Navy Recruiting- Work Harder!
Not smarter.
Navy Recruiting Increasing Work Week to Six Days to Combat Recruitment Shortages
By: Heather Mongilio
Starting July 8, Navy recruiters’ work week will get a day longer.
Navy Recruiting Command is temporarily extending recruiters’ work week to six days to address recruiting shortages, Lt. Cmdr. Richard Parker, the spokesperson for Recruiting Command told USNI News in an email.
Parker did not have current recruiting numbers, citing a number of ongoing recruiting efforts preventing finalization of the numbers. However, in April, Vice Chief of Naval Operations Lisa Franchetti said the Navy was expected to miss its recruiting goal by 6,000 sailors.
The Navy currently has more than 3,900 recruiters, Parker told USNI News in an email. Navy Recruiting Command is still working out the details of the work week change, Parker said in his email. The change will likely affect recruiters from the top down.
“While CNRC is aware this decision may be met with some hesitation, our duty is to bring the best and most qualified recruits into the Navy,” Parker said in the email. “The quality of recruits joining the Fleet is one of our top priorities.”
Recruiting numbers down? A good time to reflect on the possible root causes and address those openly and honestly. Big Navy is competing for talent in a small pool of candidates and has to showcase why military service is a rewarding choice.
Naw. Stay ‘woke’ and flog the recruiters instead. Brilliant.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Blue Falcons, Navy
As usual, the floggings will continue until morale improves.
Is it just me or was military recruiting NOT a problem when Trump was President? After 8 years of Barry Bananas and GWOT, you’d think they’d be struggling. The problem seems to be when ‘new management’ took over.
Naw, that couldn’t be it… /sarc
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Well, the military is on call 24/7 so there’s that.
That is what the Army did when I was in recruiting. They didn’t recruit any more people but the suicide rate went way up. There were seven suicides in my battalion on the space of about 3 years. And a recruiting battalion only has about 200 people in it.
While I was on recruiting, a few in our district received adverse fitreps for not making mission, which was pretty much a kiss of death for future promotion eligibility, and also impacted competition for reenlistment.
Well, some of those recruiters are probably going to start planning their way out of the Navy the moment they hear these news.
Smart recruit: so you are working Saturdays? But I won’t have to, right? Right?
Recruiter: nah, you are good. Sign here.
This falls under “work harder, not smarter”?
The way it worked in the Army, if you got your mission then you could have Saturdays off. So the incentive was to give you something you were supposed to already have.
This might come as a shock to everybody, but when you terrorize soldiers with a constant litany of threats and making them work 65 hours a week, sometimes they will do things that are unethical, illegal, or a immoral in order to make that situation stop.
Or, they might (as has been suggested above), “fuck it, I quit, screw you. process my paperwork now, I’m outta here”.
Now try making recruiting numbers!
Recruiters putting in more hours won’t fix the raw materials they have to work with. Could be time for the Navy to produce another epic documentary.
Brilliant minds and all that, SFC D. I was just thinking the same thing. Big Navy used Hollyweired during WWII for their recruiting and war bond drives. Wonder why they couldn’t do another documentary on Naval Aviation. To get the really maverick top guns that feel the need for speed. Recruiters should frequent karoke bars, sun glass kiosks, beach volley ball teams, and moto sickle shops for the new class of tail hookers that have veins of ice, man. These recruiters just need to show a little more pride in their work, after all…you no longer have to be “under way” or “not at the pier”.
It’s probably a very bad idea for us to hang out together. Folks tend to lose that lovin’ feelin’ when we do.
KoB and SFC D are pulling double shift on that durn Duty Roster, AKA DA Form 6….😆🤭😅🤣
So Proud Of Them. Teamwork!
Poor AW1Ed…Poor Mick…
In my defense, I had a mid-week day off yesterday (you’ve heard of “snow days”? We had a “fire day”) so I’m feeling a bit saucy. I failed to check the roster. I had good tone, I took the shot.
And a very successful “FIRE” Mission it was indeed, SFC D. Draw yore self an extry ration of Jameson from my Class VI Stores. I’ll pour up our very own (we have the BEST) ninja (gabn/rtr/hbtd) a carafe of the House Wine…Sweet Iced Tea.
