Team Biden to appeal injunction preventing government officials from colluding with social media companies

| July 6, 2023

A federal judge had recently approved an injunction against members of Team Biden from interacting with social media companies for the purposes of restricting free speech. Certain members of the government have contacted social media companies regarding posts that they disagreed with. The aim of these contacts was to remove posts harmful to their own narratives, and thus impact the available information on social media. However, Team Biden has moved to appeal this injunction.

From The Daily Wire:

Doughty, who was nominated to his position by former President Donald Trump, granted the injunction in a lawsuit brought in 2022 by the GOP attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri over alleged collusion between the federal government and social media companies to censor “disfavored” speech in violation of the First Amendment.

Although there has not been a final ruling in the case, the judge’s order restricts a number of officials and agencies from meeting or communicating with social media companies for the purpose of “urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing” in any manner the “removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech.”

The injunction affects specific White House officials — including Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre — and agencies and certain officials within them ranging from the Homeland Security Department, to the Health and Human Services Department, to the DOJ and FBI. The order also lists some exceptions related to flagging criminal behavior, national security concerns, and election tampering.

As noted in an accompanying memorandum, the defendants in the case have argued they did not seek to coerce social media companies to clamp down on free speech, and efforts to flag posts were meant to fight disinformation or misinformation on certain issues — particularly COVID, but also election matters and the Hunter Biden laptop story — that would be left up to the social media platforms to regulate on their own terms.

The judge appears to disagree, writing that, “During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.'”

The daily Wire provides information on this story here and here.

Category: Biden, Politics, SJW Idiocy, Society

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“…flag posts were meant to fight disinformation or misinformation on certain issues…”
How much of what they wanted censored turned out to be true? Almost all of it.


The Tree, She calls…


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Here ended the lesson.


Those words mean what they say. Too bad we can’t get the Progtatrds to understand or believe them. Or, more importantly, heed them.


The current regime will claim that their actions are constitutional because Congress made “no law abridging the freedom speech, or of the press”, and their actions were strictly honorable, an attempt to inform the public and “protect” them from “disinformation”. Regardless of the spin, it’s blatant censorship.


They’re using corporations as blushed mask.

We have the evidence the gov’mint colluded with Big Tech and various organizations to remove speech.

They didn’t just knock of the door, or toe the threshold, they’re in the kitchen ejaculating into the soup!

Fuck them. And that seeyunt Nina Stankowitz.


Case law has long been interpreted to hold that federal or state action to censor or otherwise restrict speech violates the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment.


That won’t stop the spin attempt by that simulated press secretary. We all know it’s a bullshit reason.


She is the spokes-mouth for their Ministry of Truth. Any lie works if it supports the Party Line aka “narrative.”


Couple of’m set adrift on free bits of pack ice, perhaps that’ll get their attention!

I don’t contend to know what begins of ends the qualities of a true scotsman but I can say without hesitation; if we do not unass the hyenas from every corner, from highest of plains to the foggiest of bottoms, what has been given to us, and all we have sacrificed for in our short history will be devoured by the snaring jaws of contemptible avarice found in the usual state of man: one of serfs and lords. With the indentured servants content living on the scraps, we will find fanfare of our friends drowning out our cries: Our Rights! By Law! They are yours too!

They have picked a side. They have turned their backs. They will never protest for an Ideal much higher then their lust for revenge.

Oh, they will come. To watch. To see. And swell with pride as you and yours are torn apart by The State.

Since you would not make yourself a slave like them, they did it for you. For themselves.

Non-base principles having mother fuckers.

“A Republic, if you [are willing to hang, or be hanged, for it.]” — (All apologies to) Benjamin Franklin (attributed to he)


“…against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic.”



So everyday we see people screaming on the news about how this violated their rights and that one violated their rights. Here is a situation where ALL OF OUR RIGHTS WERE VIOLATED by an identified group of people and absolutely NOTHING will happen about it 😡Enough is enough

AW1 Rod

Of course they’re going to appeal it. They can’t allow a little thing like the 1st Amendment to interfere with their bullshit narrative(s).


These aren’t the crowd that get bothered by little things like court orders.


One factoid we all need to keep in mind whenever the lamestream media progda headlines that a Trump nominated district judge did this or that: The President customarily is only given the names of those nominated by the senators of the nominee’s state of residence. For example, states that have only Democrat Senators nominate the judges the President picks from for nomination to the U.S. District Courts. Thus, Trump’s appointments of District Judges for Senate approval are first selected by that state’s senators. So, Trump did not have cart blanche to pick trial court level federal judges.


These fucking scumbags don’t give two shits if we even know they’re giving the middle finger to the Constitution and our NATURAL rights. This is something these fuckwads forget. The Bill of Rights just lists natural rights, not grant them. These shitbirds cannot take them away!!!


But as a nation, we’ve let them do it, at lest since the 30’s with gun control…

A Proud Infidel®™

From the same administration that tried to inflict a “Ministry of truth” on the American Populace, no surprise to me at all.

The tree beckons.


This is off the subject, my apologies. WARNING: This will absolutely jack up your blood pressure.


Don’t worry, they will be 100% combat ready.


Ready, willing, and able to put their asses on the line!…in the line?


comment image


No wonder the fat ‘tard declared he was “trans”…


Soon to be from Not the Bee:

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous


xi laughing.jpg

I don’t even understand why this is a thing. Wasn’t the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Guidance Board supposed to take care of all of this? The government would never lie to us.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I think that maybe Judge Doughty should consider moving to the old sod across the pond in Ireland so he would not end up like Vince Foster………………..


I’m not a huge fan of prohibition, but there are some rules…

Now if they don’t wanna prosecute that asshole for party powder I’d take the reciprocated not persecuting me and my American Brothers and Sisters for violations of “laws” fabricated to infringe on us.

Cocaine and bumpstocks for EVERYONE?

Reb/Roh-Dog 2024!


Dang it! This was suppoda be on the coke found in the White Retirement Home House (not a sic).

Old tanker

This pretty much covers it. I think it is pretty telling that the administration is upset that they are not allowed to directly control speech.
