Weekend Open Thread

| July 14, 2023

Large segments of the electorate have no interest in following politics, discussing it, etc. Many of these individuals subsequently treat elections as popularity contests rather than as a qualification screening process. This event has contributed to clowns being elected into office who see themselves as our masters rather than as public servants. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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Dang it!

Here are the keys to TAH WOT:FoF Throne Room and Rectal Thermometer Storage Closet.

Now if you’ll excuse me, there is a whirlwind of a force in the kitchen that needs a spanking for distracting me!


Be honest with us, My Brother…It is YOU that is looking forward to the spanking…that the distraction is gonna give YOU.  🎶 Bad Boys, Bad Boys, whatcha gonna do when she spanks on you..Bad Boys… 🎶 

Lots of catching up to do on today’s threads. Waiting for the coals to get just right for the beastie. Have a Yuengling while ya buttocks are cooling off.


Rats of the Cong, brother.


Really? Where is everyone?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I’m here and in a couple of minutes I’m off to the eye Doc.


jeff – good to see you. Hope you continue to see us all as well. Or, at least those you want to see. Some of the pics on some of these threads can’t be unseen.


My question eggs xactly, Girl in my dreams OAM. The King of Battle…THE King of FIRST had just come in from my Mercy Mission (“…to care for his widow and orphan…”) that has kept me blissfully occupied for the last several days. Opened up Mr. Chromie and saw that a number of the usual suspects had been lurking around going by the commentors column. Blinked my eyes and there it was…The Vaunted Weekend Open Thread at the top of the page, giving me a come hither look. Thought I was seeing things til I clicked on the continue reading button and the magic “Be the First to comment” line was signing it’s Siren Song. Called for an Immediate Time On Target FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION, certain that the target would elude me. When the smoke cleared from the impact of the circle of steel, imagine my surprise to see that coveted EARNED NEVER AWARDED FIRST on the TAH WOT was mine and fairly won…by several minutes. Even more joyous that you were there to claim the second place. You bring so much class and beauty to the place that are hearts just melt.

It was good to find the Throne Room in such good condition that Roh-Dog left it in too, unlike the way that SOME people leave it, ie 1/2 gnawed crayons (HS), tear stained return to sender love letters (Chippy), splotches of printers ink (CW is forgiven he has a deadline), the list goes on. R-D’s empty PBR Bottles will be refilled with Mr. Molotov’s Elixir and tossed out to pedos, valor thieves, politicians, and ne’er do wells. Everyone of them deserves a Blue Ribbon, lit!

Grilled Sir Loin of Beef Beast, tatered salad, fresh ‘maters, ice cream w molasses cookies and refreshing beverages for all hands.

Enjoy this musical interlude, picked just for you, Mi’Lady:


oh KoB, you dear sweet man.


I was assembling a drum set for a window display.
Home to work on Mrs. GB’s vehicle now.


Literally just took pics of the drum kit (electric version) sitting unused in my basement for a friend’s daughter who wants to play. Prior to last night’s conversation and seeing your comment this morning, I don’t think the words “drum kit” have entered my head in a decade. Just one of those weird things to notice.

My vehicle doesn’t need any work (well, it does but the body shop is taking care of it) but the weed whacker is giving me fits. As for the vehicle…there was a deer. My first. My poor vehicle had less than 8,000 miles on it.

So far, more than $12,000 in damages. I’m good, vehicle bad, deer dead but not by my actions. I only ripped off a leg (!?! didn’t know that was possible!?!). It took the cop 4 shots to put it down. (FOUR?!?!)

Per the cop – “It was running around on 3 legs. I put two in the head. Then it came at me”. I laughed so hard the tears almost ran down my leg.


Was busy dealing with insurance adjuster for the hail damage to our place.. better late than never..


Insurance adjuster… All my former opinions on such folks have been overturned based on the one who came out to remove Bambi’s mom from my engine block. He was hysterical and so very kind. Hope your encounter was half as good as mine

Commissioner Wretched

Gotta get up early in the morning if you want to beat the King of Battle! Good job, King, on reclaiming your throne … and OAM, your question is very apt and appropriate. Where the hell IS everybody, anyway? I have a great trivia column to lay down upon you … so here ’tis. Enjoy!

