Female recruit forced to shower and sleep between males who are “transitioning”; considered resigning
An 18-year-old female recruit had to deal with taking showers with men, their packages dangling, and with having to sleep in proximity to them. These men are “in the process of transitioning,” but have not had the surgery to adjust the appropriate parts. Fox News Digital queried the Department of Defense about this event. The DoD responded that everyone must be treated with dignity and respect, and that service members are encouraged to address their concerns with their chain of command.
From Fox News:
The “recruitment crisis” is partially due to Biden’s “woke agenda that we now see coming down by executive order,” Rounds said.
“This seems to be a direct correlation between when the President of the United States issued the executive order making these changes and directing the Department of Defense to integrate… individuals who were transgender and how they should be perceived within the military,” he said.
“Most of the focus [under the Biden administration] is on the transgender individuals, not on the individuals who are working with them.”
President Biden reversed the Trump-era ban on transgender people serving in the military when he first took office. The Biden administration, at the time, stressed that the U.S. military “thrives” when it is composed of diverse Americans who can “meet the rigorous standards for military service,” and added that “an inclusive military strengthens our national security.”
“President Biden believes that gender identity should not be a bar to military service, and that America’s strength is found in its diversity,” the White House said. “This question of how to enable all qualified Americans to serve in the military is easily answered by recognizing our core values.”
Under the definitions that Biden’s Department of Defense was using of what a woman vis-à-vis housing, etc., transgender individuals may be housed in female facilities even without genital surgery.
Fox News has additional information on the story.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Military issues
Is this “female” recruit a biologist? If not, quit complaining and help out your fellow girls by washing their dicks.
Check out this 5 minute video on the topic:
Can you believe the Sec Army tries to distract Gaetz with “women are worried about sexual assault” but showering with naked men is NO BIG DEAL. Does anybody wonder why Army recruiting in particular and the military recruiting in general is in the toilet under the Biden Crime Regime? At least the General had the stones to say it IS EFFECTING recruiting.
Yeah, that’ll boost recruiting – subjecting an 18-year-old to mentally ill guys who think they are girls.
Way back when (a whole 7.5 years ago), we spent quite some time studying TRADOC Regulation 350-6, particularly the portions covering separate housing and shower facilities. Here’s a newer version of what we were required to adhere to as Initial Entry Training (IET) Cadre: TR350-6.pdf (army.mil)
Note Chapter 3: Separate and Secure Environment. It hasn’t changed much, if any. Alarms, access guards, 2:1 ratio for mixed-gender battle buddy teams. At the beginning of the chapter, it links to this: 10 USC 7419: Recruit basic training: separate housing for male and female recruits (house.gov)
So, the regulation that governs IET, based on US Code, is being ignored because of pandering to transgender recruits?
I’ve been reading versions of this same story over the past couple of days, and one of two things are happening: the female Trainee is lying and/or exaggerating, or the “Separate and Secure Environment” is subject to the new definitions of “male” and “female”.
Despite what Biden and military leaders might want us to believe, most Americans view someone with some dangly bits as a boy and someone lacking them as a girl. Maybe they should just spend billions creating a third set of pre-op transgender barracks. Would it really matter if girls with penises and boys with vaginas have to coexist? They can pick and choose what their DOD-funded post-op genitalia should look like every time they get in the shower.
Speaking of that 2:1 ratio, how’s that work now? Can pre-op “females” and “males” pair up to be a battle buddy team, or do they count as one complete person?
Seeing how the percentage of females in the service hasn’t budged from 17% in decades I’m not sure the military is even capable of math at this point.
From what I see on tv, about 78.6% of soldiers are female. 85.1% of them are persons of color.
I’m so glad I’m retired.
I’m hugging my DD214 as I read your comment.
I’m also saying the same thing… But what if it gets so bad that they start eyeing those who have retired for recall purposes?
Sure. They plan on waiving all of these medical issues I have to bring me back on in?
Oh, and if they get that far, we’ll have to rehash the whole “we’re not looking for enlisted right now” for a certain DCO package. I received my BA and MS from two local Universities in my state and I would most definitely be using them.
If the United States is attacked, I would volunteer for voluntary retiree recall to active duty. However, for something stupid, I could try to see if they would let me complete my doctorate degree before returning.
I believe it is the international cycling governing body, federation, whatever it is called, is on the right track. My understanding of their policy is, whatever your gender was during puberty is the gender you are in competition. Of course, this will double down efforts to transition pre-pubescent kids…
But I still see a glimmer of hope. I’m reading of many, many legal challenges to schools and others who infringe on parental rights to be aware of what is happening with their children. That seriously threatens those who are messing with prepubescent kids’ minds.
Now, for those who are transitioning their own prepubescent children, time will fix that. Kids have a tendency to reject parental ideals as they grow up. When some of these victims of this atrocious child abuse start suing their parents because they want to join the military and can’t because of all the ancillary medical problems caused by hormone therapies and surgeries…
“meet the rigorous standards for military service,” and added that “an inclusive military strengthens our national security.”
Ok, I’m all on board with the FIRST (heh heh) part. Even the REMFest of REMFs MUST have the physical and emotional strength to do the job required. People that are confused about what “gender” they are DO NOT have emotional strength.
On the second (check the ladies room for your trophy) item, the strength of the military is including all of the diverse weapons in the inventory to equally bring the dam dam down on our enemies. It.is.that.simple.