Wish I could send y’all some of this excess rain I’m having here to help with the fire. Be safe!
“Sweet Iced Tea”….
We always chuckle when we have visitors from up North, far West who are unaware that in the South, when one orders iced tea, it is SWEET…😉
Then again, when our relatives leave the South and venture up North or the far West, they are taken back that the iced tea they ordered with their meal is NOT sweet…😏
Culture shock on both sides. 🤭
My favorite “House Wine” is “Sweet Cherry Wine” as in Tommy James and The Shondells.
Who knew the “He” in the lyrics is our favorite Jewish Carpenter…😎
“He gave us sweet cherry wine
So very fine
Drink it right down, pass it all around
So stimulating, so intoxicating
To save us He gave us sweet cherry wine
People don’t you know the cup is running over”
3 minutes. They don’t make em (music) as they used to…
Ah, Southern tea. So sweet, a spoon would stand up by itself unassisted while simultaneously dissolving if left in the tea too long.
How do you eat grits? I prefer mine with bit of butter and sugar.
Butter and salt myself.
“Human-Caused Diamond Fire Burns 1,900 Acres In North Scottsdale”
“On Wednesday evening fire officials confirmed to ABC15 the fire was human-caused and believe its point of origin is in the area of 128th Street and Ranch Gate Road.”
“As of Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., the fire is 30% contained and has burned 1,900 acres. AZ State Forestry officials say the decrease in acreage from 2,500 comes after more accurate mapping of the area.”
Good Gracious!
1,000 acres!!
Western Hemp Fire?
Thank You for sharing!
Posted without further comment:
If it is any comfort to you, we DO understand.
What is laughable is when we watch TV or movies that hows scenes inside the Pentagon. All Ossifers are depicted wearing their Class A’s while WORKING…
Anyone who has had duty at the Puzzle Palace knows we DON’T dress as such on a normal duty day. Class B’s minus the Bling Bling, YES. The ACU or BDU or whatever they call it now, Yes.
Full Dress Uniform…No.
Well, that what is was for the ninja family a while back. We both had tours there with Army and Joint Staff.
Don’t forget the flightsuits– aviators might have to go fly, you know.
“Why are you in a flight suit today, AW1Ed?”
“Offgoing Ready Alert Crew, Sir.”
“Oh. Very well. Carry on.”
“Aye aye, Sir.”
A flight suit was my Uniform of the Day for many, many years.
With a leather flight jacket during cold weather.
I feel the need, the need for speed!
So glad I never came down on orders for recruiting. I heard one too many horror stories about careers dieing because the gods in recruiting command only wanted those numbers. It would be nice if someone in Congress would call the Navy recruiting command CO in for a public hearing. Want to bet I know who isn’t working Saturdays and holidays?
Or, recruiters could just slap on some extra bling,
like former Navy recruiter Uncle Rick.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
“Uncle Rick” Not in SEAL-BUD/S Database Steve Balm | September 27, 2022
More like Uncle Buck…
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Port of Call.. HONG KONG !!!
Most jobs promise you the world. The Navy delivers.
Navy. It’s not just a job. It’s an adventure.
Make it if your gay, automatic E-3.
Why not?
Easy fix.
“Army Veteran GOP Rep Says US Trying To ‘Out-Pronoun Our Enemies’ In Push To End Military DEI Program”
“Critics Say Military Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Initiatives Have Hampered Recruiting, Readiness”
“A Florida congressman and Army veteran is leading a push to end a Biden initiative on equity and inclusion that he said has created division within the military and weakened U.S. forces.”
“Republican Rep. Cory Mills cleared the first hurdle in a bid to eliminate the Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion as the GOP pushes back over what they call “woke” policies from the administration.”
“There’s too much time being spent on the ideas of correctly identifying pronouns than prioritizing things like increased lethality, readiness and being properly equipped,” Mills said.”
“Mills’ amendment to this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would disband the committee, which was created after a 2021 executive order by President Biden with the goal of promoting “diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility” in the federal government. A House Foreign Relations markup of the bill has been sent to the full House to debate.”
“This whole push towards being able to out-pronoun our enemies, to be able to out-he/him, she/her, they/them, I can tell you is not what the priorities are of our adversaries like China and Russia,” Mills said.”