Who holds the most “kills” in aerial combat in history?
By Commissioner Wretched

The best part of summer … I was recently asked by a friend what the best part of summer is, and do you know what I think?

It’s the glaring lack of holidays.

Sure, we have Flag Day in June – but that’s not really a holiday, just an observance. Father’s Day is in there too, but it’s on a Sunday, which is pretty much a holiday anyway.

Independence Day this month is, of course, the big one, and properly celebrated.

August doesn’t even have a holiday, and the next one – Labor Day in September – is pretty much the end of summer anyway.

That’s why I like summer. And I also like trivia. So do you, or you wouldn’t be here.

Enjoy this week’s serving!

Did you know …

… though the two planets are almost the same size, gravity is weaker on Venus than it is on Earth? If you weigh 200 pounds on Earth, you’d weigh only 176 pounds on Venus. (Putting up with the heat and poison atmosphere isn’t worth the savings in weight, however.)

… a movie set caused a thief to surrender? During the filming of the 1994 movie Leon: The Professional, a man who had just robbed a nearby liquor store rounded a corner and came upon the set – right into a scene with several prop police cars and extras dressed as police officers. The thief assumed he’d been caught, so he gave up to the extras, who promptly called the real police. (One never assumes those who steal are the smartest people.)

Commissioner Wretched

… if you are over 100 years old, there is an 80% chance that you’re a woman? (If you’re over 100 years old, what are you doing wasting your valuable time reading this nonsense?)

… a car’s airbags deploy pretty quickly? If you were wondering how quickly (and admit it, you were), consider: airbags deploy at a rate of 200 miles per hour. (Don’t complain; they keep you from deploying in much worse ways.)

… the last helmetless player in the National Hockey League retired in 1997? Craig McTavish (born 1958) was the last player in the league to be allowed on the ice without a helmet. Helmets became mandatory during the 1979-80 season, but players who had been in the league before that year were “grandfathered” and only had to wear one if they chose to. (Pretty darn silly to chose not to, but hey … you do you.)

… more vending machines can be found in Japan than there are people in New Zealand? You can get just about anything from vending machines in Japan as well, up to – and including – surgical masks, board games, and all kinds of food. (It gives me a “yen” to find out more. Get it?)


The meme world is full of examples as to why women live longer than men…”Hold my beer and watch this!”

The airbag…only thing that can deploy faster than the KoB when he is in pursuit of the Coveted FIRST!

Hockey players have put more dentists kids thru college than any other sport.

I have a yen for more trivia…and you can’t buy that from a vending machine.

Get with it!

Commissioner Wretched

… the fighter pilot with the highest confirmed number of kills in combat flew for the Germans in World War II? Erich Hartmann (1922-1993), a Luftwaffe pilot, had 352 confirmed “kills” in aerial combat during the war. Following the war, Hartmann – who had been a major in the Luftwaffe – joined the newly-established Bundeswehr, or German Army, in West Germany and helped form the new air force. He rose to the rank of colonel before retiring. Additional trivia note: Hartmann’s success as a pilot led to him receiving a 25-year prison sentence when he was tried after the war by the Soviet Union. The Soviets had wanted Hartmann to help form the East German air force, but he refused and spent ten years in prison camps before being released in 1955. The Russian government posthumously dropped all charges against him in 1997.

… in Connecticut, it is illegal to perform a pirouette when crossing the street? (If you’re not a ballet dancer, it’s also pretty silly.)

… a popular hangover remedy in the Wild West would make you gag? Believe it or not, a tea made from rabbit droppings was said to bring relief from the worst hangover symptoms. (Yuck!)


You gotta respect a Warrior like Hartmann. IIRC, WEB Griffin loosely based some characters on him in several of his series. Rather go to prison for 10 years than serve under a buncha commies. Linky below with some more info on him.

Seems like the only thing legal to do in CT is to lie about your military service…and only if you’re an (s)elected official.

“…tea made from rabbit droppings…” Or as some call it, “Bud Lite”



Craig Lowell was a god!

