Friday FGS

| July 14, 2023


Chiappa Rhino

REPORT: Larry Nassar Stabbed After Saying He Wanted to Watch ‘Girls’ at Wimbledon

A prisoner suspected of stabbing Larry Nassar at a federal penitentiary in Florida said the disgraced former sports doctor provoked the attack by making a lewd comment while they were watching a Wimbledon tennis match on TV, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.

The inmate, identified as Shane McMillan, was previously convicted of assaulting a correctional officer at a federal penitentiary in Louisiana in 2006 and attempting to stab another inmate to death at the federal Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado in 2011, court records show.

McMillan attacked Nassar in his cell Sunday with a makeshift weapon, stabbing him multiple times in the neck, chest and back before four other inmates rushed in and pulled him off of Nassar…

No Score
This is Nassar’s second at-bat. He was first attacked by his fellow inmates at the federal prison in Tuscon upon his release into the general population. Once is an anomaly, twice is a trend. Third time?

Today’s Marion Barry Award goes to:
Police commissioner caught in car with prostitute has bizarre explanation: ‘Done talking about it’
The member of the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners was caught in the car with a prostitute at 7:15 a.m., according to authorities

By Emma Colton
A member of the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners who was caught in a car with a prostitute by law enforcement is claiming that the incident is a “big misunderstanding.”

Wayne County Sheriff’s Office deputies say they found Bryan Ferguson in his car at about 7:15 a.m. Wednesday in Detroit engaging in a sex act with a prostitute, the Detroit Free Press reported. Undercover narcotics officers were in the area at that time and saw Ferguson with a woman who was known to them.

Ferguson has denied the allegations as a “big misunderstanding.”

No Score
Fox News
All together on three, ready? One, two, three-

Bitches Set Me Up!

Back to your regularly scheduled FGS.

Florida girl, 6, saves herself from would-be kidnapper by biting attacker: ‘Knew how to fight back’
The 6-year-old girl named A’hylric said she was playing outside her home when the man grabbed her arm, slapped her and tried to run off with her

By Sarah Rumpf-Whitten
A 6-year-old girl foiled a would-be kidnapper’s plan when she bit him and ran away after he attempted to abduct her from her apartment complex in Florida.

According to the Miami Police Department, the girl named A’hylric was playing outside in the courtyard of her apartment complex on Thursday, July 6 at around 8 p.m. with her siblings when they noticed a white Range Rover parked nearby.

Eventually, the other children returned home, but the young girl decided to spend more time outside, police said.

The child was then approached by 32-year-old Leonardo Venegas who grabbed the young girl by the arm and began carrying her away, according to an arrest report obtained by NBC South Florida.

“She stated that she was suddenly grabbed by the arm and pulled toward the rear of the stairs. The victim began to fight back and pulled away from the defendant,” the arrest report said. “The defendant then picked up the victim and began to carry her away.”

As A’hylric was being carried away by her alleged abductor, the girl forcefully bit Venegas on the arm, forcing him to drop her, the report said.

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Fox News

Poor little thing, now she needs her shot card updated. Don’t bother wondering about Mr. Venegas’ immigration status- you already know it.

Man shot in face during Dothan domestic dispute, DPD

By Patrick Phillips
An 28-year-old Headland man was shot after police say he attempted to attack two women with a knife.

On Wednesday, July 12, officers rushed to the Marathon Gas Station in the 600 block of North Oates Street in Downtown Dothan.

When officers arrived, they found 28-year-old Shawn Maxmillion McDaniel with a gunshot wound to the face. McDaniel was responsive and alert.

According to Dothan Police, McDaniel had attempted to set up a meeting with the mother of his children, but she refused. McDaniel and the mother have been estranged for some time.

Police say at some point today, the mother and her acquaintance noticed McDaniel was following them, and while stopped in traffic, McDaniel exited his vehicle and approached them armed with a large knife.

The acquaintance, who was legally armed with a firearm, warned McDaniel to leave..

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It’s just not fair when the victims have the means and motivation to disagree. Thanks again, Gun Bunny.

I am clearly more popular than Reagan. I am in my third term. Where’s Reagan? Gone after two! Defeated by George Bush and Michael Dukakis no less.
Marion Barry

Miss you, Mr. Mayor.*sniff*

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Was that *sniff* a sign of tearful emotions?
Or something white and powdered being inhaled through the nose?


I always liked his plan to “temporarily legalize carrying guns” in DC. “Just until crime was under control”.


Here you go, Ed…



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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Mr McDaniel,
Dude! She’s just not that into you any more!
But her friend’s boolit is.
Time to move on – while you still can.

(this stuff never gets old)

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Good for the 6y.o. Bring every weapon to bear! Especially when you’re a young child.

After the physical exam and bloodwork (don’t want to become infected from biting that nasty man), time for a hug from parent(s), then a good burger and ice cream (to wash the taste out).


That Rhino looks like it should be issue sidearm for Blade Runners.



President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

If it’s disgusting, then clean and wash it once in a while.


Rhodesian Brushstroke paint job, brush guards, and spare tyre missing?

Still hot af.

She gotta sister?


I’d prefer a ring mount for my K5 and a Ma Deuce… but in a pinch I suppose that would do!


So “the Marathon Gas Station in the 600 block of North Oates Street in Downtown Dothan” is the location of a “domestic dispute” according to the journalist/headline writer?

What dictionary are they using? (/s)

No sympathy for Nassar the Unrepentant.

Leonardo Venegas needs a permanent deportation – from the face of the earth.

Working again today, so I won’t be in the running for the WOT Throne. Again.

Old tanker

This medication, followed by an industrial wood chipper is IMO a great cure for pedophilia.


Never forget that Nassar molested children and women for 23 years before anything was done about it. MSU was fully complicit with the president lying to police and investigators. No one there has ever been criminally punished, even if the school did have to pay out half a billion in the lawsuit an a bunch of people were fired.


Don’t bring tha stoopid (or a knife) to a gun fight

I hope the attempted kidnapper gets ‘lost’ out of an aircraft in flight, or ‘accidentallyed’ into a body of water while handcuffed and leg ironed.


I suppose it would be wrong to wish that that individual who was bitten while attempting to rescue a child from the (presumed) heat would have his wound turn septic or be allergic to whatever the doctors gave him for it?


Shane McMillan.

Dude has some serious issues.

Mental Illness Is A Terrible Disease.

“McMillan Was Initially Sentenced to More Than 20 Years in Prison on Meth Charges in 2002”

“McMillan Was Convicted of Assaulting a Prison Guard in Louisiana in 2006”

“McMillan & a Second Man Were Convicted of Trying to Fatally Stab a Fellow Inmate at the Federal Supermax Prison in Colorado in 2011”


That meme is beautiful!

For myself, not enough; FM 7-8, Ballistic Charts, Blast Effects and Radiological Fallout from Use of Nuclear Weapons, and ‘Do Wild Turkey Actually Exist in the Forests of Connecticut?’.

RGR 4-78

“Bitches Set Me Up!”

Truly a classic that is forever funny.