Mills amendment calls for the advisory committee to “terminate not later than September 14, 2024” while also mandating the secretary of defense to submit a report to the Armed Services Committee and entire House of Representatives detailing what, if any, benefit DEI initiatives have to strengthening the military within 90 days of the bill passing.
“Supreme Court Rejects Affirmative Action In Ruling On Universities Using Race In Admissions Decisions”
“The U.S. Supreme Court handed down a major ruling on affirmative action Thursday, rejecting the use of race as a factor in college admissions as a violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause.”
“In a 6-3 decision, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion that, “A benefit to a student who overcame racial discrimination, for example, must be tied to that student’s courage and determination.”
“Or a benefit to a student whose heritage or culture motivated him or her to assume a leadership role or attain a particular goal must be tied to that student’s unique ability to contribute to the university. In other words, the student must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual—not on the basis of race,” the opinion reads.”
“Many universities have for too long done just the opposite. And in doing so, they have concluded, wrongly, that the touchstone of an individual’s identity is not challenges bested, skills built, or lessons learned but the color of their skin. Our constitutional history does not tolerate that choice,” the opinion states.”
“Many universities have argued that race-based admissions ensures that student bodies remain diverse, while critics such as the plaintiffs in the cases argue the policy discriminates against many qualified students based on race.”
And the usual suspects, including President Bribe-N, are saying the court was wrong in its decision, without even understanding that it DOES align with the 14th Amendment “equal protection under the law”.
They understand perfectly well, and they’re not the least interested in “equal.”
I’m sure somebody will be along shortly to enlighten all of us how this ruling is bad and unfair.
An article in the past couple of weeks was talking about Baltimore schools and how a senior who ranked in the middle of their class had a GPA of 0.43.
Yeah, a strong candidate for continued education.
Pretty soon, schools like the one in Baltimore will recognize Valedictorians and Salutatorians as having low GPAs such as the one you mentioned, and they’ll be pissed when their denied admission to a legitimate college (if there are any these days).
Row Well and Live
I remember taking a 3 day “Total Quality Leadership” course that the Navy offered back in 1996/1997. This was a version of the three-day course that W Edwards Deming and his team developed to introduce American corporate management to a few concepts, among them is the idea of working smarter, efficiently, etc., rather than just working harder. Common sense is encouraged in this process… Folks know how far many common-sense initiatives go in the military. 😀
Deming however defined “quality” as conformance to process not actual accomplishment of a good result. Robert McNamara, likewise, was a efficiency expert who felt results took care of themselves. (That Deming was a Stalinism fanboy made Democrats keep him away from anything in gov’t except tge 1940 Census becuase they needed the help.)
I’ve read Demming’s books, he did not define quality as conformance to a process, but, rather, by how it met customer expectations. The customers defined quality, if the customer was not satisfied, neither quantity nor the predetermined quality, regardless of how they confirmed to a process or procedures/SOP, mattered.
Process entered the picture when it came to how best to meet customer expectations via efficient use of manpower, resources, and streamlined procedures.
Demming emphasized receiving customer feedback, and expanded customers to mean those in the process who depend on someone else in the process to complete their jobs. Demming gained traction in the US in the 1980s, as Japanese corporations were giving US corporations a run for their money… To the point that there were fears that the Japanese would not just beat us economically, but decimate us. I remember this clearly, following the news as it occurred (I’ve been a news junkie since the summer of 1982).
One of my doctoral courses covered Lean Six Sigma, which incorporated many of Demming’s principles, while expanding the statistical portion beyond what Deming and others covered in their books. The ultimate driving process was still the customer’s definition of quality.
The old “14 Points”.
Been a while
True, but it (TQM, at least) became all about the process and sold as how “liberating” it was for folk to just follow instructions exactly freed from the “tyranny of piecework” (i.e., results). Stuff could be followed exactly and still produce crap, especially if “right” hadn’t be defined properly by the customer. Plus, all the ISO-9000, kanban, etc., etc. bureaucracy came along for the ride.