Last edited 11 months ago by SFC D

The Brotherhood of War weeps for what our Military has become. We could use a Craig Lowell as Chairman JCS now-a-days. Or a Sandy Felter…

Commissioner Wretched

… you could fly on one of Saturn’s moons just by attaching wings to your arms? On Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, the gravity is so low and the atmosphere is so thick, you could attach fake wings to your arms and fly just by flapping them. (Of course, getting to Titan to flap your arms is your worry.)

… heart attacks are more likely to happen on a Monday? The overall odds of having a heart attack are 20% higher on Monday than on any other day of the week, and the most common time for them to happen is between 4 a.m. and 10 a.m. (I’ll let you figure out why.)

… FedEx aircraft have anti-missile countermeasure systems? They’re the only commercial airplanes to carry them. (Not sure who’d want to shoot down a FedEx jet, but still …)

… the first city to have recorded reaching a population of one million people was Rome? Amazingly, it hit that mark in the year 133 BC. The next time a city would have a population of one million would be when London reached the mark in 1800.

… a species of monkey has a unique way of greeting? When two white-faced capuchin monkeys meet, they greet each other by sticking their fingers into the other monkey’s nose. (Cute, but I don’t think it will catch on with humans … though you never know …)

… you may suffer from sitophobia? If you do, you won’t have it long … sitophobia is the fear of food and of eating. (Obviously, I do not have sitophobia. At all.)

… a tiny bat has a voracious appetite? The pipistrelle bat is only about as long as your little finger and it weighs less than two pennies. But in just one night, this tiny little flying mammal can eat up to 3,000 insects. (Burp!)

Now … you know!


Problem solved: outlaw Mondays!

Batty? You bet, but at least I ain’t pirouetting cross no streets!

Did you know it’s also illegal in CT to (s)elect rational representatives at the town, state, and federal levels?*

*observed de facto. de jure via fraud.

rosa defuckface.jpg
Last edited 11 months ago by Roh-Dog

One of my exes ended up with a moon the size of Titan.

Damn a buncha Mondays.

IIRC, FedEx took part in an experiment for missile defense a while back (it worked), but the project is on hold with the FAA right now. Purpose was to be able to fly FedEx into “trouble spots” where air travel was “prohibited”. Linky below.

Damn a buncha overcrowded cities, too!

Would you rather greet people like monkeys or like dogs do?

Imma fixin’ to sit and eat this Sir Loin of beef beast like I was a pipistrelle.

Another fine job, CW. Muchly appreciated.



You can always celebrate Hot August Nights, CW…maybe take in a show or catch up on your readings. Brother Love’s Traveling is a good gig and I won’t trivialize some good writers I know. One in particular writes of Heroes, another will educate you and gives hope for the future.

Business opportunity here. Make a Venus Scale to sell in the Ladies’ Department. Every thing weighs out 24 pounds lighter. We’ll make millions!

LEOs are so busy catching the dumb crooks that they don’t have time to chase the smart ones.


Welp, let’s try this version…


Preach it, Brother!


Good music. Good years for music.

Hack Stone

Missed it by “that much”.

Hack Stone

Anyone catch some asshole named Hack from Bethesda on The Chris Plante Show (WMAL DC market) this past Monday morning? The guy seems to have an inflated ego.

jeff LPH 3 63-66


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

So distracted by the previous post (Vet brewery….)….
ahhh…..well….hopefully next week.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Looks like something brewing the way the locals are going to brew up some trouble to the incoming brewers about the brewery that they want to set up.


On station.


The WOT is the best vehicle for this article, sent in by a Usual Suspect. Please open with care, the attached video is extremely disturbing.

WATCH: Joe Biden Terrorizes a Young Child at NATO Summit by Licking Her Repeatedly – RedState


That fucking guy…


I watched the video.

I have a different opinion based on my age.

What he did was kinda common a long time ago.

Similiar to us older folks spanking our kids.

I used a wooden spoon on my munchkins and gave them a “love tap” on their rear ends when they got outta hand.

When I was an Army Brat, I knew my playmates were whipped by their parents with an Army Belt. Some were punished with a parent using a switch.

Some of my playmates ended up having bruises on them.

