s oldest airline was founded in 1919? KLM, the Dutch national airline, has operated nonstop since 1919, more than 100 years. KLM stands for Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij, or Royal Aviation Company in Dutch. (No, I don’t know how to pronounce it.)

… more people watch soap opera weddings on television in the United States than they do presidential addresses? (Soap opera weddings are more entertaining, that’s for sure.)

… both Italian and Russian salad dressings were invented in the United States? (And I’d bet they were created by people other than Italians and Russians, too. I asked for Russian dressing in a restaurant once and they brought me a picture of Stalin putting on his pants.)

Last edited 1 year ago by Commissioner Wretched
Commissioner Wretched

… a Queen of England never set foot in the country? Berengaria (1165-1230), wife of English King Richard I (1157-1199), lived her entire life in Italy. She is traditionally known as the only English queen to have never visited the country, though some researchers say she may have visited after the death of Richard – when she was no longer queen. Additional trivia note: For what it’s worth, Richard himself spent very little time in the land he ruled. Reigning as king from 1189 to 1199, he spent all but six months of that time out of England leading soldiers during the Crusades and on other adventures.

… there really is a Sesame Street? Since 1969, the Children’s Television Workshop has produced Sesame Street, a program that teaches pre-school youngsters. In 2019, the city of New York designated a block at the corner of West 63rd Street and Broadway as “Sesame Street.” (Bet you can tell us how to get there, too.)

… a talk show host owes part of her fame to a movie critic? During the mid 1980s, talk show host Oprah Winfrey (born 1954) went on a couple of dates with movie critic Roger Ebert (1942-2013). Ebert, in fact, is the person who talked Winfrey into syndicating her talk show. (Even critics get it right once in a while.)

Now … you know!



Dennis - not chevy

When did Private (E2) become Private second class? The change is shades of the old USAF A3c, A2c, & A1c. I see someone yelling there are no second class privates and the powers will bring on another name change. For what it’s worth (and no one needed my approval when they did it), when the complaints are made (and they will be), the USMC had it right when they resurrected Lance Corporal for the E-3 rank. Just as long as someone doesn’t resurrect the title of Lance Sergeant. Lance Sergeant is too hard to spell.


AFAIK, it’s always BEEN Private second class, but nobody ever SAYS Private second class. At least since I enlisted in 1987. As a Private second class, I might add!

Dennis - not chevy

I remember 1987, I was an Air Force TSgt assigned as a technical training instructor. There was an Army SPEC/6 assigned on the base; she was good people.

Imagine a job where everyone, when they weren’t watching you or examining your paperwork, was counting the fly specks in the pepper shakers. If you can imagine that, then you have an idea of instructor duty.

The good SPEC/6 would always remind me that the rules of instructor duty were nit-picking, but, they weren’t aimed at me personally, Good advice from a good soldier.


Most technical classes in the air force could have been bottled and marketed as a sleep aid. I’m sure the other branches short of artillery were the same.

Buehler. Buehler. Buehler.


Believe SP6 was gone years earlier.


SP5 & SP6 were discontinued in 1985, while SP7 had been discontinued years earlier in 1978.


PV2 or Private… that’s about it. “Private Second Class” doesn’t enter anyone’s mind enough to take hold.


That happened in May 1968 when an arc was added to the PFC stripe. Before that, the ranks of PV1 and PV2 had no stripe at all.


Private Major? (That may be next these days.)

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

For me (Class of 2001), it’s always been Private or “PV2”. Private 2nd Class was never a thing during my 21 years.

To shake things up, how about we do away with PV2? E1 is a PVT, E2 can be a PFC (like the Marines do it), and heck, let’s make E3 a SPC. Specialist rank looks like inverted and filled-in PFC rank anyway. While we’re at it, bring back the advanced Specialist ranks. We can have E3 SPC, E4 SPC4, and so on, up to at least SPC7. If you’re in a leadership position you’re an NCO. If you’re support, even in a supervisory role, you’re a SPC. Get the pay, lose the authority that comes with being an NCO…

Personal example here: I was a SSG in BDE S3 and later a SFC in a Joint J/G3. I might have been a bit upset over having to exchange my stripes for a sham shield, but while I briefed a 2-Star and wrote orders for the command, I managed only an E5 and E6, and took my marching orders from a GS13 and GS14. I worked alongside O6s but could just as easily have performed my duties as a SPC7 with the backing of my Ops SGM and officers.


That’s far too much for HRC and S1 to keep up with. They’re lost in the ozone most of the time already.


I know, I’m pretty certain it’s taught in 42-CMF AIT courses to make mistakes, though, o adding more and more confusing ranks will only give them a reason to stay “busy” even more often and avoid doing actual work. I’m still salty all these years later about jumping the brigade TOC and have the ALOC (S1 and S4) personnel do the absolute minimum.

Heck, according to the certificates, probably typed up by someone in HR, I earned my second Gold Star for my Recruiter Badge a few months after arriving, and the first about a year after getting there. My Certificate of Appreciation for the State Funeral of Gerald Ford, signed by Betty Ford, demoted me to SPC nearly two years after I became a SGT and only a month or two before I pinned SSG. That’s alright, though, my company was on holiday leave, so we missed the entire thing.


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RGR 4-78

Shades of John Belushi back when SNL was still funny.


I was thinking exactly the same thing.


Like Tony Montana?
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Forest Bondurant

Twenty first.




On station.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

was watching the 30 minute Gilgo Beach Task Force talking about the arrest so I missed the WOT.

RGR 4-78

I hereby appoint you First Punster of the WOT.

Henceforth ye shall be known as Sir Jeff of Punsalot.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thanks a lot from  Sir Jeff of Punsalot.for that honor RGR 4-78. Means a lot to me.


