The Tea Party Rally in DC

| September 12, 2009

I’ll start off with an apology. I couldn’t get on the internet to save my life at the rally today. The only thing I can figure is that there were so many cell phones, I kept getting bumped off. I spent more time trying to get online than I did taking pictures.

I’m not even going to guess how many people were there – I’ll leave that to the experts, but according to concretebob, the Park Service made them start the march an hour and a half early because there were too many people in Freedom Plaza. Two hours later, the police ended the march and several thousand more people streamed in on the sidewalks.

You tell me how many were there;

Here’s the video I took from Freedom Plaza to the Capital of the march route at about 10:30. I took it from my bicycle so you might hear me cuss a bit when folks wouldn’t get out of my way. I haven’t seen it yet, so I don’t know how it turned out;

And some photos;

DC Tea Party1 030

DC Tea Party1 029

DC Tea Party1 027

This is my favorite sign;

DC Tea Party1 034

From the West Lawn of the Capitol looking back west;

DC Tea Party1 016

DC Tea Party1 017

It was MILF City;

DC Tea Party1 009

DC Tea Party1 008

DC Tea Party1 039

The LaRouche crowd was there, too, so if the media tells you there was nazi imagery, you know where it came from. LaRouche is a perennial Democrat presidential candidate.

DC Tea Party1 038

I caught Uncle Jimbo doing a “Free Fly” on Pennsylvania Avenue.

DC Tea Party1 035

The cops were pretty bored. I guess they were more of a tourist attraction than keepers of law and order today;

DC Tea Party1 032

As always, more pictures are at my Flickr Photostream.

In conclusion, this is the most people I’ve ever seen in DC. The biggest crowd I ever saw was for Ronald Reagan’s funeral. They estimated the crowd at 800,000 then – this one was way bigger. I heard estimates of a million and a half people – but like I said, I won’t make a guess. I do know it’s bigger than any ANSWER rally – so if we use ANSWER math, I figure there were about 50,000,000 people.

And a shout out to Tankerbabe, Uncle Jimbo, DefendUSA (and the cutest kids in the world), Yankeemom and concretebob for keeping me company.

Category: Protests/Rallies

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Ringo the Gringo


Casey J Porter

Who shot that video? I give free lessons. lol

Ringo the Gringo

From today’s WSJ:

“Some marchers praised the outburst of South Carolina Republican Rep Joe Wilson, who shouted “You Lie!” at Mr. Obama during the president’s Wednesday night health-care address to Congress. One held a sign saying: “Joe Wilson Speaks for Me.” Others held signs showing Mr. Obama as Adolf Hitler.”

I have to ask; were the LaRouchies the only ones you saw carrying Hitler imagery?…If so, then the Wall Street Journal is being terribly dishonest.

And never once did I see any paper ever say a word about all of the Hitler imagery at anti-war demonstrations.

Casey J Porter

Actually, yes, I can. 😉

Casey J Porter

Here you go:


I use their stuff when I film. Also using that gear
for my new film American Legend.


Thanks for the flicks, brother.

Planet Moron

I’d also planned to “live blog” from the event but I could barely get a couple tweets out over the course of a few hours! I was just going to blame crappy AT&T service but even my Verizon phone was useless. I’d attended a couple of the big anti-war protests for the blog, and never had that happen.

Great pics, you really captured the day. It was an incredibly civil, well-ordered crowd, particularly considering the numbers.


Good job Jonn. The video gives very good perspective of the huge size of the crowd. And it’s noteworthy to mention that there were no smelly hippies panhandling with five gallon buckets for the ANSWER communist. Bet there won’t be preprinted Answer signs littering the area afterwards either like so many of their paid protest.

Rory Richardson

Ditto on the phone situation. Just a few tweets and Facebook updates.

Marooned in Marin

Jonn: Great job! Were you at the front of the Capitol? I ended up on the right side of the building.

Marooned in Marin

Planet Moron: I was going to try a blog post from my LG iphone imitation, but I couldn’t get service either.

Marooned in Marin

Thankfully, I missed seeing the LaRouchers.

Planet Moron

Well, instead of the little “E” for Edge (I’ve got an old-school 2G iPhone) I got a little “o” which I’d never seen before but assumed was “bad.” I was right. 😉


Good stuff, Jonn…sometimes I think I’ll never get back up to DC. Hate I missed this one.


That was wonderful! You may have discovered a new art form! Thanks for it.


[…] The Tea Party Rally in DC […]


Did the LaRouche people start talking about how Thomas Jefferson was a secret British agent? Those guys are always a hoot after 4 beers. Thanks for the pics, Jonn, pretty good considering conservatives kind of suck at public demonstrations.


[…] The Tea Party Rally in DC […]


What a day, I’m sorry to have missed you, Jonn.