One playmate ended up in the hospital because his Father severly beat him with his fists.

That Father still was able to stay in the Army and retired an a MSG/E8. He never was arrested…never got an Article 15. Never punished.

However, his wife did leave him, taking all 6 kids with her…and divorced him. He had a huge wake up call…and converted to Christianity…and never used violence again.

Today, if one tries to “spank” their own child, that is considered child abuse.

Brandon Boy should not have done that with other folks children. Someone should tell him that is considered inappropriate behavior today. 50-60-70 years ago, no ne thought anything about politicians giving babies a kiss..or giving them a rasberry on their tummy or arms.

Times has changed. Some good changes. Some bad changes. “Blazing Saddles” was a much loved movie…Still is…yet, is now considered “racist, sexist, animal abuse..YOU fill in the blanks…

We used to be able to fly a certain flag…and now we can’t, yet another group can fly a flag with rainbow colors..

See where I am going with this? Y’All know we do not care for Brandon Boy, but some things he does today was not considered inappropriate years ago..

Heck, we remember movies that were rated “X”. “Midnight Cowboy”. “The Carpetbaggers”.

Those movies are NOTHING compared to some movies we see today rated PG. Heck, if one is smoking a cigarette in a movie, that movie is rated “R”..

Times Have Changed.


What Joe did would be perfectly acceptable on your own kids or grandkids, never on someone else’s kids. And if people paid attention to Blazing Saddles, they’d realize that Mel Brooks was skewering bigoted racist white people. It’s an educational film.

Commissioner Wretched

We’ve come a long way … and, in many ways, a wrong way … since then.


“US Marines vs College Football Players | WHO’S FITTER?”

10 minutes!

“We put college football players up against US Marines in a battle they will never forget! Who’s gonna come out on top?”


F*ck politicians and politics. They all suck.
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Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous

I need this as a yard sign, asap.


Yep. Need one myself.



Y’All remember THIS story that was discussed on TAH in April 2022 reference a double Helicopter Crash at Fort Stewart?

Some of y’all nailed it. Old Tanker mentioned the cause.


The Army Times did a story:

“Double helicopter crash at Fort Stewart was ‘not an accident’”


Well, guess how he died…

“Soldier Crashed Helicopter Before Running to and Crashing a Second in 2022 Suicide, Investigators Find”

“An Army Officer appears to have crashed one Black Hawk helicopter, then run to another that he subsequently crashed, triggering a large explosion and killing himself, according to the service’s investigation into a 2022 incident. Investigators ruled the death a suicide.”

“Just before 2 a.m. on March 30, 2022, emergency crews swiftly responded to a crashed helicopter at a Fort Stewart, Georgia airfield. While assessing the damages and frantically searching for casualties, fire crews heard a second aircraft explode.”

“The next day, the Army said Capt. James Bellew, 26, had died in the incident, but declined at the time to provide further details about what had happened or say if he had taken his own life.”

“According to redacted sections of the investigation released on Wednesday to Military.com as part of a public records request, Bellew made “casual” inquiries the day before the crashes on whether a soldier’s family would receive life insurance after a suicide and whether a family would be held financially liable for damages to Army equipment. Investigators said Bellew’s roommates, whose names were redacted, also said that Bellew had asked whether “someone could access an aircraft alone without anyone noticing.”


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“Early on the morning of March 30, air traffic controllers called for first responders after seeing sparks on the tarmac they believed were caused by helicopter blades smashing into the surface. One of the air traffic controllers told investigators he saw a person run from that first Black Hawk to a second helicopter before the latter took off. That second craft subsequently crashed and exploded.”

“Bellew’s romantic partner contacted the Red Cross shortly before the incident, saying she received messages and a call from Bellew, a medical officer, saying he planned to end his life. A search of his belongings after his death revealed messages from friends and family concerned about his mental health, self-help reading material and a handwritten note with statements of affirmation, according to the Army investigation, which concluded in August 2022.”

“The documents obtained by Military.com said Bellew had no history of diagnosed mental illness or suicidal ideation.”

“Bellew was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division. He had served at Fort Stewart since 2018, after previously being stationed at Camp Casey, South Korea. He became an aeromedical evacuation officer in 2019.”

