Post predicts nutballs at today’s rally

| September 12, 2009

Yeah, the Washington Post finally noticed the thousands of folks decending on Washington today.


So I suppose the Post will be searching for the one swastika sign that slips through. The emailed instructions I got told me not to bring any Nazi imagery. That’ll probably break the Post’s tiny, shrivelled heart.

From what I’ve seen so far, these folks all had their inspiration from the Gathering of Eagles rally which came to town in 2007 to protect the Vietnam Wall from vandalism.

Well, I’m headed out for the rally – if you’re there, you’ll see me tooling around on my bicycle so I can be every where at once. I’ll also have my laptop with me, so stay tuned for video and pictures straight from the rally. See ya there!

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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Dear Mark,
Your obvious disdain for the “little people” is noted. We saw it during the campaign as well, which might explain why the GOP base was more excited about a REAL conservative like Sarah Palin than they ever would have been about Juan McAmnesty. Trust me, I voted for Palin, holding my nose knowing McCain was on the same ticket. So for you to lump those who march today as a bunch of “freaks” and “right-wing nutballs” speaks more to the entrenched mentality within the Beltway than anything else–and THAT, dear sir, is why we’re so pissed off at the whole lot of ya. Painting with that broad brush as you do only shows how out of touch you really are with those you claim to represent.


Great Jonn. Do keep us updated when you can. I think you hit the nail on the head about the original GoE sparking pushback. We’ve had enough of the liberal communist traitors who have been allowed to run rmapant without opposition for so long. Those bastards are going to get a good dose of their own medicine shoved down their throats today. The MSM will not cover it but the vast majority will find out through the networks of emails, blogs and FNC. God Bless America!


Just shared my morning work commute with a train full of folks ready for the tea-party – no Nazi symbols in the entire 6-car train, very strange…


Of course what is priceless is that the only way the fringe nutballs will have any impact is if the folks at places like the Post magnify their presence all out of proportion w/ the vast majority of sane people.


McCain sure picked some strange bedfellows. McKinnon cost him millions of votes and now that he (McKinnon) is a known loser he became the typical D.C. elite, aka known as a whiner. That is whiner, not winner. Anyone notice that when the public figures out politicians are losers the losers start blaming everyone but themselves. President O’Dumbo’s last presentation is a prime example. I call it a presentation instead of a speach because ‘dear leader’ is a good reader but a PP speach maker. Holy’wood has proven most good readers are also losers.