After a dead-cat bounce where things were more priductive/profitable (getting organized always makes things better) implentation of TQM screws stuff faster than one can say “Soviet-style centralization” (and for the same reasons)… why it’s disappear from Biz textbooks or get only scant mention now. As long as $$$ and innovation get fed top-down, it work. Japan made it work… until the ’90s, when it finally screwed their economy.
P.S. Pardon, got yelled at about “process” by folk who then needed me to get sh*t (results) done they couldn’t fire out, so I’m a bit leery of TQ/process-anything.
There’s no substitute for making sure stuff’s not jacked-up at each stage/echelon. Unfortunately, people and not some gee-whiz “system” have to do it.
Your first sentence is an example of TQM. It is not about the process, but about incorporating quality into every stage of the process that meets the customer’s definition of what constitutes quality. The process, a streamlined one, is a tool, a means to an end, but not the centerpiece of what makes TQM what it is.
Here is an example. I used TQM/Lean Six Sigma in my own home. I mapped out one of the activities that I did. I saw where I was wasting time, and thus engaged in multiple activities that lengthened the time it took for me to do things and represented a lot of time and resource waste. I redesigned how I did things, rearranged things as necessary, and was able to not only cut the time I did the same activity, but do it better, with less movement.
Many organizations in the US are doing a more complex version of what I just did, and have been able to reduce work space, manhours, etc., needed to push out a better-quality product with lesser resources than before.
What you describe is a pre-TQM management culture. Under TQM, a process that does not produce quality results, based on customer definition, itself based on robust marketing research efforts, is shut down. Demming provided an example where an assembly line was underperforming, and was turning out poorly constructed products. Under the management method that you described, presumably based on your experiences, the workers were ordered to march on. However, when the organization utilized TQM, the assembly line was shut down and the problem fixed. Management took inputs from the workers, and took action based on what the employees said. This “blew” the workers’ minds, as they were used to being ignored and were instead told to make substandard products anyway.
As Deming pointed out, workers want to have pride in workmanship. Listening to them, taking their input, and providing them with what they need to provide a good quality product, is TQM.
Be leery of TQM all you want. The fact of the matter is that a growing number of organizations in the US and elsewhere have implemented TQM/Lean Six Sigma and have seen improved, sustained, results.
Ah, ISO9000 and relations – for a while, EVERYONE wanted 9001 but failed to mention that it didn’t guarantee quality, just that if you made crap product, you documented said crap product.
Believe in his defense it was Deming (a god to quality engineers) who said one golden truth: You can’t inspect in quality.
No “buts.” TQM was not about the process. The process was a means to an end. Driving the process, per both TQM and Lean Sig Sigma, is customer defined quality. What you mention, the process, following things exactly, and “right” not being defined by the customer, defined Western management style prior to TQM. Both TQM and Lean Six Sigma constantly obtain customer opinion/feedback.
If you’ve read Demming’s books, you’d see that he talks about the very thing that you mention. The Bureaucracy, the process, and the other things that you mention is the old way of doing things bleeding though… People wanting to see things through this prism, and thus force TQM to fit this prism rather than adjust the entire thing to a completely new concept. The dead-cat bounce, and what you describe as TQM implementation, describe how the old way of thinking poisons TQM implementation.
Corporations in the US and elsewhere who successfully implemented TQM did so by being willing to purge the old way of thinking. These organizations exist, and they’ve done a lot better than before by implementing TQM/Lean Six Sigma.
Also, you’re incorrect about TQM disappearing from business textbooks. I’m currently working on getting a Doctorate in Business Administration degree, at the beginning of the research phase of the program, both TQM and Lean Six Sigma still exist in business textbooks.
As for Japan, they did not abandon TQM/Lean Six Sigma. An event happened in the 1990s that threw a monkey wrench in their “Just in Time” (JIC) strategy. This did not throw their TQM/Lean Six Sigma out of the window, instead they and their counterparts overseas evolved these concepts. If you’ve flown over Japan, and been to their cities, you’d see the outward results of their implementing TQM/Lean Six Sigma.
Once knew a guy who would constantly boast that he was a “black belt” in Lean Six Sigma. We always told him to go f*ck himself.
(It’s not a glitch, it’s a feature.)