“Bellew was a platoon leader in his company, where his daily duties included medical evacuations at Fort Stewart, including moving critically ill COVID-19 patients to off-post medical facilities. His awards include an Army Achievement Medal, Army Aviator Badge and the Expert Field Medical Badge.”

Rep Buddy Carter from Georgia honored him last year after he died:

A Proud Infidel®️™️

I once again declare myself “PRESENT” and self-award me another Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
The Coke found in the White House belonged to one of the Bidens.


ANOTHER Phony Vietnam POW who went to his grave with his lies.

Claimed to have 9 Purple Hearts and retired as a Colonel/O6, yet his military photo paints a different picture when it comes to Rank.

You Be The Judge.

William ‘W.T. Palmer


“William Thomas Palmer passed away peacefully on March 13, 2023, in Springfield, Missouri. He was born on August 21, 1951 to Edward J. Palmer and Claire A. Schlosser Palmer in Poughkeepsie, New York. He was baptized on the 7th day of October 1951 according to the Rite of the Roman Catholic Church at the Church of St. Denis in Hopewell Junction, New York.”

“W.T. graduated from Watkins Glen High School in Watkins Glen, New York in 1970. While in high school he joined the Watkins Glen Police Department for training in law. In 1970 he joined the USAF (Military Police), and volunteered for Viet Nam.”

“In 1971, W.T. was assigned to the 7th Air Force, 315th Squadron, 35th Special Group in the Military Police Detachment in Pjam Ramh, Viet Nam, and later in all sorts of areas in North Viet Nam, Laos, the DMZ and parts of Cambodia. Many of his duties in the military remain classified.”

“Toward the end of his year, a few unexpected things happened and was a POW for a short while. While escaping with two of his buddies in late 1972, he was wounded numerous times, leaving him 100% a disabled veteran.”

“On retirement he was promoted to Full Bird Colonel. Some of his medals received were 9 Purple Hearts, 2 Bronze Service Stars, Small Arms Expert, Marksmanship Ribbon, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm, Vietnam Campaign Medal and a Combat Infantry to name a few. Mr. Palmer loved serving his country.”

“He was a lifetime member of USAF Sgt’s Association of Dav, the VFW American Legion Post 0639, Purple Heart Association, and a 4th degree Knights of Columbus.”

william t palmer vietnam uniform.jpg

And of course, the local newspaper, The Springfield Daily Citizen (Missouri) did a story on him without doing any fact checking…Wait to see what we highlighted in the next “Continue” from the article…

“W.T. Palmer: ‘He Couldn’t Watch War Movies About Vietnam Because It Would Give Him Terrible Flashbacks’”

“William Thomas Palmer was a Vietnam War veteran whose battles with the aftereffects of his military service continued for the next half-century.”

“W.T., as he preferred to be called, was a native of New York State who moved to Springfield in 1990, as his parents, Edward and Claire Palmer, and siblings had done before him. Following his death on March 13 at age 71, his remains were escorted to Springfield Veterans Cemetery by a phalanx of fellow vets on motorcycles and a vehicle operated by the Wounded Warrior Project, a charity he’d supported.”

“Those who knew him best said it was a fitting final journey because, although he had a lengthy civilian career in law enforcement and private security, W.T. still carried haunting memories and wounds — some visible, many not — from his time in military uniform.”

“He didn’t like to talk about Vietnam, but he trusted me enough to tell about some things,” says longtime friend Jonathan Rimington. “He couldn’t watch war movies about Vietnam because it would give him terrible flashbacks. He would be debilitated for two or three days after.” 

“W.T.’s widow, Cheryl, confirms that he “didn’t talk about the war to the public. He wasn’t a boastful person. He was proud of what he did, but he didn’t go around bragging.”


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“Some details of what W.T. did in Vietnam are foggy. Even the military has been confused.”

“What’s always been clear is that upon his 1970 graduation from high school in Watkins Glen, N.Y., with the military draft looming, W.T. enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. After basic training in Texas, he was assigned to Air Force Security Police units at bases in Mississippi and South Carolina.”

