Barbecue and Patriotism at Walter Reed

| September 11, 2009

Tea Party WRAMC 020

Just got back from a day at Walter Reed and thought I’d share some of it with you.

First, we ate courtesy of the organizational skills of Concretebob and his crew;

DC Tea Party WRAMC 002

Tea Party WRAMC 001

Tea Party WRAMC 007

Tea Party WRAMC 005

Then it was off to the front gate where the action was, courtesy of the DC Chapter of Free Republic who has standing at Walter Reed to welcome the wounded soldiers home for 230 consecutive weekends, rain, shine, heat and cold. They were gratified with the huge turn out tonight;

Tea Party WRAMC 045

Tea Party WRAMC 041

Tea Party WRAMC 038

Tea Party WRAMC 027

Of course the other side was there, too, in pitiful numbers;

Tea Party WRAMC 029

There were a pair of matching trucks with a huge sign in the bed that we all signed;

Tea Party WRAMC 010

Tea Party WRAMC 009

Did I mention that at This Ain’t Hell we love dogs?

Tea Party WRAMC 036

If the turn out tonight is any indication of what tomorrow is going to be like, the news media is going to be real sorry that they didn’t cover it. This was the largest crowd I’ve ever seen at Walter Reed on Friday night – and I left when I was losing light and folks were still arriving.

Video Added;

There are more pictures, as always, at my Flickr Photostream.

1stCavRVN11B sends a link to the live streaming photos from Walter Reed.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Code Pink, Gathering of Eagles, Protests/Rallies, Support the troops

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Great pictures of our troops and the people supporting them….
The few ass clowns protesting, no doubt Obama supporters and probably members of ACORN…


Great turnout and patriot support. Thanks for the video and photos. Thanks to all. Always makes me proud to be American.


I read that there could be a million people there tomorrow. Is there any chance of that happening?

2nd amendment mama

Thanks for sharing your great photos and video. I got a 1st hand report from basil.


Huh…and not a “right-wing nutjob” or swastika in sight. Bite me, Democrats and MSM.

Army Sergeant

Are you guys seriously taking pride in protesting with large signs about health care plans and talking about “what soldiers did or didn’t fight for” in front of Walter Reed after you have castigated others for doing the exact same thing?


Are you seriously questioning anyone on anything when you are an active duty soldier giving aid and comfort to the enemy?


My son spent several months at Walter Reed and my wife and I spent several weeks with him. Our time at Walter Reed changed our lives forever. We spent a lot of time with our wounded warriors during the day and night on the patio behind the Mologne House and it was wonderful. Thanks to all you guys who help out at Walter Reed and spend time with these great men and women.

Kenny B.

My son spent several months at Walter Reed and my wife and I spent several weeks with him. Our time at Walter Reed changed our lives forever. We spent a lot of time with our wounded warriors during the day and night on the patio behind the Mologne House and it was wonderful. Thanks to all you guys who help out at Walter Reed and spend time with these great men and women.

Army Sergeant


Oh, okay. I thought that the trucks were parked in front and were part of the rally. It was hard to tell from the pictures/explanation. I withdraw my statement.


Don’t know how I missed seeing you…Great photos!!!

and AS, really? I was about to hand you your ass, but I see you stand corrected.


Hey Jonn- I just reviewed my videos and those two dogs wore signs to the rally…one said ‘Don’t tax me Bro and the other had an ‘I bite liberals” on…awesome!!


[…] buddy Jonn from This Aint Hell has an excellent report with pictures and video from the daytime […]


Great report Jonn!
We didn’t get there until dark but we got some pics and video in my report:

Sorry I missed you!


Thanks for everything you do Jonn. Made me proud to stand with all of you again to show our Wounded Warriors some love.

To Army Sgt: I thought you crawled back under your rock last year….what’s wrong, did you run out of like-minded friends?
Well, you ain’t gonna find any here. Get lost for good this time…you and your kind will be remembered as nothing more than a bad joke. You’re history. Get use to it.


[…] Barbecue and Patriotism at Walter Reed […]