Hi and Happy Saturday!


Replacement migration– it’s a “tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory” when conservatives complain about it!
comment image


Sorry, “replacement” with a substandard imported product voids the warranty.

Home-grown Americans learn things (or should) that migrants cannot know.

A Proud Infidel®™

I once again declare myself “PRESENT” and award myself Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
IMO the FBI goobs monitoring me and the sites I visit buy their Bud Light at Target.


VCNO ADM Lisa Franchetti has been nominated to fleet up to CNO. Looks like SecDef Lloyd Vader was overruled by the WH. Reportedly SecDef Austin recommended PACFLT commander Sam Paparo to the WH. ADM Paparo was instead nominated to take over Indo-Pacific command.
UPDATED: White House Picks Lisa Franchetti as Next CNO, Sam Paparo as INDO-PACOM CO – USNI News


China smiles… 🙄 


From the land of Fake LTC Phony Silver Star Maggie DeSanti
and other outed Stolen Valor phonies.

Maricopy County, Arizony – Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, etc.

[Readers: Stolen valor penalties woefully inadequate]

Last edited 1 year ago by MarineDad61

Oh oh.
It’s coming down.
But NOT for the reasons anyone here may have predicted.

Remember the Maggie DeSanti table,
with Vietnam Army Nurse statuette,
put out for display in 2023
at this American Legion post in Tempe, Arizony?

Well, the post has LOST its lease, and is soon forced to MOVE.


2023 03 02 AL Post 138 David Carrasco post about Maggie statue 1.jpg

What a bunch of gullible, clueless morons.


Prediction –
The eventual obituary will be written by 1 of the morons.

And the real possibility….
that other morons, the phony enablers, give ol’ Maggie
a Les Brown-ian type phony sendoff.

Les Brown – The Lie Continues Even in Death
Steve Balm | June 14, 2021


Is the statuette available for skeet shooting?

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

It’d make an awesome backyard piss post for your canine companions.


SFC D and Anonymous,
We’ll know more in a few months,
when that American Legion Post 138
packs everything into boxes,
moves somewhere else (likely more ratty),
unpacks their boxes,
sets up new shop,
and then sets up the Maggie table again (or not).

IF they are dumb enough to set it up again….
That would be VG article worthy…
on Arizony’s American Legion Post 138.


Post 138 seems to be about as competent as the Maricopa County election directors.


Or (2019) Honor Flights Arizony.
Or (2023) Grounded No More
Veteran Flight Lift.

At least,
it’s good to know,
the local area VFW posts
and other veterans all over Maricopy
have long washed their hands
of airport TSA push ups Phony LTC Maggie.

Last edited 1 year ago by MarineDad61

RIP x5 (June 8, 2022)

Cpl. Nathan Carlson, 21;
Capt. Nicholas Losapio, 31;
Cpl. Seth Rasmuson, 21;
Lance Cpl. Evan Strickland, 19; and
Capt. John Sax, 33,
all of whom were assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 364,
Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing,
were killed when an MV-22B Osprey went down on June 8, 2022
during a training mission near Glamis, California.

July 21, 2023 [Aircraft crash that killed five Marines occurred due to ‘catastrophic’ mechanical failure]


Grandson #5 turned 10 this week, but I had to miss the party today due to work. Oh well.
All is well, otherwise, in the GB Compound.

God bless and keep each of you. I pray you have a great weekend.


Funny, grandchild #5 turned 11 today. Ironic, an NCO I respected highly just had his grandson’s birthday yesterday. Funny, as HIS birthday is one day after mine.


We lost WWII veteran Tony Bennett today. He was a true class act. He fought in some of the toughest fighting in WWII, liberated concentration camps and then entertained us all for 70 years. All the while coming down firmly on the side of freedom and justice. He will be missed.



Since we’re now coming up on the
4 year phony-versary
MP/VG/TAH outing and exposing the now infamous
and not so dearly departed Les Brown…

Enjoy this (public) post by The Elko Daily Free Press,
and the accompanying 155 comments,
on the cheap rag’s Book of the Fake.



We Know We Are Not Supposed To Leave Anyone Behind, BUT…

Let Him Stay There!

He Will Eventually Figure It Out…

“Past Comments May Give New Clues In Mystery Around Why US Soldier Entered North Korea”


“New details emerged Friday that might provide clues in the mystery about why a 23-year-old U.S. Army private crossed the border into North Korea earlier this week.”

“A U.S. official confirms that on Sept. 4, 2022, Pvt. Travis King failed to report for his daily formation, and when reached away from the base stated that he “refused to return to post or America.”

“At the time, King was serving as a cavalry scout at Camp Bonifas, which is located just south of the southern end of the DMZ in northwest South Korea.”

“As a scout, and because of where he was serving, King would have been aware of the risks in crossing the DMZ, officials said.”

“King was later found in Uijeongbu, a city located about 25 miles southeast of Camp Bonifas.”


Remember the amount of money, time, manpower and lives expended for Bowe Bergdahl!


Shortly after this photo was taken bergdahl assumed the position of the goat to give the goat some much needed rest.


Star of Manlove Thursday for 260 weeks running@

RGR 4-78



I could’a been a contender…


Shout out for my father!

RGR 4-78

JFK’s politics would be to the right of Mitt Romney.


Here’s hoping he joins JFK. FUCK THAT GUY.


And before someone asks: JFK or Mitt Romney? The answer is, “SI!”


She confessed.
Never missing.

[Carlee Russell’s disappearance was ‘hoax’; charges possible, police say
The Alabama woman who had reportedly gone missing was never missing.]


Hack Stone

Still waiting suspects to be arrested for this heinous crime. How hard could it be to track someone who purchased a Magic cigarette lighter that stays ignited when tossed?