You want to wack off or add to what you were born with? Have at it. You want to murder your unborn child? That’s on you. Just don’t expect me to pay for and or approve of what you’re doing. I would suspect that 96.69% of these people who are joining the military and claiming this “trans ID” are doing so, just to get the free surgery and meds required. News flash for you, Dippy…if your remains have to be identified using forensic science alone, you will be determined as an unknown of your birth gender.
And no, a biological female shouldn’t have to be exposed to biologically equipped males if she doesn’t need to be. We have not formed the Star Ship Troopers…yet.
Plus, the women one would likely shower with in that co-ed bathroom won’t look like that one in the movie.
Of course not– must be like this for “equity,” comrade!
They aren’t gonna like the backlash when it hits. And trust me, it’s coming.
Yup. Lawsuits…and murders. Both done by the people who bought into this bullshit.
How about this shit?
And I saw in a press conference with Congressmen that there is discussion of including trans in the EFM program. Grrr!
Here’s the video talking about EFM.
Interviewer: What would you say to folks who think that they’re being reasonable by saying why can’t children wait until they are 18?
Admiral Rachel Levine: Adolescence is hard and puberty is hard. What if you’re going through the wrong puberty? What if you inside feel that you are female?
Convert that fagot to Islam, beside the river, wearing an orange jumpsuit. Hideous bastard is an abomination before anything that is Holy. Satan thinks he’s “funny”.
all these dod dicks who say this stuff is okay should be made to have their daughters shower with the other dicks and see what they have to say.
Their daughter getting molested is just the cost of not seeming “racist” for them, don’t hold your breath waiting for ’em to have a pair.
Yeah, but those DoD “dicks” are all Biden sycophants.
Sentiment back by popular demand (Jason Aldean just got canceled by CMT pinkos for saying something similar to this):
See Twitter:
It’s now the #1 song on the country charts, thanks to Shannon Watts, Cheryl Crow and other liberal twats crying on Twitter.
This is a fucking travesty and everybody knows it. Shame on what is occupying leadership positions in the military for letting it get this far.
I seem to remember a certain Lt/ Col of US Marines who put his career on the line for something along those lines.
And you can expect these transgender service members to deploy down range when?
They automatically pop on the non-deployable roster, so look for a normal person to pull their load for them.
BUT they appear on the left’s roster of “protected classes”, thus they get free rides to promotions and awards!
I’m curious about this word “resign”. Does she have to give 2 weeks notice?
99.5+++% of our country, communities, groups, etc. do not feel that it’s right to cater to WAY less than half a percent of the population, but are currently forced to. It’s come to a point, where a lot of us are beginning to see our children be forced to deal with the acceptance of wokeness! I never thought it was a good idea, and I have raised my children to use common sense. My wife and I have one biological child, and have raised eight nonbiological children. That includes White, black, Mexican, male, female, and one female that is gay. We love them all and will fight for them all. We’re not always happy with all of their decisions, but most of their decisions seem to be “real world”! I watch them scratch their heads with what’s going on in the news today. It tells me that the majority of our country feels the same, it just doesn’t make the news. We can only hope, that at some point in the near future, common sense takes over!
My point is, not then half a percentage of the total population, should be neglected, avoided, or even persecuted, but they also should not be allowed to force the rest of us to accept
Or validate their choices and decisions. Go to you! And leave me (us) alone!
Also! Don’t Expect us to pay for it!
My daughters are 30 and 27 in the medical field making bank. I never encouraged them to join but they would have been great NAVY NURSES. I told them not to join.
I have one playing D2 football in college right now, and his dream is to be a soldier, and follow in dad‘s footsteps. Myself and my wife (we have been married for 28 years and I am coming up on 36 years of total service) are both pushing him away from it! We’re still patriotic and believe in serving our country, but have no trust in his well-being based on the current administration.You’re very selfish part of me, says that somebody has to protect us, but I want to protect my children. I feel like I can’t be the only one out there, that feels the same
“A” very selfish part of me,,,,,
God bless your daughters. I’m sure you’re extremely proud, and should be. That is awesome! They are going to win at life, and you can be very proud!
Had a guy at team spirit in Korea in 1987 get the ucmj for peering Under the shower tent at the females. He should really fight that now since the SCOTUS DOES NOT know what a woman is. He may have been looking for his buddy. This shit is unreal.
Read somewhere, maybe here, but if the person in question has an apple, they probably have a stem.
Was in Korea and still felt the need to “cheat”! Did he not have any battle buddies to help?
I was in Korea one time and,,,, well,,,,,, never mind!!
Was a jarhead on the pier in Pohang did 3 team spirits there.
Three times? Then you get it!!!
Somebody downvoted that? I was on Pohang in 1989, I think it was Valiant Blitz.
Last night, after previously posting my comments about US Code under Title 10 and Army TRADOC regulations, I watched something about ARNG training that made it dawn on me, this is likely a SDARNG training facility, not a US Army one.
The Guard has different funding until called up under Title 10, and their Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP) is used as a precursor to Army IET, with the one weekend a month used to train new Soldiers until they ship for actual Basic Combat Training.
I can see where this story might have been one weekend of hell, where an 18-year-old aspiring Guards woman was billed with some “women” the state and command didn’t know how to classify.
Don’t get me wrong, RSP has its uses, and most ARNG Trainees were more knowledgeable and adaptive than their straight from home Active counterparts, but if the SDARNG RSP is to blame, someone needs to do some major remodeling.