At the Navy command where I was at when I attended an introductory Lean Six Sigma class, we had a guy who did something similar, but kept repeating “Lean Six Sigma.” The system works, so having these advanced certifications help them out professionally. However, bragging about being a Lean Six Sigma black belt does not help the bragger when those he/she is trying to talk to don’t understand or care for Lean Six Sigma.
Sigma Six, lol. They tried to implement that shit on the production floor at a factory I worked at. We went through the death by power point, then had a quiz on it, then everyone promptly forgot about it.
The same thing happened with TQM at many organizations. It’s not always easy to implement something completely novel, especially when those vested in the older management methods feel that they have a lot to lose in this process. They either try to fit TQM/Lean Six Sixma into their worldview, or they just let it “die.”
Both TQM and Lean Six Sigma shifts emphasis from management to both management and employee. The employees are given more of a say in the process, as they’re the ones that work the process. The needs of the customers, from the one served by the organization, to everyone up/down the production process, are emphasized.
For many who had to “claw” their way to the top, or into their positions, this is some sort of challenge. However, the workers themselves could sabotage the implementation, as they like management can be resistant to change.
The roll out is supposed to start with a basic overview. Those who are interested in the process receive more specific training and receive higher level of certification. Lean Six Sigma/TQM did not resonate with every organizations. But for those organizations that took it seriously, it paid dividends in the short and long term.
Yeah, I took the same or similar around the 1994/95 time frame. TQL/TQM was bullshit then, too.
It’s bullshit to those who were forced to do it, who did not understand it, etc. However, to those who understood it, it wasn’t BS. The galley at the base where I took the 3 day course at used TQL, the improvement was phenomenal. They went from a traditional Navy galley set up to what you would expect of a restaurant, to include different stations that offered different menu styles. This was in the 1990s, before I saw this same concept used across multiple bases.
Where it was used, it provided results. A lot more than the three days is needed to truly understand TQM, or Lean Six Sigma. I’ve seen peer reviewed academic literature addressing one or both, and the recognizable improvements they made possible to those that implemented them. What was TQM is basically being incorporated into Lean Six Sigma. The latter is evolving and still providing results.
This is what happens when the Military steers out of apolitical territory. It effects everything else, including recruitment and retention.
No amount of additional Saturdays are going to fix that.
Fortunately or Unfortunately my only two shore tours were in recruiting duty. IT IS A VERY STRESSFUL tour – Career Recruiters grind fleet sailors to make mission – micromanaged to the umpteenth detail. extending the work week will do nothing to improve goal attainment. I have no idea what it is like today being retired 15 years. The biggest misconception of recruiting is that it is called shore duty. Sailors in their minds see that is a relaxing break from arduous sea duty with dreams of going to college while working or pursuing their hobbies. Even in 1992-96 it was an 80 hour week, nothing had changed in 2003 in the second tour. Yes I was lucky and somewhat successful at recruiting – meritoriously promoted on first tour then picking up Senior Chief on second tour. Today I see ZERO interest in the youth of America to serve anything other than themselves. Along with the WOKE agendas being shoved down everyone’s throats, as others have stated – nothing more than suicides going up and another reason for sailors to leave the service at first given chance.
It won’t fix the recruiting deficit but it’ll damn sure fire another torpedo at retention.
When do we start seeing modern day “press gangs” in our cites?
That’s doomed to failure. Trust me, you wouldn’t want ANYONE pressed into service from places like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, etc. It’s why I don’t want the draft brought back.
Oh yes… I remember seeing a bunch of gang bangers coming in the services in the 80’s and 90’s getting experience with weapons and tactics… and taking that wealth of knowledge back to their friends. NO body though that it was a problem until some military weapons that were missing from one of the SoCal bases showed up at a gang related crime scene..
There there was the time I was at Great Lakes and the feds showed up at Hospital Corps School to arrest a student – he was involved in a gang shooting in my hometown three years earlier and joined the Navy hoping that it would be cover for him.
Fun days…
Is Rope yarn Sunday still in the Navy
Back online after bringing in PC for a genuineLexar solid state drive. Just got it back earlier today
Who wouldn’t want to ‘serve’ this ‘government’?