“However, decades after being mustered out, although having received disability payments and medical treatment for war wounds through the Veterans Administration for many years, W.T. discovered his military records didn’t reflect his ultimate assignment to the war zone.”

“He blamed it on some of his duties having been considered “classified” at the time. He sought clarification — and eventually the Air Force determined “corrective action” was warranted to render his military records accurate.”

“After a complete review of your official military record,” a 2015 letter from the Department of the Air Force reads, “we were able to verify and confirm your boots on ground foreign service time at Phan Rang Air Base, Republic of Vietnam, from 11 July 1971 to 19 February 1972, seven months and 9 days.”

“The document is one among several in a file maintained by Cheryl, who continues to seek further corrections and amplifications in the official records about W.T.’s final rank, about how he was wounded, and about a reported brief capture by enemy combatants.”

“The file is bolstered by a scrapbook assembled by W.T. that contains mementos from Vietnam, including several photographs of him there. One snapshot shows a smiling W.T. with a handwritten notion on the back dated October 1971: “Me after a mission of knocking out an 11-man Viet Cong party. Pretty happy cuz none of us 5 guys got hurt.”
But he did get hurt, in more ways than one.”

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This is from the article:

“After a complete review of your official military record,” a 2015 letter from the Department of the Air Force reads, “we were able to verify and confirm your boots on ground foreign service time at Phan Rang Air Base, Republic of Vietnam, from 11 July 1971 to 19 February 1972, seven months and 9 days.”

Have ANY of you ever heard of an Official Letter from ANY Military service write “Boots On The Ground?”

We believe that “letter” was most likely written by Palmer himself.

There is MORE…

BTW, here is the DoD list of Escapees. As you can see, there IS NOT William Palmer listed.


vietnam escapee.jpg

*Continue* from the news article:

“He’d taken a lot of shrapnel from what he said was a mortar round,” recalls Rimington, “and on occasion he’d say ‘Oh, look, another piece is coming out.’ Then he’d pick at a scar and out would come a little chunk of metal.
“But I had to drag details out of him because he really didn’t like to talk about it.”

“Cheryl says W.T.’s injuries, which apparently included bullet wounds, caused him physical pain the rest of his life. “But what most people don’t realize,” she says, “is that a lot of these guys are going through psychological problems besides their physical injuries. Some Vietnam vets got spit on when they came home. They need others to be warm and understanding.”

“W.T. also was wounded in civilian life while working as a police officer in Arkansas in the 1980s.”

“Rimington, a transplanted Englishman who has worked in advertising and marketing in Springfield for 30 years and who also handles media relations for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Springfield area, recounts….”

Folks, there is more on the story. Please go to the link reference the news article to read.

In the meantime, we did a lot of research on this Dude. Will try to cover it all…if not, will have to continue next week.

We did request a FOIA. Still waiting.

We have a lot of questions, since there seem to be some contradictions on his Obituary, the newspaper article and facts.

We believe that either he lied to his new wife, now widow about his service as well as others to perhaps be a hero…or to collect benefits.

Or his widow made up the stories.

palmer story 3.jpg

In his obituary, whoever wrote it claimed “On retirement he was promoted to Full Bird Colonel.”

Well, guess what. This is what is recorded in the VA Graves Register:

“A1C US Air Force.”

Bogus info about him being a POW and escaping with his two buddies as well as the 9 Purple Hearts and him retiring as an O6 is on his Find A Grave:


william palmer grave information.jpg

This is what his widow posted on her Facebook:

william palmer wife cheryl facebook.jpg

The newspaper story and the obituary contradict one another.

The newspaper story said he served at “Phan Rang Air Base, Republic of Vietnam, from 11 July 1971 to 19 February 1972, seven months and 9 days.”

The obituary stated he escaped being a POW in late 1972.

This is his uniform that he posted on his Facebook.

We have so much more, but are running outta time and space.

We will continue next Friday, WOT.

Have a great Weekend!

william palmer medals facebook 2011.jpg

Left a comment on the Obituary page…let’s see it it gets printed


A1C? Mine is 6.6


You can note that of these 37 escapees from enemy capture, none escaped in the 1970’s. Also, only one was USAF, and he was an E6, likely an aircraft crewman who crashed.


Yes, the activities of the gate and perimeter guards at AFB’s were always highly classified in the Viet of the Nam. What bill Shute.


I typed “bull shyte.” Geez!


Yes I know I owe at least one AoI but maybe more so I was kinda stalling.
And KoB was busy ascendign to the throne onece again.
Maybe he’ll be able to singlehnadedly repopulate the depleted U.S. Arty ammo shortages or MAYBE we just keep those kinda thingies for OURSELVES as needed and not be waisted in foreign lands.
Never know when we’re going to be screenplaying Red Dawn III. (Rednecks vs. Red Chinneeee)

See you around,
Smoochy bitches.


Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…


Here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you!


Another Gerry Raffery tune, one of my all-time favorite jams. But damn, the lyrics are depressing as fuck:



CVMA Regine three (3) rally in Maine tomorrow.


I had to draw a diagram to follow that story.

Still confused to who has/had a dick, or not, and what’s the frequency Kenneth?

I can firmly (tehehe) say that the Curse of Fort Hood® is still alive and well, unlike the heshe.


I’m 6 beers in. 2 Paulaner Pils and 4 Yuengling. I don’t want to do the mental heavy lifting tonight…or tomorrow. I’m having my birthday dinner with the family tomorrow…Rib-eye, shrimp, Yuengling, ice cream cake, and some Dalmore 12 year single malt Scotch for dessert. Birthday isn’t until Monday, but my fucking customers all decided that they all had shit that absolutely needed to be discussed that day. I’m going to try to minimize my work on Monday but I have at least 2 meetings that day. Happy 50th birthday 🎂 to me! 🎉


Cheers to you!

May those assholes take it easy on your well-earned b-day.


Welcome to the half century mark, Pappy! Many more to you, Good Sir! Doing the maff right quick made me realize just how old I, and many others here, are. Pro tip…the hearing is NOT the FIRST (grin) thing to go. 🎂 🍦🍻


Most of my hearing is already gone in my left ear due to a vestibular schwannoma. It does come in handy, though. When the wife starts yelling at me, I point my bad ear at her so I don’t have to hear it!🤣

Commissioner Wretched

Many (early) happy returns of the day, Mustang!


Ft Hoodlum in its usual “behavioral sink” of dysfunction.


Marrying a transgender guy says gay without actually saying it outloud. I guess swinging both ways comes in handy in a 2 in 1 package.


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Context matters?


Hotter’n blazes in the AO – but the liberals still haven’t left darn it.

Mad at the dealership “service” on Mrs. GB’s car (like a bull “services” a heifer).

Y’all take care.

Herbert J Messkit

Is it time to evacuate the White House at 0400 some morning, to include family quarters and do a health and welfare inspection. I believe the commander in chief can order that as long as he doesn’t enter building

Hack Stone

Word on Pennsylvania Avenue is that Secret Service Officers assigned to The White House now carry NARCAN.


Sunrise this morning
To bad it’s going to be hotter than hell today


Yeah, I was in Tucson, apartment hunting with #1 son. I stopped looking at the temp after 113.

Last edited 11 months ago by SFC D

Not that I’m happy about another Vet being homeless, but I guess our resident seagull is shit out of luck now!

Oakland Eviction Moratorium Set to End July 15 (link to Epoch times)

The Oakland City Council approved a proposal on April 18 that will end Oakland’s COVID-19 eviction moratorium on July 15.

The moratorium was put in place in March 2020 and protected tenants from evictions due to COVID-related rent debt. With the end of the moratorium, Oakland landlords will regain the power to evict tenants if they have just cause.

Oakland was one of the last cities in the Bay Area to have the COVID-19 moratorium still in place.

And me? Out of fucks to give!

Get a job, or several now thanks to Bidenomics, losers!


For when it comes…Prepare

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Fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap. Got a cigarette? Nice toy to have but Aesop was spot on with his comments. Counter Battery Fire is NOT your friend! ‘Specially now a days. Better be scooting by the time the projectile leaves the tube or launch vehicle.


I agreed with him too. I may be just a mild-mannered signal puke, but I’ve been around long enough to understand counter battery! Fire and flee!