Me in 1974: E5 Infantryman with just under 3.5 years service on initial enlistment and stationed in Berlin when I came down on orders for Recruiting. Extended a year to allow for PCS and later reenlisted. Spent 4 years in the far western Chicago suburbs working my area of 4 rural high schools. We worked 6 days a week. We also had a lot of walk-in traffic so making mission and sharing with my 3 co-workers each month wasn’t a struggle to make and exceed mission.
Then did 2 years at the Chicago Military Enlistment Processing Station as a Guidance Counselor, listening to applicants needs, wants and desires, locking in schools and in some cases bonuses and follow on assignments and closing the sale.
After 6 years recruiting I came down on orders for Retention NCO school and assignment to 3d Infantry Division in Germany followed by 6 years with 10th Mtn when it started up at Drum, followed by 2ID in Korea, 7th ID at Ord till it closed down then I Corps at Ft Lewis, retiring at 24 years service.
The only odd thing I experienced in recruiting was when our Battalion had an annual meeting/award ceremony over a weekend for everybody at a hotel down state in Champaign/Urbana. I was in my hotel room watching TV and I heard a guy shouting next door “Whip Me! Beat Me! Make Me Feel CHEAP!”. Next morning as I was leaving, the Bn Commander was exiting that room next door.
Only odd thing? Well, that odd thing would top most other people’s odd thing stories. That is unless you were in that Puppy Play Colonel’s unit…🤣
I just happened to show up when the whole fiasco with Tony Watson went down back around 1996.
Lots of heads rolled on that one, not just his. My first CR was one of them.
Ah, good times.
How long before the Navy will have retention problems among recruiters? Who will recruit the recruiters?
Unless you’re a soul-sucking CRFer, bag toting recruiting is always running for the door.
I know I did.
Does this mean my son might actually get some answers from one? Sorry, the few I’ve delt with -with him say this is needed. Then again they already don’t seem to really give a shit now this is one more day they won’t reply to an email/text or phone call.
Navy Recruiting Command is temporarily extending recruiters’ work week to six days to address recruiting shortages,
And nothing will last so long as a ‘temporary extension’.
I see a LOT of good petty officers updating their resumes and getting the hell outta Dodge. And the USN will blame them, not they situation they put them in.
Sort of like going out on a 6 month cruise. Any of our Shipmates here ever go on a 6 month cruise that only lasted 6 months? Didn’t think so.
When I returned from RVN I spent my last year at Ft. Benning. I have avowed for over half a century now that had I known what Benning was like I would have extended my RVN tour. Occasionally I wax nostalgic about my time in the military—then, like gas, it passes.
Hack’s time at the port in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield was more pleasant than being on Recruiting Duty.
And now my favorite article of the day where the American Psychiatric Institute suggests the military should recruit pharmacy dependent mentally ill subjects into the the military.
Because… I mean what the fuck could wrong? I mean other than everything…
Why (Almost) No One Wants to Join the U.S. Army (
“According to the American Psychiatric Association, for example, 55–65 percent of diagnosed children and adolescents respond well to initial treatment with antidepressant medication. The U.S. military has long allowed those in uniform to continue serving while taking such medications — but it inexplicably continues to bar people on those medications from joining the force. The U.S. military should not reject otherwise qualified applicants from serving based on outdated stereotypes of mental health treatments.”
Hack Stone did a short tour Recruiting in the Midwest. Hack figured since he was in the grain belt of patriotic American farmers, kids would be lining up, and have no baggage such as criminal records or past drug abuse. WRONG! About 60% couldn’t meet the minimum standards for the ASVAB, quite a few had some time in “state sponsored high schools”, and the kids who were mentally and morally fit had limbs torn off by farming equipment.
As to (see what Hack did there?) the Command Climate, the SNCOIC of our office was the biggest dick who ever wore a Marine Corps uniform. Hack Stone tells people that if had a firearm while on Recruiting Duty, he would have killed that asshole, and that is not hyperbole. Eventually all of his shady shit caught the attention of the higher ups in the Recruiting District, and his career ended at about the -5 year mark. A few weeks ago Hack was able to locate him on line, it appears that he has a problem obeying restraining orders, so he got to spend Christmas 2022 behind bars. Revenge is an MRE best served cold.
And I thought recruiting sucked under Clinton.
“Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck things up.” – B. Hussein 0bama